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  1. AOL News: Behind the scenes, crafting the US no-fly list
  2. Youtube: Peg Luksik (U.S. Senate Candidate - PA) on Unalienable Rights
  3. The Dangers of "Wartime Powers"
  4. EMERGENCY ALERT - Historic Bailout Trial 3/11/10
  5. Best Analogy For Inflation
  6. Selling my "Ron Paul" Website
  7. [Spin City] Rise in Washington area unemployment seen as good sign
  8. Ventura book already #2 at Amazon
  9. An Orwellian chill up my spine.
  10. Why does the US Dept. of Education need riot guns?
  11. OT: Chuck Norris's 70th Birthday
  12. Brazil's leader quits smoking cold turkey
  13. Arizona school district sues parents for probing corruption
  14. USWGO: World War II female aviators are finally honored with a gold medal
  15. New York looks to ban salt in restaurant cooking
  16. I salute you
  17. UK - Parents Angry Over CCTV In School Toilets
  18. On the WAR ON TERROR so far
  19. I did a partial fan transcript of the Ron Paul speech
  20. When Blimps Go Bad
  21. Obama Makes a Startling Admission!!!
  22. How to fire an inept teacher?
  23. BJ Lawson, it's on like Rand Paul!
  24. Ron Paul: National ID Cards Won't Stop Terrorism or Illegal Immigration
  25. Congressional Black Caucus says Obama is Not Listening to It
  26. Virginia Governor Overrides Va. Atty General's Anti-Gay Order
  27. Ron Paul: Not Long Before The Gov’t Is “Borrowing Us Further Into Oblivion”
  28. Ron Paul: Congress Afraid to Follow Constitution (Ohio State Univ. Video w/Judge Nap)
  29. Washington Times: Gov't workers fee no economic pain
  30. Ron Paul on Darfur
  31. Ron Paul: Government's nature is coercive
  32. House Rejects Bid to End Afghan War
  33. Libertypulse.com’s Kurt Wallace Live on the Mike Church Show 11am Eastern
  34. Awesome Austin, Texas: The Most Progressive Libertarian City in America
  35. Steve Dore's new song and video for the biggest Freedom Rally in the SE United States
  36. An Israeli startup has developed a potentially game-changing surveillance camera
  37. Untold Story of the Perry Win
  38. Will a 2nd American Revolution be French?
  39. Is Greece the Future of America?
  40. Gentleman Surprised by the Level of Discourse at Tea Party
  41. Speeches of Former Rep. James Traficant
  42. The Anti-war Speech That Earned Eugene Debs 10 Years in Prison
  43. i'm going to see jesse ventura tonight in New Jersey
  44. Jesse Ventura on Al Jazeera (Riz Khan) right now for a half hour
  45. [Dr. No says Yes] Ron Paul votes for Massa Ethics Probe
  46. 22,000+ People Deserted the US Army 1997-2003
  47. WGN Radio bans 119 words from being used by anchors
  48. Jesse Ventura on The View 03/10/10
  49. Not content to just track you, DHS wants phones to sniff you
  50. Ron Paul talks about the Fed on Bloomberg
  51. Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest
  52. Cuéntame Exposing TeaBagger Racism
  53. Enjoy using cash and protecting your privacy - You're a terrorist.
  54. 3hour Mises youtube discussing economics in one lesson
  55. Remember when?
  56. Ex-police officer admits role in cover-up of Katrina bridge shooting
  57. Today begins the end of Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona
  58. Federally funded ticketing blitz in the state of Virginia
  59. Traitorous Lindsey Graham at it again-let’s reward those who have invaded our borders
  60. Anyone here in on the Medvid Show today?
  61. The Thin Blue Whine, Pittsburgh Edition
  62. "To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal . . . "
  63. USWGO Founders response to the banning of salt
  64. Need to watch Stossel. Where to find Fox Business live stream?
  65. An Empirical Analysis of Street-Level Prostitution
  66. Mind blowing video on how our brain works.
  67. What will you put on your census form under "race"?
  68. How Lehman Brothers Fooled Everybody
  69. Expatriate Life in Europe, neither Shaken nor Stirred.
  70. If the U.S. splits into Several Regions, Where Would You Want to Be?
  71. Awesome! Wyoming gov signs 10th Amendment resolution into law
  72. Stupid a**holes want a "black box" in every car
  73. NYC to pay up to $657M to settle WTC health cases
  74. Poll: Need help distributing a message
  75. Victory - AP: ACORN kicked out of Ohio; Loses Business License
  76. Kentucky Legislator Hides, Flees from Sovereignty Stampede
  77. Daily Show guest: SEC is captured, vote out the 2 parties
  78. [Southern Avenger Video] ~ "Why 'The Hurt Locker' Hurts"
  79. WSJ - AIPAC's letter of demands to Congress - wow, just wow.
  80. Foamy The Squirrel: Go Green
  81. French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment
  82. Help polish my stump speech
  83. new Russian campaign to glorify Stalin's role in war
  84. Man in Canadian court for trying to arrest Bush as war criminal
  85. Inside the SEIU war room
  86. Pat Buchanan: How Free Trade Destroys America and Promotes Globalism
  87. Health Reform???? The GOP HAS THE SOLUTION
  88. * Make This go Viral! *
  89. "If you want Libertarian ________, go to Somalia!"
