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  1. How To Prepare For Revolutionary Change
  2. Media Shocked by D.C. Tea Party Turnout
  3. Glenn Beck slams the Reps and Dems as Corrupt | Calls for Revolutionary Leaders
  4. Article: Why Government Can’t Create Jobs
  5. Anybody have any good ideas for "Save The Fed . com"?
  6. Italy Ex-President – CIA And Mossad Ran 9-11
  7. Urgent get this out now
  8. [TUBE]Campaign For Liberty's John Tate at the 9/12 Taxpayers March on DC
  9. Clinton's Dead Friends
  10. House Dems seek to Repeal Defense of Marriage Act
  11. Poll: News Media's Credibility Plunges to New Low
  12. Jim Ostrowski on LRC blog
  13. Czars in the spotlight today
  14. ACORN Threatens To Sue Fox News And Interview The Film Makers
  15. ACORN Busted With a THIRD Sting Vid - NYC
  16. Kevin Evensen on Government and Law Enforcement Plans for Mandatory Inoculation
  17. Must rent "Bonfire of the Vanities" (Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks)
  18. In or ON?
  19. The History of Terrorism and How Governments Exploit it
  20. Ron Paul : The answer is to end the Fed On CNN 14/9
  21. communitarianism
  22. Best concise liberty synopsis of what caused the recent economic crisis?
  23. No More Marches on DC
  24. Anyone else see where this might lead?
  25. Set up? Kayne West crashes Taylor Swift VMA award speech.
  26. Will Smiths campaign and the mission statement for this site could be twins
  27. Obama speaking now (on CNN) - Promises further consolidation of financial power
  28. There is a bill about teaching the US Constitution in Congress today
  29. Jack Webb schools Obama. This is great!
  30. How did OBL release another tape that MSM is reporting to be in his voice?
  31. Why Gay Marriage Matters
  32. Israel's blockade causes water crisis in Gaza - 14 Sept 09
  33. Washington Post Connects Kanye West with Joe Wilson's Behavior
  34. Ron Paul: The Growing Problem in Afghanistan [CFL VIDEO, 4 min]
  35. Local Candidates Need Your Help!!
  36. Fiat Blockbuster: Coming to a town near you!
  37. Are most liberals from families of immigrants to the United States?
  38. It's Time for Focus on the Family to Focus on the Finances (and to end the statism)
  39. Depressed Watching the News? (Comic Strip)
  40. Anti-czar bill in Congress! (CFL member discusses it on worldwide TV)
  41. What does a trillion dollars look like
  42. Senate Passes Amendment To Halt ACORN Funding
  43. Largest Gathering of Ships in Maritime History: What kind of ships? Ghost ships.
  44. Would you support a: Federalist or Anti-Federalist?
  45. Marijuana Arrests For Year 2008: 847,864
  46. Czars Czars everywhere a Czars!
  47. daily "Freedom Watch" starts today 9/14
  48. Right when congress is going to be debating our course in Afghanistan.. Guess what!?!
  49. Traficant at Tea party
  50. Morning Joe: Ron Paul will be on at 7:35 EDT tomorrow morning
  51. Some left-wing fun!
  52. HOLY S--- Obama to Head UN Security Council
  53. Keith Oberman slams Glenn Beck and 9-12 as racist just now.
  54. Tea Parties lack "diversity".
  55. Linda McMahon reportedly close to a decision
  56. Ron Paul on Glenn Beck Tuesday
  57. Clunker Math
  58. Zomg terror plot uncovered in nyc!! Booga! Booga! Booga!
  59. Give me that ole time propaganda
  60. Freedom Watch Petition.
  61. Congressman Ted Poe speaks on the floor about the security guard incident
  62. Start a Liberty On The Rocks chapter in your city!
  63. Hydrogen Barackside - Kills free markets on contact.
  64. Don't smoke weed.
  65. Partial transcript of OBL tape
  66. "OBL" Gives Americans a Reading List Including "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"
  67. Ron Paul : The growing problem in Afghanistan
  68. Obama Calls Kanye West a "Jackass"
  69. House Passes Alan Grayson's Resolution Encouraging High School Students to Learn the
  70. Lew Rockwell on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano 9/14
  71. Good Find On YouTube
  72. What's the Point of Demonstrating?
  73. Harvard Economist: END THE WAR ON DRUGS!!!
  74. CNN Hit Piece: Tea party movement has anger, no dominant leaders
  75. Globalism vs. Americanism by Patrick J. Buchanan
  76. Tourism boycott threatened over Wilson's 'You lie' outburst
  77. CLC with Chris Rye For Liberty Tonight!!
  78. Article: The Trouble With "Sustainable Development"
  79. Drugs tourism: 'it's over' says Roosendaal
  80. Dr. Paul on Morning Joe.
  81. 2 million people at Washington, DC Tea Party 9 12 2009
  82. Major Acorn scandal breaking today.
  83. Hate Crime? Why no MSM Outrage?
  84. NACA: The New ACORN!
  85. YOU TUBE: ACORN infiltrators chased out of DC rally!
  86. 1948 Cartoon: Make Mine Freedom
  87. Washington Redskins Name Change?
  88. Ex Congressman Trafficant goes off on Israel during FOX interview
  89. Texas church used as polling place posts sign questioning Obama's citizenship
  90. Tea parties are not enough! Local control
  91. We already have Socialism
  92. Harvard Economist: END THE WAR ON DRUGS!!!
  93. Dr. Paul On Fox Business 11:00 CST 9/15/09
  94. [C4L Youtube] Ron Paul asks you to buy his new book "End the Fed"!
