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  1. In-Fighting and Strategy
  2. Harry Browne: A Libertarian's New Year's Resolutions
  3. My LRC piece
  4. Senator Jim DeMint Opposes Unionized Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
  5. Bring Home The Politicians Coalition
  6. How the tyranny in Mexico rags out its people
  7. CPAC 2010 Essay Contest: Why I Am a Conservative. | Deadline: Jan. 8
  8. For all you conspiracy nuts.
  9. How local governments can kick their addiction to Federal counterfeit money
  10. dual nationality
  11. Southern Avenger Interviews Tom Woods (YouTube)
  12. My How Things Change.. Salon Editor Joan Walsh says Criticizing Obama is Un-American
  13. [VIDEO] Join the HUNT for LIBERTY 2010!
  14. G. Edward Griffin on Rise Up! Radio Monday.
  15. John Stossel - Employers helping the poor
  16. Never Heard " Some Day at Christmas " on Radio This Holiday Season
  17. Census propaganda poster shows Jesus
  18. Tazed 11 times for being diabetic
  19. Federal court restricts Taser use by police
  20. Unemployed and looking for work? This might help...
  21. U.S., U.K. Embassies in Yemen Close Over Al Qaeda Threats
  22. ANOTHER Buried Christmas Day Arrest Uncovered!
  23. Coming soon to the United States?
  24. Whaddya workin' toward?
  25. NH legislature seeks to nullify federal gun laws!
  26. Zogby: Independents Can Give GOP the Edge
  27. Bernanke: Regulation should be 1st defense against bubbles
  28. GOP should push education and pro-family tax reform
  29. VT C4L Interim State Coordinator on the tubes tonight
  30. I'm Allowed to Rob You!
  31. Washington Post - 5 myths about keeping US safe
  32. Another great Fred Reed piece, Re: Panty Bomber
  33. New Years call to Badnarik
  34. The Jan Helfeld interviews
  35. The Tea Party Movement is Fracturing!
  36. Constitutional docu-drama film TOP SELLER on Amazon.com!!! (Spirit of '76)
  37. Tonight: Scheuer on CNN's State of the Union; Last Word Segment
  38. Pauls, Reids & Bidens to attempt to follow the Bushes and Kennedys
  39. Embassies in Yemen close while US escalates efforts
  40. Top 7 headlines.. Where is Al Gore now?
  41. Court win reported by Liberty candidate over establishment Rep Party
  42. YEMEN: Connect the Dots...
  43. Vote for FTL @ PodCast Alley
  44. DeMint backs off criticism of Obama
  45. Community Survey from Census Bureau
  47. Free Republic has a Link to the Campaign for Liberty
  48. Ask Your Doctor - Hilarious Music Video/Sad but True
  49. L.A. Times: Ron Paul's Ideas Are making Perfect Sense Now
  50. Yes, Virginia, the System Didn’t Work and May Never Work | Airport Security
  51. Government: The Only Institution that Grows Through Failure
  52. Europe is Headed for 1,000 Years of Darkness-Washington Times
  53. The greatest servants are converted tyrants.
  54. Ron Paul bashing on Fox News Talk right now
  55. Feds, Gunman Killed in Las Vegas Shooting
  56. Stossel backs TSA Profiling
  57. Be Cautious: Neocon Newt Gingrich is promoting the Tea Parties for 2010
  58. How to Sell a Pseudoscience
  59. Anyone else have facebook?
  60. Daniel Hannan MEP Speaks in Atlanta, GA
  61. Who are the Top 5 RINOs that have to go?
  62. Are there any politicians in Washington that you trust?
  63. Alabama: Statewide Anthrax Scare
  64. Shootout in Federal Courthouse near Harry Reid's offices - LV, NV.
  65. Maulkin on the Bush Bailout...?
  66. Time column: "Passengers Are not Helpless"
  67. Tea Party Strike - Jan 20th
  68. Guardian UK: New Airport scanners break Child Porn Laws
  69. The ACLU opposes the body cavity searches of all airline passengers
  70. British agents DRESSED AS ARABS kill Iraqi cop
  71. 'Catch and Release' Is for Fish, Not Criminals and Terrorists
  72. YAL Has Big Plans for 2010, Needs Your Help!!
  73. Obama is moving America to the Right
  74. Next Week's Guest: Dr. Ron Paul (Forbes Mag)
  75. Live Online Stream of Larry King Live--- Ron Paul to be on. 01/04
  76. Despite a rough economy Dubai opens World's Tallest Building
  77. Imperialism?
  78. Thoughts on Nelson Mandela? Thoughts on the movie?
  79. Warcraft Helps Catch a Crook (But There's a Catch!)
  80. The New World Order: Fact or Fiction?
  81. Neo-Con War on the Constitution; Reviewing National Review's Andrew McCarthy
  82. Internet Freedom Targeted
  83. Ron Paul should be the Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee
  84. Action Request: New Regulation to Control Internet
  85. NYT Op-Ed: "Gary Johnson ... competing to become [tea party] leader"
  86. Great Video
  87. Marijuana - The Facts
  88. Call this socialist scum and let him know what you think!
  89. how do ballots or propositions work?
