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  1. I loved George W. Bush as a candidate.....
  2. Tea Party as a political party?
  3. WSJ: GOP Bid to Reclaim Senate Fuels Fight for Party's Soul
  4. What was your reaction to Ron Paul the first time?
  5. Infowars Journalist Arrested, Held for Asking Karl Rove a Question
  6. Is this part of a Neo-Con plot?
  7. Anderson Cooper: Militias, Oath Keepers, Bob Schulz, SPLC, Brave New Books
  8. POLL: Are you optimistic or pessimistic about our political future?
  9. Hostettler doing well
  10. Eligibility challenger (Lt. Col.) to go public today
  11. Ron Paul challenges GOP’s foreign policy agenda
  12. The Illusion of a "Standard" of Life
  13. Populism, Left and Right-Why the establishment hates it (Justin Raimondo)
  14. 4/20/10 - Ron Paul to appear on Imus in the Morning
  15. Hostettler needs a little bump to put egg on the faces of liberals!
  16. Goldman Sachs Reaps $6B After $1M Contribution to Obama
  17. New speed cameras trap motorists from SPACE. - UK Telegraph
  18. Hispanic Dem to Obama: Push Immigration or I’ll tell Latino voters to stay home
  19. “Is white the new black?” by Pat Buchanan
  20. Ron Paul: The SEC is a Total Failure and Part of the Problem
  21. Pat Buchanan: New Tribe Rising?
  22. Welcome to Oaksterdam! The Epicenter of the Marijuana Legalization Movement
  23. Ron Paul 2012 begins here...
  24. A Ron Paul Moment including our own Matt Collins quoted in an article
  25. The extreme lewft is afraid of an "honest, charismatic figure"
  26. US government [GAO] finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus
  27. The extreme left is afraid of an "honest, charismatic figure"
  28. USWGO Founder Brian Hill interviews Dale Robertson
  29. The Motive
  30. Smells Like Ron Paul Spirit (Jack Hunter / Southern Avenger)
  31. Obama Care Class Action Lawsuit - 10th Amendment Restoration for Ron?
  32. Does being American make you stupid?
  33. Leftist SPLC Publishes Patriot Hit List
  34. Bill Clinton: Blaming the Non-Violent Right for Violence
  35. Amazon.com Seeks to Block North Carolina Customer Data Request
  36. Hostettler Money Bomb - Who can help?
  37. Let's gets a poll done?!
  38. Iraqi government operating a torture prison in Baghdad.
  39. Look at the Libs Taking A look At Ron
  40. Paul & Napolitano = Good Strategy?
  41. FDA plans to limit amount of salt allowed in processed foods for health reasons
  42. Immigration reform could lead to biometric Social Security card
  43. UK Police: Let Us Sedate Suspects
  44. Looks like Glenn Beck is helping Stutzman
  45. Hostettler needs our support.
  46. The Liberty Movement: Unite or Die
  47. Catherine Bleish on CNN Talking About Patriot Movement!! (Aired 4/19)
  48. what's the biggest 501c3 liberty group?
  49. Have you gotten candidates to fill out CFL Candidate Survey?
  50. Millions Of Puerto Ricans Forced to Reapply for Birth Certificates
  51. James Madison Uni. Raided by Police, 900 Photographs Seized!
  52. $31,130 already pledged to 12/16 Ron Paul Money Bomb!