  95. Left is crediting Ron Paulers for DC March
  96. Why I hate Glenn Beck, FOX News & the 9/12 Marchers
  97. ACORN Scandal is a Manufactured Diversion
  98. Congressman Suggests People Will Don "White Hoods" If Wilson Not Rebuked
  99. Congressman: Not Rebuking Joe Wilson Will Usher in the KKK
  100. You might like this video my friend made about Obama:
  101. Not all 9.12 marchers were Beck zombies
  102. Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions
  103. Obama to be sole guest on Letterman
  104. Victory for Homeowners in Long Branch, N.J. Eminent Domain Battle
  105. Green shop owner is fined by council...for not producing any rubbish
  106. Obama backs extending Patriot Act provisions--Where's the Change???
  107. Obama Coming To My School (UofMaryland) Need Ideas)
  108. A Must See Video-Daniel Hannan
  109. President Obama: Kanye is a "Jackass"
  110. GOP of Calif to support Auditing The Fed!
  111. New House Guidelines
  112. Chuck Baldwin: "Hate America? Count me out!"
  113. Obama Supports Reauthorizing Patriot Act
  114. This Kids Speaks for me!
  115. Media Targets State Sovereignty Movement
  116. Rockefeller CEO found DEAD.
  117. House Votes 240-179 to Rebuke Joe Wilson
  118. That guy the US stormed into Somalia and killed...
  119. President Bush on Obama: "This Guy is not Remotely Qualified to be President"
  120. The Defund ACORN Act
  121. Now Jimmy Carter says people who disagree with Obama are Racist
  122. Urgent: This MUST be stopped NOW! Forced vaccines and bracelets
  123. Time to Boycott Hardball's Sponsors
  124. a CFR member posted my foreign policy debate with him on his blog
  125. (MIAC REPORT UPDATE) - House committee discusses oversight panel
  126. We are in the midst of the second American Revolution - Gerald Celente
  127. AUDIO: POTUS calling Kanye a Jackass
  128. Flashback: Obama Taught Classes For Future Leaders Of ACORN
  129. Sept 15: Ohio Senate committee holds second hearing on SCR13 - Ohio State Sovereignty
  130. Another terrorist cell in Denver
  131. Why Fox news pundits spend more time on their war with ACORN than Afghanistan war?
  132. Four Apparent Suicides/Deaths in 48 Hours – CEO-Financiers-Fundraiser
  133. CAUTION: Monetary System Collapse
  134. San Bernadino ACORN Sting Victim Is All Like, "LOL, j/k!!"
  135. End the Fed by David Gordon
  136. Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions
  137. Ron Paul on BookTV to talk about End The Fed
  138. Now you know how Noah felt
  139. Article: The Continuing Push for Globalism (Chuck Baldwin)
  140. Please Vote in This Poll -
  141. (9/16/09) TODAY is the Official Release of "End the Fed" - BOOK BOMB to get it to #1!
  142. Daily Kos and other "progressive" websites no longer care about the patriot act.
  143. Agenda of Total Control-WAKE UP AMERICA
  144. Disorderlyvision's Book Giveaway # 10!!!
  145. Impeach Obama for violating the constitution?
  146. Concerns of Black House Members Helped Spur Rebuke of Wilson
  147. Ron Paul on Fox Business 9/15/09
  148. Alex Jones attacks Glenn Beck
  149. Interviews at the Biggest "Libertarian" March in U.S. History (Video)
  150. Two concepts of liberty: American grand strategy and the liberal tradition
  151. Daily Kos: The Coming Libertarian War Against America
  152. Freedom Watch Guest 9/16/2009
  153. How many were at the 9.12 Tea Party in DC?
  154. Need your help! - Writing a public records request to my council re: the guard tower!
  155. New Book From Ron Paul : "End The Fed!"
  156. Clowns pwn Nazis
  157. Ron Paul On Morning Joe 9/15/09
  158. WH collects web users data, did you know that?
  159. Why do we attack the very voters we want to reach?
  160. Senate's anti-semitism bill
  161. The "Freedom Watch" daily thread
  162. For Some Reason Washington, D.C. Has The Most Wealthy People
  163. how do we get our legislators to really listen ?
