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  1. The humanitarian in theory is the terrorist in action
  2. Ron Paul on TIME Top 100 List
  3. Pet shop owner fined £1,000 and told to wear an electronic tag for selling a GOLDFISH
  4. Jim Lahey On Politics
  5. Live Free or Drown: Floating Utopias on the Cheap
  6. The Fed Admits To Breaking The Law
  7. Steve Dore - We Are Not Gonna Take Anymore
  8. Florida doctor's sign warns away Obama supporters
  9. Did Ron Paul break his term limits pledge?
  10. Oath Keepers smeared.
  11. US Governors receive "resignation demands" from "extremists"
  12. Florida Republican Party IMPLODING!! (corruption, scandals, etc)
  13. ESPN's Erin Andrews getting death threats
  14. Obama's Approval Rating Hits New Low
  15. Lawmaker Releases Report Claiming ACORN Operates Under Different Names
  16. Illinois Gun Owners say law lets them tote guns in fanny packs
  17. New Hampshire's Theme Song
  18. Census advertising on Facebook (I marked it as "misleading")
  19. Was there a time when MOST Americans were Liberty-Minded?
  20. Soetoro Approval Rating Hits New Low
  21. Jeffersonian Conservatism Versus the Neocons
  22. LibertyIsNow.com Newsletter 3
  23. Get your Peter Schiff post cards today!
  24. Most chinese products.... robbing us
  25. Mike Rivero - First hand account of COINTELPRO
  26. FFF: Why Do Conservatives Still Love the Drug War?
  27. Aldous Huxley on Scientific Dictatorships
  28. It looks like there is still no one who is willing or able to excise the malignant ..
  29. The Hutaree COINTEL operation
  30. Domestic Army?
  31. President Obama Declares Himself "African-American"
  32. Damn It Feels Good To Be A Victim (victicrat video)
  33. Obama Delivers 17 Minute Answer to Woman Who is "Over-Taxed"
  34. Economics Mind Game
  35. Will you stand with the Constitution and America?
  36. TSA letter confirms body scanners can retain, export and transmit images
  37. 12 year old girl arrested for doodling on her desk, sues NYC
  38. Congressman Phil Hare doesn't care about the Constitution
  39. David Petraeus for President?
  40. Ron Paul supporter appeals to US Supreme Court regarding right to keep and bear arms!
  41. Neocon teens make me sad =(
  42. Doug Casey Prediction "Nation-state is a dead man walking"
  43. Ron Paul returns to Iowa
  44. Disgruntled Democrats join the Tea Party
  45. what's your political compass?
  46. Our candidates are getting lots of attention on C-SPAN this morn
  47. LiberTea Party poster 4-15-10 Texas Capitol
  48. CS Monitor: Fed in Hot Water Over Secret Bailouts
  49. Peter Schiff asks Gary Johnson about Drugs, Running for President + "Getting Whacked"
  50. Vote for Ron Paul in TIME Magazine
  51. US government announces changes to airport screening rules
  52. Billboards against Obama
  53. Tea Party Anger Reflects Mainstream Concerns -Juan Williams
  54. VOTE for RON -- Now - for the Championship
  55. In light of murder of Ariz rancher, McCain wants more Nat'l Guard troops on Border
  56. Alan Grayson: Doctor shooing away Obama backers will deny treatment to blacks
  57. Can anybody stop Ron Paul?
  58. Karl Rove: Tea Parties Should Beware of Conspiracy Types and Ron Paul
  59. Robert Ringer on Dictatorship
  60. Michael Steele: Affirmative action hire gone bad
  61. World Wide effort to implement biometric IDs
  62. Mike Huckabee and Ken Hoagland mislead audience about H.R.25, an alleged fairtax!
  63. Time 100 Results
  64. Republicans Fear Undercounting in Census
  65. Greenspan: Financial Crisis Doesn’t Indict Ayn Rand Theories
  66. Any video from when Alex Jones ran for Congress?
  67. World War II
  68. Constitutional Sheriff Bruning makes the August Ballot in Colorado
  69. The Red Balloon
  70. ABC, CBS Evening News Continue To Hemorrhage Viewers
  71. Scott Horton destroys neocon in a debate on terrorism
  72. MSM busted: 40% of Tea Partiers are Dems and Independents
  73. Video from second candidates forum
  74. The GOP Is To Be Condemned for its Treatment of Ron Paul
  75. New strategy unveiled to force Obama on eligibility
  76. Amnesty: National consensus 'doesn't exist anymore'
  77. Ron Paul Returns to Iowa May 14-16
  78. "Militia" Used as Manipulation | Tenth Amendment Center
  79. Justin Raimondo Nails Rachel Maddow
  80. Could Obama get a Democrat challenge to re-election ?
  81. Hirohito - Japan
  82. good website to search for land?