  90. CNN-Ron Paul takes aim at Cheney
  91. Video: Unaired larry king w/ronpaul from last night
  92. hard-core libertarian turns neo-con (comic)
  94. New Law in France Bans Psychological Violence
  95. RNC Steele chairman doubts GOP will win back the House this November
  96. Taking on the California DMV- Activism on video!
  97. New scanners break child porn laws
  98. TN Blog: And you thought Ron Paul was nuts
  99. Kurt Haskell on Glenn Beck
  100. Thanks, RPFs
  101. A contender to run against Jerry Costello in IL
  102. Charman Steele: GOP 'screwed up' after Reagan
  103. Chertoff Pimping Body Scanners
  104. Republicans Disagree On Whether They Can Retake U.S. House
  105. Milton Friedman radical neoliberal
  106. Milton Friedman's a radical neoliberal?!
  107. Rasmussen Reports: Martha Coakley only holds nine-point lead over Scott Brown
  108. NY Times and neo cons are promoting Gary Johnson and Marco Rubio. I dont like it.
  109. FL GOP Chair Greer To Resign
  110. EU To Investigate WHO 'False Pandemic' H1N1 Swine Flu Scandal
  111. *UTUBE* ex-CIA and Ron Paul Supporter Michael Scheuer on CSPAN 1/4/2010
  112. John Stossel on O'Reilly Tonight - Privatize the TSA
  113. North Dakota Senator Dorgan Retires
  114. Ag. Secretary Vilsack coming to VT next month
  115. [Youtube] Ron Paul talks about Dick Cheney (and more) on MSNBC [1/5/10]
  116. HELP- opensecrets.org
  117. 9/11 Commission Chairman: Plane Bomber “Did Us A Favor”
  118. Judge Napolitano's new book: Lies The Government Told You!
  119. Why don't we emphasize we're giving terrorists what they want?
  120. Lindsey Graham Censured Again; Blames Ron Paul
  121. Ron Paul tells Cheney to back off Obama
  122. [VIDEO] ~ CNN ~ Youtube A Terrorist Tool?
  123. Chris Dodd Retires!
  124. Don't Tread On Me - The Movie
  125. In case you needed another example of govt. fail...
  126. 5th grader with austism charged with felony
  127. Vote for Ron Paul's Democratic Opponent Jeff Cherry, Weasel for Congress
  128. I think our government is causing more dreadful cold winters
  129. Cold winter causing some heating issues
  130. Tea Party: Bright Future Ahead?
  131. Sen. Dorgan (D-ND) announces retirement
  132. VT Campaign For Liberty makes the news!
  133. Nothing Can Replace an Informed Electorate
  134. Partisan, secret, fast tracked, violating their own rules
  135. Richard Clarke: This attack may be what we needed to get over privacy concerns
  136. 2010 Outlook Sour and Anxious
  137. Gary Johnson headed to NH
  138. 3 Democrats — 2 senators, 1 governor — to retire
  139. Dodd, Dorgan, 5 other Senate Dems vulnerable
  140. Major Nidal Hasan: An Officer and Jihadist
  141. SC Senator Doesn't Take Ron Paul Supporters Seriously!
  142. Tea Party head Warns GOP of Florida repeat
  143. Good Discussion
  144. The results of wreckless strip mining... Very sad video =(
  145. [VIDEO] ~ Preview of future events? "Car Bomb Kills 6 Police Officers"
  146. Holocaust museum shooter dies in prison.
  147. 9th Cir Ct of Appeals Rules Felons in Prison May Vote: More Democrats in Pipeline
  148. Chaos within design equals design versus chaos within chaos equals chaos
  149. Ron Paul on MSNBC's The Rachel Maddow Show tonight 9:00 pm ET 1/06/10
  150. Signbomb made the paper
  151. New meaning for 'Road Tax'
  152. Former Congressman Jim Traficant Steps Into the Arena of Political Talk Radio!!!
  153. BlackBox Voting: Criminal Investigation Requested For Election Violations
  154. Move your money?
  155. Fox Guest: All muslim males 18-28 should be strip searched
  156. "Negro" appears as race option on 2010 census!
  157. Fun Times !!!! http://www.democraticunderground.com/
  158. Can anyone believe that EIGHT GRAMS of PETN is a "Weapon of Mass DESTRUCTION"????
  159. freedomwatch on fox....when is it returning??