  53. UPDATE on school laptop webcam spying story
  54. Stutzman buys Drudge banner
  55. Fat Man Stares Down Teacher Cabal in New Jersey
  56. I propose that Ron Paul should grow facial hair
  57. Discrimination: The land of equal opportunity?
  58. Country with the Freest Market Also Has the Fastest Internet
  59. Supreme Court rejects animal cruelty law, upholds free speech
  60. End Insanity Of The War on Drugs—RON PAUL
  61. Arizona Legislature Passes Tough Illegal Immigration Bill
  62. Sherman (D): Dodd Bill Contains Unlimited Bailout Authority
  63. Ron Paul Tea Party Dec 16th 2010! JOIN NOW
  64. Amnesty for illegal immigrants to be next issue?
  65. McCain: Senate GOP will oppose immigration reform until borders secured
  66. Obama Calls Sen. Scott Brown About Immigration
  67. Obama's Police Shut Down the First Amendment (Video)
  68. Me discussing the Enemy Belligerent Act with a representative of my Senator Roger Wic
  69. I just don't get this kind of thinking...
  70. Unabomber's writings raise uneasy ethical questions for Stanford scholar
  71. REMINDER: The book "Marijuana Is Safer" is avaliable for a free download today only.
  72. Official!! Freedom Watch to the T.V. (Fox Buisness)
  73. Online poll: vote Hostettler
  74. A Taste of Things to Come?
  75. Police Kills Two, Gets Probation!
  76. Question regarding contacting your reps
  77. Facebooks Yanks Wikileaks
  78. Ron Paul posted 4/20 - Start With Decriminalizing Marijuana at The Federal Level
  79. Deddinition of a libertarian
  80. Ron Paul challenges GOP’s foreign policy agenda
  81. Head of sex-crimes unit charged in Pa. sex assault
  82. Bill Hunt Calls For "Constitutional Revolution" in DC!
  83. Ron Paul on Fox Business With Don Imus 04/20/10
  84. Politico: Libertarians lead Independent shift from Obama
  85. Vacationing a human right, EU chief says
  86. 75% of 17-24 year olds do not qualify for the military
  87. John McCain: Illegal Immigrants 'Intentionally Causing Accidents On The Freeway'
  89. All the President's Goldman Sachs Men
  90. Science Takes New Look At Psychedelics, good info
  91. Read this. Get angry. Donate April 22.
  92. NFL SHAME: Race factors into evaluation of Draft Pick
  93. The Effects of Public Policy on Private Activity
  94. The image microsoft doesn't want you to see
  95. Why I cutoff the RNC: Both national party committees spend big chunks on wine/dining
  96. Why you shouldn't give money to RNC or DNC
  97. Sen. DeMint on C-SPAN just now deriding Finacial reform bill for govt. expansions...
  98. Thank You, Texas
  99. Tax Man Cometh (RNC Video)
  100. **IMPORTANT** John Hostettler Moneybomb on Thursday, April 22nd - RSVP on Facebook!
  101. Let's get Schiff's coming book on NYT bestseller list
  102. How would a libertarian society deal with the American Disablites Act?
  103. Tea Partiers get kicked out of their own rally! Watch the video here!
  104. Oil rig explosion off Louisiana
  105. Students For Liberty - Awesome to see
  106. Your chance to rate the president
  107. Hello from Marketing Maximum
  108. Can anyone help me with the correct name for the "right people" fallacy in gov't?
  109. France to ban full Islamic veil from public spaces
  110. Why the Left Needs Racism (Wall Street Journal
  111. When False Flags Don't Fly
  112. Jim DeMint (R-SC) Explains the Driving Force Behind the Tea Party: Theocracy
  113. Market-Ticker: A Sober Warning to the GOP - and the Democrats
  114. Understanding terrorism is necessary to prevent it (by Jack Hunter):
  115. How Much Does Afghanistan Surge Cost You?
  116. Just got a reason to cut my employees pay
  117. Economic apocalypse... what if nothing had been done?
  118. Is localization, voluntaryism, and tribalism really the solution?
  119. Why do you not trust the government of the United States?
  120. Army considers rescinding invitation to evangelist (Franklin Graham)
  121. Interview with the soldier carrying the girl in the wikileaks video
  122. PA-6 Liberty Candidate
  123. Why don't we pay for the education of children in China?
  124. the state of kentucky takes a naked picture of my wIfe
  125. Just watched Invisible Empire: New World Order Defined
  126. Arizona to Obama: Birth Cert in 2012 to get on ballot
  127. Exposing The SPLC - Very Interesting Info..
  128. awesome lysander spooner quotes
  129. Ron Paul poll in N.H.
  130. Judge Nap's Freedom Watch moving to TV!
  131. What do Your IRS TAXES Really PAY???
  132. Thursday, 4/29/10, D.C.: TeachIn: What Congress Must Do ToEnd MiddleEastern U.S. Wars
  133. [VIDEO] ~ Discussion on Arizona Bill that will have cops check ID for legal status...
