- Congress Destroys American Freedom
- Giuliani: Freedom is about Authority
- Dont Restore Habeas Corpus ... America doesn't deserve it !!
- Signed into law May 9th, Presidential Directives NSPD 51 + HSPD 20 = MARTIAL LAW
- National ID Buried in Immigration Bill? - Petition Representatives
- "Secret and anonymous hold" on FOIA-related bill
- How's your libertarianism?
- Eminent Domain Abuses are Out of Control
- Other Candidates' relation to Habeas Corpus
- George Bush makes himself DICTATOR
- Supreme Court Overturns Constitution
- Please support RPs House Bill 2387
- On Dissent, Censorship and Liberty in America
- U.S. Supreme Court Says McCain-Feingold Law is Partly Unconstitutional
- NYC man held for reciting 1st Amendment
- More Prisoners than Farmers in America
- (Hemp) "Wear It. Eat It. Drive It. Just Don't Grow It" (opinion piece--Bloomberg.com)
- Is internet gambling illegal in USA?
- More evidence we exist in a police state
- Big brother in New York
- Police beat down 70 y.o. woman over lawn.
- Military Dictarorships are Your Friend
- A closer look at the Bill of Rights
- Executive Order Overturns US Fifth Amendment
- The Disappearing Civil Liberties Mug
- "military dictatorship, and few seem to care." - Ron Paul
- Family holes up, refuses to pay taxes. It might end in bloodshed
- FISA Expansion Sparks Civil Liberties Concerns
- Internet gambling hypocrisy
- Ron Paul or Martial Law
- FISA Court Requires Bush Admin to Respond to ACLU's Request for Public Info
- TSA gets "Behavior Detection Officers"
- Private Mercenary Armies: A Looming Threat to Freedom
- White House Manual Details How to Deal With Protesters
- Kid must sell Bond's baseball for tax reasons!
- Federal Judge Strikes Down Part of the Patriot Act!
- civil liberties
- Federal Judge rules against Patriot Act!
- Judge Invalidates Patriot Act Provisions
- Rudy on civil liberties
- Violation of the Patriot Act
- Is this an attack on my civil liberty?
- Quick Primer on rights
- New Attorney General: Giuliani Campaign Advisor, Pro-Patriot Act
- Lost rights
- Habeas Corpus Restoration Act
- Restore Habeas Corpus
- Imp call to action to restore Habeas corpus.
- Brownback, McCain against Habeas corpus
- Barr Blasts Senate for Refusing to Restore Habeas Corpus
- Restore Habeas Corpus?
- The Patriot Act in a nut shell
- McCain, Brownback Vote Against Habeas Corpus
- Public Smoking Bans
- Habeas Corpus and a Senate Race in Maine
- Anyone have a link to the newest ammendmnet in the Patriot Act on domestic terrorism
- Liberty and National Healthcare
- Judge Rules Against Parts Of Patriot Act
- More provisions of Patriot Act ruled unconstitutional
- CSPAN2 now: Boxer pitches "thought crimes" amendment
- Must askTSA permission to fly 72 hours early!
- Ron Paul Rings The Bell Shouts "For Liberty"!
- Notice the LA Times won't call this a hate crime
- Liberty & Power blog: A New Spring to Our Step
- Internet Police: Coming to America
- HR 1955 - Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
- Holy Land Foundation mistrial - HUGE victory for liberty
- URGENT URGENT called RON PAUL this BILL to kill Patriot
- FEE: The Source of Rights
- Traitors In Congress, See Who Voted For The 'Thought Crime' Bill (H.R. 1955)
- FEE: The Goal Is Freedom: Liberty and Political Obedience
- Today is the 6th Anniversary of the Patriot Act
- US citizens constantly Tazed, yet border patrol gets two years for pushing an illegal
- URGENT: HR 1955 Thought Crime Bill goes to senate!
- FEE: The Drug Wars Assault on Liberty
- Liberty & Power: Whatever Happened to Guy Fawkes Night?