  164. News Sites Taking Down Obama's "Jackass" Video
  165. Poll on Cavuto - 45% of docs will consider leaving practice if HC passes
  166. Ron Paul on Morning Joe: Obama isn't Socialist, he's a Corporatist.
  167. Medvedev wants to meet with Tea Partiers?
  168. Obama : 'No Plans' for Additional Troops in Afghanistan
  169. Officer accused of soliciting minors brought down by ‘KopBusters’
  170. Mind Control In The United States, Intro by Antony Sutton
  171. Spread the word. Help get Freedom watch on TV!
  172. Coke CEO Calls Obama a Commie
  173. José Manuel Barroso re-elected as President of the EU Commission
  174. 25% off at borders - go buy RP's book
  175. The Real Number of Protesters - Zac Moilanen
  176. "Hypocrisy of the Left and the Right"
  177. CNN hyping a hate crime, while ignoring another
  178. Follup up article on Obama eligibility by Canada Free Press
  179. A Look Back: Daily Kos: The Problem with Libertarians
  180. F-l-i-r
  181. A *CORN* Scandal Makes A Comeback With Surprising Twist
  182. No knock warrants
  183. David "axis of evil" Frum's website attacks RP's book
  184. Patriotic folk who supported PA during Bush regime support it under Obama regime too?
  185. Jeffrey Miron END The War on Drugs
  186. Anarchy, State and Utopia torrent
  187. Activists Disrupt Karl Rove's Speech at Goucher College
  188. 75 Percent of Oklahoma High School Students Can't Name the First President of the U.S
  189. Why "You Lie" Is The Truth.
  190. I NEED YOUR HELP:Ideas for a Domain Name for Joe's Moneybomb.
  191. Does white America hate Barack Obama? (The Daily Bell)
  192. Shield repealed: US drops anti-missile plans
  193. Ron Paul - Remember the Constitution (Happy Constitution Day)
  194. Free books!!
  195. Alex Jones' Open Letter to Glenn Beck?
  196. Eastern Europe Missile Shield is History. Neo-cons are NOT happy.
  197. Gary Johnson for President Effort Gaining Steam
  198. Is Glenn Beck a Disciple of Crackpot Ron Paul? (David Horowitz Alert)
  199. Police say syringes will help stop drunk driving
  200. Do You Know What Today is Mr. and Mrs. Libertarian?
  201. Time magazine cover: "Glenn beck Madman, Is lenn Beck bad for America?"
  202. End the Fed? Ron Paul Is Wrong for All the Right Reasons: Books
  203. WSJ Q&A with Ron Paul
  204. Throw-off Glenn Beck, Disown ALL False Vector Leaders
  205. ACORN VIDEO #5 - San Diego
  206. What's in an iconic symbol?
  207. Hardcore neocons question Beck's loyalty after he tried to go after next Obama Czar
  208. CNBC Poll: Should the FED be abolished?
  209. Dem Senator Warns of 'Big, Big Tax' on Middle Class in Baucus Bill
  210. Man Ticketed Over Obama Posters
  211. Soldier Claims Authorities Training To Intern Americans Who Refuse Swine Flu Shot
  212. CP candidate elected! From the CPID: The Constitution Party of Idaho
  213. Ron Paul On Joe Scarborough Show 9/15
  214. Was Hannah Giles ACORN's "Monica Lewinsky" and a warning to Obama?
  215. Constitution Day Video
  216. Should the Fed be abolished?
  217. Vermont trifecta! Leahy cosponsors 604!
  218. Lawyer Demands Jury Stops Googling
  219. Ron Paul and Sarah Palin: The Ross Perot Moment
  220. Pelosi Cries: Fears for Obama's Safety Due to Tea Party Cult
  221. House Also Votes To Cut Acorn Funding
  222. Cocoa Protocol: Helping to End Child Labor in West Africa
  223. [VIDEO]"We Don't Know Who These People Are!" Congressman Poe On The President's CZARs
  224. Liberty Quiz as an iPhone App!
  225. "Cost of Government Day" Later Than Ever Before
  226. American Police State.
  227. Blitzer is officially a moron.
  228. Northeast Conference Freedom Celebration Live Feed
  229. Sotomayor Issues Challenge to a Century of Corporate Law
  230. ex-CIA agent: How the Soviet Menace Was Hyped
  231. lets start a new tea part trend, FLY THE CIVIL FLAG OF THE USA
  232. Go to C4L for live conference
  233. Lawsuit seeks larger House under 'one person, one vote'
  234. Live Video from the NorthEast Conference
  235. ACORN: Another Reason Americans Distrust The Media
  236. Vote!
  237. 9/12 Tea party
  238. Joe Scarborough promoting Rand Paul/Peter Schiff
  239. Who Can Beat Sen. Dodd?
  240. Students for Liberty vs YAL?
  241. Neo cons outraged that we wont be putting missiles on Russia's doorstep
  242. What's Wrong with Taxation?
  243. Stop Cap and Tax!
  244. Powerful Congressional Subcomittee Chairman Dennis Kucinich
  245. moving words of the Iraqi shoe-thrower
  246. Name That Operation. A Reality Check
  247. Forced vaccinations: a whistleblower's clear warning - reposted by Project Camelot
  248. Hearings: Hillary's position as SOS being challenged
  249. Alex Jones puts ACORN scandal in perspective
  250. Time interviews Ron Paul (video)