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  1. WTF's up with people here wanting TV personalities running for Pres?
  2. Toys for Tots
  3. Jack Webb (Dragnet) schools Obama
  4. ANNOUNCHING: New Stimulus Bill + The Individualists Haven
  5. To Big to Fail Bankers get vaccine first...
  6. Barack Obama calls for calm as Muslim community fears backlash over Fort Hood killing
  7. Sarah Palin will be the next United States president....
  8. Class Action Suit Against Pelosicare?
  9. Obama's Pep Talk
  10. Circumstantial link discovered between Fort Hood shooter and 9/11 Hijackers
  11. NYT admits unemployment at 17.5%
  12. CNN: Two Israeli Jews abruptly convert, now preaching violent Jihad in NY
  13. Jack Hunter (The Southern Avenger) George W. Obama
  14. Fiction Often Predicts Reality: Encouragement
  15. The Swine Flu Conspiracy
  16. Do not let Pelosi's Tactic win!
  17. Sam Donaldson: Lets Get Rid Of The Fed Now Before They Do Further Damage
  18. Do Congress and Senators Receive Pay for Life
  19. Gerald Celente : Today American Unemployment Rates Are Around 20%!
  20. Lyndsey Graham: House Bill is DOA in Senate
  21. Judge Napolitano Discusses About Drug Legalization Benefits With Undercover Narc!
  22. Obama: The Power & Danger of Iconography
  23. Obama refers to opponents as anti-government teabags
  24. I just walked outside and screamed at the top of my lungs
  25. This just in; the Government will protect you...
  26. 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
  27. It's always misdirection, so what's behind the scenes this time?
  28. Arizona getting ready to tell Pelosi
  29. Amazing video covering the government spending
  30. Propaganda on Dr Hasan?
  31. Next year's races shaping up to be quite interesting
  32. Erie Times News: Beeman's Erie County Council win raises questions
  33. Electronic Opium
  34. Beck will be back on Tues, so maybe Judge Nap will host again Monday
  35. Ceremony marks commission of USS New York
  36. Freedom in the 50 States: An Index of Personal and Economic Freedom
  37. Now is a good time to wake people up
  38. Sarah Palin talks foreign policy ROFL
  39. "Sanford and Sins" Capitol Steps song "Don't cry, I'm in Argentina"
  40. 1968: 34 US military personell killed in cold blood. Media silent
  41. Ron Paul will be in SC, November 9, 2009
  42. 25 Students Arrested After Food Fight
  43. Animal Farm, the cartoon adaption
  44. Oklahoma Writer Calls For Ban of Muslims in Military
  45. Pelosi says "Absolute Outrage" not give members three days to READ THE BILL
  46. Why Do You Have To Criminalize People To Coax Them Into A Plan That's Fabulous! Rep R
  47. Saturday Night Live Goes Off on Goldman Sachs (VIDEO)
  48. AP: Pelosi Bill D.O.A. in Senate
  49. John Stossel - Sick in America
  50. Gerald Celente: Overrated?
  51. Larry Sinclair, former Obama "contact", runs for Congress
  52. NeoNazi Anti-Immigration Marches Draw Ire of Residents
  53. Remastered Video
  54. Hasan a 'terrorist'
  55. Gary Johnson Fundraiser
  56. The Ron Paul Revolution: The Movie
  57. Libertarian DailyKos or RedState
  58. A New Movement Idea
  59. Think the Judge might have pissed off Murdock
  60. Live feed from rons speech
  61. Ron paul live speech link
  62. New Jersey Cop Assaults TV Cameraman
  63. Second gunman in custody at Ft. Hood
  64. Circumstantial link between Ft Hood and Va Tech shooters
  65. African-Americans slam Obama in White House protest
  66. Wish I could be in DC Jan 13 for this!
  67. "Government OPTION is not Socialism"