- land ownership
- How is the PATRIOT ACT Unconstitutional?
- Does the 1st Amendment forbid the STATES from making laws against speech?
- Thought police... HR 1955
- 2008 Defense Authorization Bill authorizes use of US military for domestic purposes!
- There is absolutely nothing patriotic about the "Patriot Act"
- Promotion Of Liberty
- Neocon Attack on Ron Paul: Greasing the Skids for HR 1955?
- In event of emergency ... call out the military? | H.R. 1585
- Patriot Act and citizens???
- About the HR 1955 bill
- Hillary: Security trumps Human Rights
- Stop HR 1955 From Becoming Law
- FEE: Borders and Liberty
- CIA Torture Reenacment Video
- Maybe some big delay for RFID and Verichip?
- Liberty & Power: Hillary v. Paul on Medical Marijuana
- One Subject at a Time Act
- The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (H.R. 1955)
- Out of touch copyright laws
- Further Proof of the Loss of Civil Liberties
- Free America from the Neocons
- Police State. You Tube. Arrested For Reading The Constitution.
- Bill of Rights Poll
- Senate Could Soon Vote on "Thought Crimes" Act
- Homegrown terrorism act... uh oh.
- Alex Jones/Naomi Wolf/End of America mp3
- Firmen being trained to report discontent with the US government
- So does anyone here have any updates so far on the HR 1955 bill?
- A court rules for states' rights and pivate property rights
- Fourth Amendment Protection In Text Pager Messages
- Obama proposes forced national service
- Are YOU on the government watch list?
- I just called my local Rep about HR 1955, have you?
- is McCain intending a push for a draft?
- Super highway network in Texas then the Whole of North America? NAFTA
- Sweden makes moves to scrap conscription
- Robert Taft's 1946 speech against the draft
- Where will the line be drawn?
- Where is the thread that lists the civil Liberties we're losing?
- FEE: The Drug Wars Assault on Liberty
- FEE: Wartime Executive Power: Are Warrantless Wiretaps Legal?
- Chicken Ban in Chicago!
- Obama Supports Home Grown Terrorism Bill!
- Firefighters as spies truly over the top
- Call Your Senators Today!!!
- patriot act question
- huckabee on civil liberties
- Tea Party = Terror
- quotes of the Dem proponents of slavery
- Legalizing all drugs thread pt 2 : Through the eyes and life of ONE DRUG WAR POW!
- Homeschool Mom Threatend with Jail For Homeschooling
- why the military commissions act is a national security problem
- Our rights are gone...
- LONG, DETAILED, SUPERB: Police State America
- Fascism in America Education Thread
- City Arrests Music Teacher for Lawn Grass Being Too High
- Martial Law Groundwork?
- UPDATE - Music Teacher Arrested For Lawn Grass
- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
- Couple forced to take in criminal lodger after he tells court their house is HIS home
- Big Brother U.S. Government Subpoenaed Amazon.com
- H.r.-1955
- You guys have to read this energy bill that just became law
- Do you support referendums on smoking bans?
- TAKE ACTION against "The Thought Crimes Bill"
- Patriot Arrested
- FBI aims for world's largest biometrics database
- The Federal Government’s Assault on Internet Freedom
- Homeschooling support for candidates
- Five myths about torture and interrogation
- When they take the Internet away from us
- Bush Seeks restore battered US Image
- NH: Jailed in Defense of the Constitution (Protesting the IRS)
- Are we really losing our freedoms? Evidence? Proof?
- Spychips - Interview with the author
- No American Has Died from "Homegrown Terrorism" since 9/11
- Please Pledge No To NationalID
- Nml
- NH: Jailed in Defense of the Constitution
- Usa Today Question On Bearing Arms
- Guantanamo: As Above, So Below
- Ultimate Reality Ahead for Us: This will motivate you to vote for Ron Paul
- Bush's Executive Orders As our illustrious Dictator
- Judge Napolitano on Patriot Act
- Chips in You DL??