  160. Should Liberty Advocates actively SEEK POWER?
  161. The numerical odds of you being killed in a terrorists attack
  162. Israeli agents caught setting up a "Muslim Hijacking ring"
  163. This movement is for ALL who love and want FREEEDOM!
  164. Liberty Project
  165. Fusion center guide
  166. Urgent: A grassroots brainstorm for Gunnyfreedoms money bomb....
  167. Liberty movement experiencing burnout?
  168. Stop REAL-ID Coalition and Constitutional Alliance working 4 U!
  169. Every single teabagger in america is WHITE (Chris Matthews)
  170. "Failed test": Slovakia smuggles explosives into Ireland
  171. Send Rachel Maddow a thank you note! Rachel@msnbc.com
  172. Is Nancy Pelosi trying to use her ABORTION agenda to lower the population?
  173. Another congressman questions Obama eligibility
  174. Ron Paul on the Ed Show 1-5-10 - video
  175. Congress is great fun, until the voters turn sour.
  176. Liberal Agenda could be on hold as Dems face election carnage.
  177. Time for a Tea/third party?
  178. Tucker Carlson Launches Right’s Answer to HuffPost
  179. river going from one property to another
  180. Ninth Circuit Panel Strikes Down Washington anti-Felon Voting Law
  181. Ron Paul is an addict & flip flopper
  182. Next up in Obama's War on Terror: Africa
  183. Berkeley High Poised to Eliminate Science Classes Because They're Too "White"
  184. Informed voters without campaign spending?
  185. Shoveling snow and property rights
  186. Draft Ed Schultz (MSNBC Anchor)
  187. TSA agent arrested at LAX after declaring: 'I am God, I'm in charge'
  188. Dr. Ron Paul On Alex Jones (1/7/10)
  189. The First Senator From the Tea Party? NYT Mag on Marco Rubio
  190. Lindsay Graham Town hall meeting Tuesday, January 12th
  191. Bob Barr: Critics of Obama way off base on this one
  192. Clear this up real quick....
  193. ***Money Bomb Today! (Thursday)***
  194. St Louis Power Co Shooting
  195. Ron Paul: Tea parties won't rebuild GOP
  196. Raw Video: Security Breach at Newark Airport
  197. We get our "intelligence" on Al Qaeda from this woman!
  198. Dylan Ratigan Moving Shows
  199. [VIDEO] BREAKING NEWS ~ "2 Blackwater Guards Arrested & Charged With Murder!"
  200. Video: James Madison Impersonator
  201. C-SPAN CEO: Obama Used Us as 'Political Football'
  202. Club for Growth question
  203. The 60th Senate seat is in reach!
  204. Comprehensive List of Liberty Candidates
  205. "Failure to connect the dots"
  206. Bob Barr Defends Obama
  207. Ron Paul: careful about aligning yourself with unpredictable people
  208. There is NO 2nd Amendment Right To Carry
  209. Soldier of the Imperial Empire Speaks Out
  210. GOP Leadership hates Palin, likes Romney
  211. Tea Party organization in Nashville is "for-profit"
  212. Are Conspiracy Theories Counterproductive?
  213. glenn beck just mentioned Ron Paul.
  214. Don't forget Stossel comes back on tonight: Atlas Shrugged special.
  215. CommunistNewsNetwork(CNN) front page : TeaParty Video
  216. Stossel Show on Atlas Shrugged Thursday 01/07/09 8pm
  217. Becoming a Precinct Member - The Process, An Overview
  218. Inteersting Video! Richard Wolff on a new Workplace Model
  219. Movie Review: "Maafa 21" Exposes Black Genocide ( Racist Eugenics Agenda )
  220. STOSSEL youtube. Atlas Shrugged special.
  221. Pitiful Palin Video...
  222. ...unnamed networks inside the US intelligence community...
  223. Eye doctor operates on 8 eye cataract patients per hour! AMAZING!
  224. Bremerton man goes to prison for wife's guns
  225. [VIDEO] Helen Thomas demands to know WHY THEY ATTACK US!
  226. Earth 2100: History Channel Propaganda: John Podesta, Van Jones, Pacific Institute
  227. Palin aide warned of 'epic debacle'
  228. The Immigration split within Libertarianism
  229. input sought: informed supporters
  230. The Loss of the Right to a Trial by Jury: Child Support and Divorce Cases in America
  231. Thought Exercise: New Constitutional Amendments
  232. How do you Wake Someone from a Coma?
  233. A Republican Recruiting Renaissance
  234. Good Video Covering Foreign Policy and Debunking Stein & Others
  235. Ron Paul's Golden Rule (Forbes Mag Interview)
  236. Buchanan: Another God That Failed (Democracy)
  237. Jack Cafferty rips Obama video
  238. Seeking clarification on the RP Movement & Campaign for Liberty
  239. GOP infiltrating RP myspace friends
  240. Jack Cafferty Rips Obama & Pelosi Apart!
  241. Tea Party to Protest General Motors During Nancy Pelosi's Visit @ Detroit Auto Show
  242. Giuliani Praises Obama for his War on Terror
  243. RNC Chair Michael Steele Repeats After Me!
  244. John Stewart calls out Obama on his campaign lies
  245. What we're seeing in Massachusetts
  246. Max Keiser - On The Edge | Ron Paul | They're Terrorists Because We're Occupiers
  247. AIPAC’s Role in Spying on U.S. JIM TRAFICANT
  248. The Next Obama: Harold Ford Jr from TN/ NY to run for Senate!?
  249. Is this an accurate portrait of the community?
  250. Breaking News: Jim Gerlach re-enters Congressional race