  68. Mike Gravel: please donate to help fund a direct democracy documentary
  69. Obama's Afghan Plan: About 40K More Troops
  70. CNBC: Buffet and Gates: Champions of Capitalism (Barf!!!)
  71. Law Enforcement is too 'Addicted' to Drug Revenue to ever give up the fight
  72. Barny franks BF is a pot head, but...
  73. CNN interviews Mikhail Gorbachev
  74. Whatever Happened to the Ladies4Liberty?
  75. We're already past peak oil. Get ready for a post-carbon America or get out!
  76. T-ShirtHell.com Describes the Democrats With Perfect Imagery
  77. Democrats Stacking the Racial Deck in their Favor
  78. Time to Repeal the Welfare State
  79. Obama Seeks Revision of Plan’s Abortion Limits
  80. "A New World Architecture" by George Soros
  81. Tax Credit for Pet Supplies...
  82. Florida: A Battle for Senate - And the GOP's Soul
  83. Major Hasan and the Unravelling Of America By Patrick J. Buchanan
  84. Peak oil closer than IEA forecasts show
  85. Chairman Steele says some white Republicans scared of him--Are You??
  86. Jim Hogue: The Vermont Secessionist
  87. Ron Paul Quotes Gadget for your Google hompage or Website
  88. Ron Paul Attracts Hundreds at Carolina Coliseum
  89. Did 'bigness' contribute to the breakup of the USSR?
  90. Help. Did Hasan try to leave the military?
  91. Liberty Movement needs a Dynamic Black Leader
  92. Chris Dodd's new plan
  93. Anita Dunn stepping down
  94. Judge Nap hosting Beck again today (11/10)
  95. Gorbachev Says Obama Should Start Afghan Withdrawal
  96. For those of you counting on RP to run in 2012
  97. Question about property rights and environmentalism
  98. New pop song about the Gold Standard
  99. Today on Alex Jones: Judge Nap and Jesse Ventura
  100. Awesome editorial in my hometown newspaper
  101. Wall St. CEO (and Hillary Clinton supporter) backs Carly Fiorina
  102. Charleston County GOP Exec Committee censures Sen. Lindsey Graham!
  103. Dodd to curtail Fed?
  104. ACTION ITEM: Get Ron Paul in PPP 2012 Poll Now!
  105. If Ron Paul wins.....
  106. Plans Flop for Moderate Pro-Israel Lobby
  107. Obama's attempt to nationalize energy sectors.
  108. ACTION! - Evict the Congress - Dec 16th
  109. War
  110. Really Bad News From Europe
  111. [VIDEO] Judge Napolitano on Alex Jones TV: Government Doesn't Care About You 11/10/09
  112. Federal Reserve Research
  113. TN Legislator Ejected from Stadium for wearing a mask - on Halloween
  114. Clinton: "The reason the tea-baggers are so inflamed is because we are winning."
  115. New Oklahoma law requires publishing individual abortion records online
  116. Senator proposing Legislation to block Verizon Wireless ETF increase.
  117. KoolAid Drinking Jonestown Victims were COMMUNISTS!
  118. last two Glenn Beck shows guest-hosted by Judge Napolitano were third highest rated
  119. DC Sniper is getting executed tonight...
  120. How to Respond to This Guy?
  121. Daniel Hannan: Pace, all you Randians: I am one of you
  122. Anyone been audited by the IRS?
  123. [VIDEO] Judge Napolitano hosting Glenn Beck Show 11/10/09
  124. How are entitlements any different than theft?
  125. Constitutional Scholar Kevin Gutzman Calls for a Con Con
  126. Can you name your state's Secretary of State?
  127. Can you name current US National Security Advisor?
  128. John Kerry's new astroturf green youth movement.
  129. [VIDEO] Jesse Ventura on Alex Jones TV: Jesse's New Show 'Conspiracy Theory' 11/10/09
  130. UK: State to 'spy' on every phone call, email and web search
  131. Fox News Shows Obama as DC Sniper Not John Allen Muhammad?
  132. Before we rush to believe the Ft. Hood story, read this
  133. Help KY GrassRoots Radio to Get on AM/FM radio
  134. jail question on insurance
  135. Communism vs. Capitalism
  136. CNBC - Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed
  137. Welcome to the Ron Paul Revolution
  138. The Democratic Party Is Imploding Over The Abortion Issue
  139. A Call to the Alternative Right
  140. Armistice Day: The Great War and the words we mustn't forget
  141. Republicans concerned with ascent of young Florida candidate (Vs. Alan Grayson)
  142. Rubio on Palin: 'I can't think of anything her and I disagree with'
  143. SA@Takimag - Casualties of Diversity
  144. Obama: 'No faith justifies' Fort Hood rampage
  145. DeMint tries to ban 'permanent politicians'
  146. Was Dede Scozzafava one of us?
  147. Anita Dunn and the Obama White House: Outfoxed
  148. Tea Parties and Local Elections
  149. Whos going to run Republican in the USSR Maryland Govenership
  150. "The greatest casualty is being forgotten."
  151. Justice Dept. Asked For News Site's Visitor Lists
  152. What is motivating the most recent Sy Hersh sources? (article)
  153. How to create an angry American...
  154. AMA Asks That Marijuana Be Removed From Schedule 1 Drug List!
  155. Dont mess with Ron Paul's Army-New TSA Rules
  156. Great Obama quote
  157. Liberals opposed to honest money as well as efforts to reduce central planning
  158. Continental Congress 2009 - LIVE!
  159. NBC "Green" propaganda
  160. Remember Kelo v the City of New London?
  161. Existence of Universal Morality
  162. Bill Hunt gets huge endorsement from Repulican Liberty Caucus of California
  163. Bump from Mish
  164. Jim Demint interview on amendment to limit Congress term limits
  165. Dump Dodd
  166. CAIR speaker to Muslims: OK to attack Fort Bragg
  167. Hannity-style repubs are insane
  168. check out the cdc signs that just got plastered all over my school...