  90. RPF/Here is my idea!!
  91. National ID Card and NeoCon Beckaholism discussed on Mike Church Show
  92. States may hold onto tax refunds for months - USA Today
  93. Pelosi: Say Goodbye To The Public Option
  94. CIA drone attacks produce America's own unlawful combatants
  95. French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment
  96. The Supreme Issue: The Individual Versus the State
  97. Without Civil Purpose to guide it, the law is blind to itself
  98. Does a University have the right to make me give up my rights?
  99. Why are we being manipulated? CENSUS2010
  100. US Judge upholds case implicating Rumsfeld
  101. corrupt cop stories
  102. Tax soda, pizza to cut obesity, researchers say
  103. Glenn Beck Bats .500
  104. Vote to get Rick Torres on Freedom Watch!
  105. [VIDEO] Ron Paul Defends Oath Keepers
  106. Whistleblower Cop: NY Police have Quotas; Innocent People are Targeted / Arrested
  107. Chinese made fluoride damages Mass. town's water supply machinery
  108. Mazinski moment?
  109. How are so many countries going into debt?
  110. Colorado’s largest Gun Rights group endorses Carl Bruning for Constitutional Sheriff
  111. I need help finding a video. (keynsian saying debt incrases worth)
  112. Ron Paul speech at Ohio State 3/8/10
  113. needed fast Beck post to piratebay
  114. Amazing speech by war veteran
  115. Gary Johnson is on Bill Maher tonight!
  116. CDC uses shopper-card data to trace salmonella
  117. Eric Forcade needs our help - FL 10th District
  118. Jason Lewis listened to me: TAX REVOLT! End payroll deductions.
  119. Democrat Eugenicists Berate Stupak and his amendment
  120. Anyone going to a Coffee Party meetup tomorrow?
  121. Please HELP this effort!
  122. Charges against the Motorhome Diaries crew member Pete Eyre dropped
  123. Video: Hannity used to question foreign policy
  124. Corporation runs for Congress
  125. Stossel on School Choice
  126. Beck in another firestorm, may lose more viewers
  127. Beck attacks Jesse Ventura (youtube)
  128. Protestors call cops bluff?
  129. Leadville Co Woman Arrested In Terorrist Plot
  130. WTH is "obstructionism?"
  131. QUIZ: What kind of libertarian are you?
  132. Marco Rubio: The Conscience of a Florida Conservative (WSJ)
  133. YOU could be the 10,000th participant in the FREE STATE PROJECT
  134. Washington's collective thinking problem
  135. Beck Joins Ron Paul on the Hot Air Whipping Boy List
  136. Trying To Keep Social Issues Out Of The Tea Party
  137. Why libertarians should hate suburban sprawl
  138. Tea Party Activists Try And Shift Movement Focus Towards State Government
  139. Tea Party / libertarians scare the religious right
  140. Looking for a video
  141. Return To The Constitution Just A First Step For Libertarians
  142. Aimee Allen Performs in Nashville (3/17)!
  143. Texas education vote reflects far-right views
  144. Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution of American Citizens: A Desired State Polic
  145. Some Fallacies About Government
  146. Abramoff, DeLay appear in new DNC ad
  147. New Video: Sheriff Richard Mack - Rosa Parks story
  148. IRS wants 4 cents...
  149. Obama/Democrats ___ screw consent of the governed when it comes to health insurance!
  150. New Iced Tea Company Promotes Peace (Peace Iced Tea)
  151. RMGO Gun Owner's PAC endorses Bruning for Sheriff!
  152. Are More Polititcians The Answer?
  153. Politico Study: Paul #2 Behind Palin for 2012 amongst Tea Partiers
  154. National "Take Back the Tea Party" Day
  155. The Scandinavian-Welfare Myth Revisited
  156. Ventura, Huckabee, Blago on Geraldo!
  157. Anyone seen the movie "Wrong is Right"?
  158. Daylight Savings Time Should Be Abolished! ~ Here is why...
  159. Value of Liberty
  160. NEW BOOK - Economics and Liberty: A Pocketbook for Beginners
  161. Montpelier to celebrate James Madison’s birthday
  162. Muslims "EXEMPT" From TSA Security Electronic Screenings.
  163. 1979 Bill Hicks - earliest video of Bill Hicks?