  134. Was the Oklahoma City Bombing blowback?
  135. Fox News Go F__K Yourselves, Singing
  136. Geico voice actor fired for insulting Tea Party members
  137. Gary North (4-21-10) - Double-Dip Recession, Shot Federal Wad
  138. ***April 22 - Hostettler Money Bomb Thread****
  139. Lt. Col. Terry lakin: The selfless courage of an american hero
  140. Kick-Ass, a Libertarian movie?
  141. Another online Hostettler poll
  142. Ron initially polling at 8-10% is better than 30% and then epic fail like Rudy
  143. Tea party script if you get interviewed on TV
  144. Chased, shot and killed by off duty cop for "ding dong ditch"
  145. Did Obama heckler shout "RON PAUL!" ???
  146. Yahoo news: Obama suggests value-added tax may be an option
  147. Georgia confirms highly enriched uranium seizure
  148. Email Bomb to get Gunny on Freedom Watch!
  149. South Park getting Muslim threats.
  150. What will you be bootlegging when Obama's Vat comes?
  151. Clever Way of Harnasing everyones Efforts
  152. Tom Tancredo says we should send Obama back to Kenya
  153. Dems put Immigration Ahead of Energy Bill as Hispanics Grow Frustrated
  154. Dear politicians: Once you've lost We, the People's trust, it's game over.
  155. Can We Boost Peter Schiff´s Campaign ? http://maydaymoneybomb.com/
  156. Another Death Threat Over a Cartoon
  157. NAZIs Show Up in the Strangest Places
  158. [Article] - "Schools urge parents not to take kids to work"