  169. Prove me wrong about Peak Oil.
  170. Republican Liberty Caucus Endorses Rand Paul, Peter Schiff
  171. Billy's birthday today. A Veteran's Day homage.
  172. 9 other states budget woes: Az, Fl, Il, Mi, Nv, NJ, Or, RI and Wi
  173. Lou Dobbs to quit CNN?
  174. [VIDEO] John Stossel on Happy Hour: Get Government Out of Business! 11/10/09
  175. Ron Paul dominating poll on Dem powerhouse PPP
  176. Dodd introduces bill that would strip the FED of some of it's powers
  177. "Evict the Congress" (December 16, 2009)
  178. Take Out The Trash!!!
  179. A veterans day post
  180. Ron Paul: ‘Just gotta ignore’ 2012 questions
  181. Biden's Motorcade Involved in Fatal Crash
  182. Ralph Nader on The O'Reilly Factor
  183. I give you the answer to all our woes.
  184. Please help me create a masterpeice to wake up the sheeple
  185. Topless open carry protest in NH
  186. [VIDEO] Chuck Norris on FOX with Cavuto 'One-World Government' 11/11/09
  187. This is Veteran's Day you selfish little p***s
  188. On this so called "Veterans Day"...
  189. Blatant AP bias exposed re: Dobbs quitting CNN
  190. Gerald Celente on Lew Rockwell Show
  191. Awesome Writer. Awesome Site.
  192. FYI.... Tonights Episode of SouthPark is a complete & total parody of Glenn Beck..
  193. Modern Warfare 2 lets you play as a terrorist, FOX new story (Youtube)
  194. $100 Free to Advertise LIBERTY!
  195. No More Lou Dobbs on CNN
  196. Amnesty Is Coming
  197. MUST watch documentary! Ring of Power!
  198. Who are we fighting in Afghanistan?
  199. How to Win the War...
  200. Obama Gets The Jail Question!
  201. Thomas Woods : States Can Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Laws!
  202. Chuck Norris - Obama Is Establishing a One World Government
  203. TSA rule change. Thanks to Ron Paul Aide
  204. S.C. Republicans Censure Lindsey Graham for Siding With Dems
  205. 'V' is for Obama? Not So Fast
  206. Hannity: 'Jon Stewart Was Right' About Swapped Demonstration Footage
  207. Police deny road closure permit for 'tea party' protest
  208. Commentary: What the census will get wrong
  209. Obama stares down Patriot Act criticism
  210. Ayn Shrugged By Daniel Hannan
  211. Adopt a Meetup
  212. The GOP's Florida Fight: Rubio v Crist
  213. Catholic Church Threatens To Stop D.C. Services For Needy If Gay Marriage Passes
  214. Texas Governor Says Obama is 'Hell-Bent' on Socialism
  215. Crist's excuses start to crumble
  216. Lou Dobbs Removed By Pro Amnesty
  217. Va. teen suffers rare illness after swine flu shot
  218. Justic Dept. orders private records from independent news site
  219. Ron Paul getting some respect on CNBC
  220. Did Doug Hoffman Really Win NY23?
  221. Wolf Blitzer Doesn't Understand Why Major Hasan Deserves Justice
  222. Sotomayor poses in court for Latina magazine cover (Not a bad Pic!)
  223. Ron Paul on Iowa's WHO Radio with Jan Mickelson
  224. The subtle influences of Ron Paul
  225. Annoucment: Video Contest for "Real" Money Bomb
  226. Anyone signing up at DraftRonPaul.com?
  227. Your Mind is Controlled
  228. ACORN Sues U.S. For Cutting Funds
  229. A Rebellion in the Florida GOP
  230. Obama and the War Criminals
  231. Why is this guy still in my country?
  232. How to Brainwash a Nation
  233. Fiorina meets with a Rothschild
  234. My Rebuttle to Ron Paul is a racist!
  235. The Party of "No"
  236. Judge Nap will be a guest (not host) on Glenn Beck today (11/12)
  237. George W Bush Starts Think Tank to Fight Big Govt and to Promote Economic Liberty!!!
  238. Ron Paul scheduled to appear on CNBC's Squawk Box tomorrow morning at 8:40 EST
  239. I put my homage to vets up as an audio recording
  240. US Mormons support gay rights bill
  241. Need RPF'ers help -- more important than Congressional races!
  242. About to present econ/political article I wrote..
  243. Oath Keepers Constitutional Care Package Drive
  244. Government making up the difference for the under-employed?
  245. Anyone see the Judge on Beck a little while ago?
  246. [VIDEO] Judge Napolitano on Glenn Beck & Shepard Smith 11/12/09
  247. Huffington post keeps pushing for a draft
  248. G. Edward Griffin w/ Alex Jones 11/12 (youtube - 8 parts)
  249. Obama Seizes Iranian Assets
  250. Economic Value Vs. Money