- Feds out of control, save us Ron Paul!
- Iowa GOP to Fox - Open Debate to all
- More Dead 'Cos of Ohio
- California Laws that went into effect Jan 1
- Interestin document for civil libertarians: Individual Declaration of Rights
- How to Fight a Neo Con
- great weapon for info war
- "Thinking For Yourself Is Now A Crime" - Paul Craig Roberts
- Lawyer who beat IRS sues Agents
- Florida, Federally Indicted
- Huckabee says government should limit our income
- Man arrested for publishing photos of war dead
- Disney World takes your FINGERPRINT!!!
- cell phone tracking
- Scariest Story of the Year...so far
- California Government Regulatory Agency wants control over your thermostat
- If you feel like digging something...thanks! -> Manifest Destiny <-
- Rights are "Only in the Movies"
- DHS to treat farmers like terrorist wannabes
- Civil Liberties...and how to lose them in one easy step
- Abolishing Affirmative Action
- This is a ploy to get support for REAL ID
- You Tube censorship
- Real ID mandated for 2017 by Homeland Security
- Real ID???
- Real Id Unconstitutional
- VICTORY FED ON EXTENZE - New Security Rules for DL's
- H.r.393
- DIEBOLD To Change Its Name
- Any with me on this?
- I'm sure glad I won't have to participate in the Real ID Act
- How many people will get a Real ID?
- Real ID? So what are we supposed to do about our chipped passports?
- More Bodies for War - DRAFT
- draft re-instatement bill started
- Uk To Chip Prisoners,take Organs Without Permission
- Letter to Governor re: REAL ID
- HR 1955 & Ron Paul supporters as promoting an extremist belief system
- Prisoners to get RFID implanted chips
- 2008 presidential charade promises deepening of government criminality and expansion
- ‘Don’t Tase me, bro’ student breaks silence
- EViL ChERtoFf SPiNs rEaL iD, RON PAUL sEtS iT StRaiGHt
- Who and which states are pro-REAL ID?
- U.S. Supreme Court - Citizens May Not Petition Their Gov.
- UK Prisoners to be Given Chip Implants
- America's Police State
- So called "Free Speech Zones."
- US Gov't must be able to read everything on Internet
- ABC News segment on Real ID
- Huckabee = Big Brother
- The Declaration of Independence
- Poker game draws SWAT team, 13 yo confiscated by state
- Liberty and Privacy: Connections
- The Census: Inquiring Minds Want to Know a Lot
- The Danger of National Identification
- ID Plan Is Broadly Criticized
- "Prince of Pot" charged by the US DEA
- Mandatory Military Service? Draft?
- Repeal the REAL ID Act
- What rights or liberties have we lost since 9-11?
- DHS computer turns school teacher into fugitive
- Curious about your opinions on repealing the 14th amendment
- The Investigator is at your service
- Real ID to purchase pharmaceuticals?
- Lawmaker wants to ban truck testicles!!!
- Pro-Choice Supporters?
- DHS and the Voter Identification Problem
- Simple Boycott for REAL ID
- ALERT!! Govt Drafting Plans for Internet Surveillance!!
- Achtung Catholics!
- Raondom people pulled of street for jury duty
- MSNBC on the inevitability of REAL ID
- Warning To Americans
- One step closer to regulating the internet
- H.R. 1955 a letter from my Congresman
- Smoking Ban : A Libertarian Nightmare?
- The cost of supporting Ron Paul
- I have an idea
- People plucked off streets, picked for emergency jury duty
- Real I.D. Is delayed! YAY!
- BTR airport bans holding RP signx
- pathetic
- What can we do about the ID act?
- which dem do you believe supports civil liberties?
- US Space Command monitoring networks
- Remeber as you're being handcuffed, databases are never wrong
- This Is What Happens When You Ask Questions In Nj
- Chris Dodd on Telecom Immunity