  159. Jordan Page on FoxNews.com's Strategy Room at 11am
  160. fat america: a good side
  161. psychedelic drugs not just for hippies anymore
  162. Congress To Consider Authorizing Tactical Nukes On Icelandic Volcano
  163. Speeding Tickets Now Coming From Outer Space
  164. Jim DeMint's bad side: DeMint shows us he's uninterested in a humble foreign policy
  165. 4/22/10 11:30EST - Ron Paul appeared on The Mike Church Show
  166. Making a Disaster National: Massachusetts' Romney-care v. Obama-care
  167. Ron Paul 2012 quote
  168. Can we please focus on Peter Schiff's May 1 money bomb after today?
  169. Ultra left wing Liberal Democrats gaining in UK election
  170. Has anybody seen that Tea Party movie?
  171. Massive government corruption hidden by focus on Goldman-Sachs
  172. RP on Hardball tonight!!!!
  173. New Anti-Incumbent Song: I'm Voting Out Incumbents
  174. Chicago Teacher: "Give US the BUCKS!" at SEIU/AFSCME/
  175. Dick Cheney Endorses Marco Rubio
  176. Hawaii to pass law which would ignore BO birth certificate requests
  177. US Expatriates Turn In Passports To Avoid US Taxes
  178. White House Slams Arizona Over Birther Legislation
  179. Michael Steele: African-Americans 'Don't Have A Reason' To Vote Republican
  180. Hostettler email to forum members?
  181. Earth Day Predictions, 1970. Bwaaaahahahahahh!!!
  182. Leadville Liberty Project, Please Join
  183. Does the Internet embodies populist politics?
  184. VIDEO: The Rise of Bill Hunt May Day Money Bomb!
  185. Ron Paul Supporter Sues DHS After Arrest for Filming Courthouse Protest
  186. Continued Human Rights' Violations in China — Where's Michael Moore?
  187. Eminent Domain to seize a dog-grooming salon to build hotel conference center
  188. Does the Treasury department print the money?
  189. unintended consequences of foreign aid to Haiti
  190. Cannabis capital frets over pot vote: Northern Cali. enclave fears competition
  191. Quick Favor needed re: JFK, MLK, RP video
  192. Judge Nap's Freedom Watch on Fox Business - Expected Air Date - May 22nd
  193. Response to ADL Threat - Defamation: True Stories
  194. Amanpour attacked because she's Iranian
  195. Corker's staff on video today belittling YouTube videos!
  196. Offshore oil rig in Gulf of Mexico is leaking at a rate of 8K barrels per day
  197. A congressman who can knock you the **** out!
  198. Utah GOP taken over by Tea Parties!
  199. Amish farmer Dan Allgyer account of the FDA raid of his farm
  200. VIDEO : Ron Paul on Hardball with Chris Mathews April 22 2010
  201. How the Government destorys real democracy
  202. A deaf child rebels at wearing her cochlear implant
  203. Karl Rove on Obama reelection..
  204. Hostettler Debate Recap!
  205. only 11 in Congress VoteAgainst IranSanctions: 2 were RonPaul & DennisKucinich
  206. Good 912 meeting
  207. Obama and Wall Street
  208. What Police State Legislation Looks Like
  209. "Conservatism in Exhile"-Southern Avenger
  210. Thomas DiLorenzo: In Defense of Sedition
  211. Another Record Liberty Ticker
  212. Facebook bomb for Ron Paul
  213. IMF’s Global Taxes Can Only Be Enforced Through Global Government
  214. The drugs I need
  215. Deadly New Fungus Emerging in Oregon Expected to Spread
  216. Ron Paul Supporter sues DHS after arrest for filming courthouse protest
  217. Sen. Reid's immigration push vital to his reelection hopes
  218. Howard Stern & Penn Jillette Vote Ron Paul 2012
  219. Florida's Crist Would Start in Second Place if He Runs as an Independent
  220. Ban Non-Taxpayers From Voting by Walter Williams
  221. Noam Chomsky: Is Capitalism Making Life Better?
  222. John S. McCain, Will You Please Go Now?
  223. Hey RPF, we spent over 4 hours putting out a fire in Nepal where I live (Video)
  224. Blago Moves to Subpoena Obama
  225. Associated Press Distorts Lawmakers Views On Militia | Randy Brogdon, Charles Key
  226. Please Comment on BJ Lawson's Opponent's Videos - He's Trashing Liberty!
  227. While economy crumbled, top financial watchdogs at SEC surfed for porn on Internet
  228. Pat Buchanan: "Rising China, Falling America"
  229. Moving to Ohio
  230. CNN Opinion: Global Warming is the cause of these earthquakes and volcano eruptions
  231. Deaf father forces child to be deaf... (surgery) From my ASL class...
  232. Skeletons Inside the Democratic Party Closet
  233. Obama slams Arizona immigration bill
  234. Downsize DC may soon be in trouble
  235. Glenn Beck Exposes Bertha Lewis & ACORN When Mainstream Media Won't
  236. Two good antiwar radio interviews today
  237. UK General Election
  238. Janet Reno threatened Clinton if not re-appointed (Waco)
  239. John Hostettler Debates His Opponents On C-SPAN Tonight at 9 PM ET
  240. Federal Air Marshal Charged With Raping Woman at Gunpoint in Airport Hotel
  241. What's everyone's thoughts on what Wellpoint is doing?
  242. Newt Gingrich: Tea Party Will Become “Militant” Faction of Republican Party
  243. Email from my Congressman about HR 4995
  244. [VIDEO] Stossel - Lies, Myths and Stupidity 4/22/10 (with Michael Medved)
  245. GM paid back the bailout money with $ received from a SECOND bailout
  246. [VIDEO] Judge Napolitano on FOX News - Obama's Private Army 4/23/10
  247. Arizona Gov. Signs Controversial Immigration Bill: Decision Not 'Made Lightly
  248. Spreading Libertarian Propaganda on Facebook :D
  249. Fla. GOP Requires 'Party Loyalty Oath' To Deny Support 4 Crist Independent Senate Run
  250. Google Mapping Home Wireless Networks With Street View Car