  164. More Beck disinfo: calls Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. 'anti-American'
  165. Pentagon and Las Vegas Couthouse guns were from Tenn. police
  166. Homeland Security Unveils Mobile Mind Screening Checkpoints
  167. Look at this racist white tea party speaker!
  168. Happy Birthday Nancy Pelosi!
  169. Vodeo: Ron Paul One: we threaten and if they do our bidding we give them a lot of mon
  170. Packard heir slams GOP Senate candidate
  171. I need RPFers with jobs in government/military! Please Help!!!
  172. A POLITICO survey: The tea party's least favorite Republicans
  173. Rob Pfaltzgraff on Free-Market Movies, the MPI and the Future of Independent Films
  174. Justice Thomas' wife launches 'tea party' group
  175. Health Freedom Conference Live feed
  176. Utah takes Back Land from the Federal Government. Reverse Eminent Domain?
  177. Thomas Jefferson's Quran..
  178. "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."
  179. California GOP Convention's "Buzz" Moment
  180. Carry permit revoked while in full compliance with the law!!!
  181. Double awesome - Wyoming gov. signs firearms freedom bill
  182. National Coffee Party Day Flops!
  183. Scheuer: Turn Biden's Public Humiliation to America's Advantage
  184. The Lehman Fraud Explained
  185. You can not defend yourself... you must be defensless.
  186. Did Sarah Palin put US troops lives at risk?
  187. Amazon picks Colorado to stage tax fight
  188. Social Security needs Uncle Sam's IOUs — now
  189. Gunny, what is up with your boys in Afghanistan?
  190. Free State Project nets 10,000 Participants
  191. Mike Church interviews Kurt Wallace - National ID Card & Beckaholism
  192. Is the market working just fine?
  193. Jesse Ventura on The Howard Stern Show
  194. A picture: To the point, and will speak volumes to everyone
  195. Obama and Rahm want 3 strikes. make this an issue
  196. This latest populist revolt is not the rise of the Right, but of the MARs
  197. Interesting video on Buchanan's website
  198. Allison Bricker v. Southern Avenger 10th Amendment Debate Tues. 3:30 Eastern
  199. HOLY S**T! First Schiff ad!!!!
  200. How Wall Street created crisis, then bailed itself out
  201. Senator Harry Reid - "Taxes are voluntary"
  202. Mike Church & Sirius Hosting a Discussion in D.C. at Sirius Studios RE: Article V
  203. Do Ordinary Americans Still Matter?
  204. Lindsey Graham says he is just as much a Rino as Reagan, agree or disagree?
  205. Will Immigrants Participate In The Census?
  206. Civil rights for the sake of civil rights aren't any better than having no soul
  207. My daughter got a message from Ron Paul on Facebook:
  208. Did anyone hear the GREAT CALLER last night on Bill Cunningham's show?
  209. Wikileaks discovers and then leaks documents proving U.S. military plan of revenge!
  210. Great post at Reason about the "Scandanavian Socialism" debaters
  211. Dodd conference comment youtube?
  212. Dylan Rattigan on Lehman accounting / Fed role
  213. Question about the Census
  214. Healtcare bill now on line
  215. 10,000 pledge "liberty migration" to New Hampshire
  216. Action Needed for Kokesh!
  217. Small example of helpless Americans
  218. Mike Church Show Previews Bricker vs. Hunter Debate VIDEO
  219. Reminder: Peace March This Saturday in D.C.
  220. CFL Colorado Candidates Running For Office!!!
  221. Questions for those supporting the war in Afghanistan...
  222. Ron Paul on The Ed Show NEXT!
  223. Names of Arab-American citizens turned over to DHS by Census in 2003
  224. [VIDEO] ~ Off The Books Spy Network Discovered! ~ Pentagon Investigating...
  225. Regarding People Who WANT the Collapse to Happen...
  226. Oathkeepers on the front cover of Mother Jones
  227. Romney to Tea Partiers: "Don't be so independent minded"
  228. VIDEO: Risk and Consequence
  229. Editor of Reason Mag discussing Ron, Rand & Tea Parties
  230. Harry Browne radio show - mp3 torrent (1.44 GB)
  231. (FAIL) Detroit Public School Prez be illiterate as hell yo.
  232. Video This March 29 - Hunt for Sheriff Money Bomb!
  233. http://usdebtclock.org/
  234. New Conservative Manifesto? - Mount Vernon Statement Shoptalk
  235. Ok, who deleted all of Ron Pauls facebook friends?
  236. Matt Collins' tactics spread
  237. "Remember real hope and change" billboard of Ronald Reagan
  238. Virginia AG speaks on birth certificate issue
  239. Economy beyond repair says guru
  240. TN wants out of Federal Highway Funds
  241. Progressives SALIVATING over the rise of the Objectivists and Libert Minded Folks
  242. Are HOA like taxes and the government?
  243. Nanotech Energy Source Discovered | Electricity from Carbon Nanotubes
  244. Never Forget: My Lai
  245. Walter Williams suggests asking for a Miranda warning
  246. Ron Paul on Mitt Romney's Reaction to his stunning win at CPAC
  247. John McCain's Attack On Liberty-by Chuck Baldwin
  248. I like Liberty Forest because ...
  249. Are neoconservatives becoming irrelevant?
  250. U.S. history textbooks could soon be flavored heavily with Texas conservatism