  83. Tea Party leads Obama in 2012 Poll
  84. Drilling: worth the risk?
  85. Gary Johnson and Peter Schiff lovefest
  86. Late Night Jokes
  87. Michael Steele Plays the Race Card
  88. Ron Paul: Government and Gasoline
  89. The Inhumanity of War by Doug Bandow
  90. Obama gives key agriculture post to Monsanto man...
  91. [VIDEO] ~ "WikiLeaks releases secret video of journalists, civilians killed by U.S."
  92. Limbaugh gives Grayson a free plug
  93. Giuliani Endorses Marco Rubio in Fla Senate Race
  94. SPLC: Tolerance Mafia-Who watches the hate watchers?
  95. Greenspan: Those Who Predicted Housing Bubble are “Statistical Illusions”
  96. Obama Delays Social Security Report
  97. 1981 movie "Rollover" predicted crisis
  98. Vote for Bill Hunt to GET ON FREEDOM WATCH! Ranked 42!
  99. Americathon 2010 ,must watch movie!!!
  100. LibertyIsnow.com: New York Shoots itself in the Foot
  101. Riddle Me This: General David Patraeus
  102. ScanWOW from NWO Solutions
  103. VIDEO: Price Fixing and Internships
  104. AP source confirms video of Baghdad firefight
  105. 7 dead, 19 missing in W.Va. coal mine explosion
  106. URGENT!!! Get "For Liberty" to an open-minded SRLC speaker
  107. Reverse Free State Proj?:Surge in Haitians crossing border into Vermont
  108. The Bright Side of a Complete and Total Economic Collapse
  109. Capitol Hill Conspiracy....
  110. Obama: No Nukes Even in Self Defense!
  111. Ron Paul on Alex Jones show 4/5 (youtube)
  112. Ron Paul sinking in Houston Chronicle poll
  113. VOTE for RON NOW -- Final Round
  114. Tea Party still stuggling with an identity crisis
  115. Shameful CNN piece on the Baghdad slaying video footage
  116. City pays $250k for wrongful arrest
  117. The Southern Avenger - Confused Confederates
  118. WTF... Molestation Of Tens Of Thousands Of Little Children!
  119. National debt seen heading for crisis level
  120. Will we ever learn?
  121. Ron Paul and the Presidency - It's Closer then the Media thinks--by Doug Wead
  122. Bogus Claims on Obama's Resume
  123. SRLC: Losing is not an option
  124. PA and Hawaii up for grabs races
  125. donating to places like the EFF or others
  126. We Need RON PAUL for the Long Haul
  127. Jon Kyl on KFYI now
  128. 545 vs 300,000,000
  129. Ron Wins!! thank you for your votes....
  130. Political prisoner in tennessee?arrested while attempting to make a citizen's arrest
  131. Offensive French anti capitalist propaganda movie wins academy award
  132. 25 Scary Facts About Brainwashing
  133. US Court Rules AGAINST FCC On Net Neutrality In Big Win For Comcast
  134. The Hutaree Militia Raid by Chuck Baldwin
  135. Appeals Court Finds FCC Lacks Authority to Regulate Internet
  136. Legislator parks his car on sidewalk because he "was running late"
  137. FCC looses some regulatory authority over ISP's
  138. Doctor wants to know who you voted for?
  139. Killed by cops for waving a broomstick
  140. Welfare cases in Detroit/Michigan tripled over the decade
  141. State AG says Health Freedom Act is unconstitutional cites Supremacy Clause
  142. Onion: Man Attempts To Assassinate Obama, 'But Not Because He's Black Or Anything'
  143. The Neocons at Hot Air Have Hit A New Low (Wikileaks Related)
  144. Keeping your teen away from Ayn Rand - WTF?
  145. TN to repeal call for Constittuional Convention
  146. Is not purchasing something ‘commerce’?
  147. Sarah Palin for Marijuana Reform?
  148. You can now make a living off of ratting on your neighbors.
  149. Jason Lewis on national radio: Ron Paul was right!
  150. California's $500-billion pension time bomb
  151. 7.8 Earthquake about an hour ago
  152. Yahoo Sports: Duke, Butler defy Racial stereotypes
  153. Black Conservative Tea Party Backers Take Heat
  154. Pat Buchanan: Anti-Catholicism and the Times
  155. Wikileaks Moneybomb
  156. Stormy Daniels? Our next Liberty candidate?
  157. Nvm
  158. Confined in a cell - shot with pepperballs 20 times by cop
  159. "For Liberty" needs a bump...
  160. RNC STRAW POLL - vote for your favorite candidate for POTUS
  161. Treasuries, Investment, Interest Rates, and Risk
  162. Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit
  163. U.S Military: So yeah, we don't have a copy of that video.
  164. As a libertarian, would you live in big cities like NYC, LA, SF or Chicago?
  165. URGENT: Canvassing at Harrah's Casino in New Orleans
  166. Federal Court ruling strikes down net neutrality, for now
  167. Anti-government, anti-PC Animaniacs cartoon
  168. Freedom Watch with The Judge 4/06/2010
  169. Should the government get nuclear weapons?
  170. Remember those damning ACORN tapes...? ~ They were edited and everyone was duped
  171. Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit
  172. Obama is a: Muslim, Kenyan, or the anti-Christ
  173. "Rules of engagement were not followed"
  174. anti co2 tax protester multi-upload attack against youtube has been foiled
  175. Jim Robinson up to his old tricks again aboard 'Tea Party Express'
  176. Jawareport shows video WITH WEAPONS.
  177. BestOfNewOrleans.com: Southern Republican Leadership Conference
  178. Liberal Author Naomi Wolf: "Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism!"
  179. Obama Administration Eyes New Taxes, Fees for National Broadband Network
  180. Leader Calls on Illegal Immigrants to Fill Out Census for Taxpayer-Funded Resources
  181. Sick bastard admits to feeding bears
  182. Post Your Meyer Brigg Personality Type
  183. BJ Lawson Moneybomb COUNTDOWN
  184. What the SRLC parties will be like in NOLA this weekend:
  185. Huffington Post is now following Ron Paul Forums on Twitter
  186. CBS poll for 2012 GOP Presidential Nomination
  187. What do we know about the Young American's Foundation?
  188. Looks like we are going to be in for a rough year
  189. La. Rep. pushes "drug offeneder notice" on DL's
  190. Are we due for another False Flag Terror Attack?
  191. Is there a way to legally opt out of paying Social Security on a standard Paycheck?
  192. Anti-abortion Stupak mulling retirement
  194. New Tactic - Food Documentarian Fad
  195. Preview of future events? ~ "Protesters Shot & Killed By Riot Police"
  196. Lowenstein: Thanks to Greenspan and Bernanke, The Next Crisis Could Be "Even Scarier"
  197. Trilateral Commission Videos
  198. Military claims Wikileaks selectively edited video
  199. RON PAUL made DRUDGE!!!
  200. nvm
  201. NEW BILL: Ammo to be transported in proximity to firearms
  202. Say no to PSA Cuts in California
  203. County Declares "No Float Zone", defies US and CA Constitution!!!
  204. Obama to appoint another Supreme Court justice?
  205. Kid sent home from school for having the word "gay" on t-shirt
  206. Ron Paul and Tucker Carlson reunite for April 15 tea party in D.C.
  207. Child obesity hearing
  208. Kesha Rogers campaign confronts Pete Olson about Impeachment
  209. Greenspan: "Don't Blame Me (or The Fed) for the Economy"
  210. Where are my environmentalists?
  211. Gold and Silver massive Fraud exposed..
  212. Massey mine disaster debunks self-regulating free-market "myth"
  213. Can we manipulate Treyson's google page?
  214. Doug Wead Asked Us To Digg This
  215. URGENT - Anyone going to the DC Apr 15th Protest?
  216. LI Training for Liberty Activists & Candidates
  217. Congressman: "Guam might tip over and capsize"...
  218. World Bank official says change "Trillion" to "Trololo" to Hide Extent of US Debt
  219. CNN:"Go To War Against The New World Order" - Hutaree Audio Recording
  220. Semi drivers proceed with caution in the tri-states (IL, IA, & MO)
  221. U.S. Government To Save Billions By Cutting Wasteful Senator Program
  222. We The People, Colorado are Speaking! Breaking News!!!
  223. Vote for Ron Paul in this Online Poll (not the CBS one)
  224. Free Ship Project
  225. [VIDEO] ~ Nearly Half of U.S. Escape Fed Income Taxes
  226. Ron Paul Polls and the GOP Establishment!!
  227. Is Deflation Better?
  228. Jack Hunter was on the Michael Savage Show
  229. Did Orly Taitz Approve Threats Against Judge's Grandchildren?
  230. Isn't manipulation of the silver/gold markets punishable under the Patriot Act?
  231. Obama attempts to assassinate US citizen...
  232. Extremely Sad Youtube-Ignorance of a Congressman
  233. One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terrorists”
  234. [Video] Revolution Calling!
  235. Why we need a third party: to keep the Democrats in power.
  236. IRS chief: Buy health insurance or lose your tax refund
  237. Highly Recommend Jason Lewis Show
  238. Southern Avenger - Just Kidding Conservatism
  239. Downsize DC Terrorism: How will you react to the next attack?
  240. Screw the 4Th of July True Patriot Participation in 2010
  241. WTF - Gay Uncle Sam Census commercial on DISNEY Channel?
  242. Class action lawsuit... The people vs. The Collins
  243. Vote in this poll too (also not cbs one)
  244. O'Reilly gets spanked in debate with Megyn Kelly.
  245. Jack Hunter (the Southern Avenger): Tea Time for George Wallace?
  246. Guy smokes in plane lavatory, makes jokes about bomb...not charged
  247. 3rd Circuit picks June 29 for eligibility case
  248. Adopt a Meetup
  249. Virginia governor amends Confederate history proclamation to include Slavery
  250. smart-mouthed diplomat gets lesson on making jokes on a plane