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  1. Congress Destroys American Freedom
  2. Giuliani: Freedom is about Authority
  3. Dont Restore Habeas Corpus ... America doesn't deserve it !!
  4. Signed into law May 9th, Presidential Directives NSPD 51 + HSPD 20 = MARTIAL LAW
  5. National ID Buried in Immigration Bill? - Petition Representatives
  6. "Secret and anonymous hold" on FOIA-related bill
  7. How's your libertarianism?
  8. Eminent Domain Abuses are Out of Control
  9. Other Candidates' relation to Habeas Corpus
  10. George Bush makes himself DICTATOR
  11. Supreme Court Overturns Constitution
  12. Please support RPs House Bill 2387
  13. On Dissent, Censorship and Liberty in America
  14. U.S. Supreme Court Says McCain-Feingold Law is Partly Unconstitutional
  15. NYC man held for reciting 1st Amendment
  16. More Prisoners than Farmers in America
  17. (Hemp) "Wear It. Eat It. Drive It. Just Don't Grow It" (opinion piece--Bloomberg.com)
  18. Is internet gambling illegal in USA?
  19. More evidence we exist in a police state
  20. Big brother in New York
  21. Police beat down 70 y.o. woman over lawn.
  22. Military Dictarorships are Your Friend
  23. A closer look at the Bill of Rights
  24. Executive Order Overturns US Fifth Amendment
  25. The Disappearing Civil Liberties Mug
  26. "military dictatorship, and few seem to care." - Ron Paul
  27. Family holes up, refuses to pay taxes. It might end in bloodshed
  28. FISA Expansion Sparks Civil Liberties Concerns
  29. Internet gambling hypocrisy
  30. Ron Paul or Martial Law
  31. FISA Court Requires Bush Admin to Respond to ACLU's Request for Public Info
  32. TSA gets "Behavior Detection Officers"
  33. Private Mercenary Armies: A Looming Threat to Freedom
  34. White House Manual Details How to Deal With Protesters
  35. Kid must sell Bond's baseball for tax reasons!
  36. Federal Judge Strikes Down Part of the Patriot Act!
  37. civil liberties
  38. Federal Judge rules against Patriot Act!
  39. Judge Invalidates Patriot Act Provisions
  40. Rudy on civil liberties
  41. Violation of the Patriot Act
  42. Is this an attack on my civil liberty?
  43. Quick Primer on rights
  44. New Attorney General: Giuliani Campaign Advisor, Pro-Patriot Act
  45. Lost rights
  46. Habeas Corpus Restoration Act
  47. Restore Habeas Corpus
  48. Imp call to action to restore Habeas corpus.
  49. Brownback, McCain against Habeas corpus
  50. Barr Blasts Senate for Refusing to Restore Habeas Corpus
  51. Restore Habeas Corpus?
  52. The Patriot Act in a nut shell
  53. McCain, Brownback Vote Against Habeas Corpus
  54. Public Smoking Bans
  55. Habeas Corpus and a Senate Race in Maine
  56. Anyone have a link to the newest ammendmnet in the Patriot Act on domestic terrorism
  57. Liberty and National Healthcare
  58. Judge Rules Against Parts Of Patriot Act
  59. More provisions of Patriot Act ruled unconstitutional
  60. CSPAN2 now: Boxer pitches "thought crimes" amendment
  61. Must askTSA permission to fly 72 hours early!
  62. Ron Paul Rings The Bell Shouts "For Liberty"!
  63. Notice the LA Times won't call this a hate crime
  64. Liberty & Power blog: A New Spring to Our Step
  65. Internet Police: Coming to America
  66. HR 1955 - Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
  67. Holy Land Foundation mistrial - HUGE victory for liberty
  68. URGENT URGENT called RON PAUL this BILL to kill Patriot
  69. FEE: The Source of Rights
  70. Traitors In Congress, See Who Voted For The 'Thought Crime' Bill (H.R. 1955)
  71. FEE: The Goal Is Freedom: Liberty and Political Obedience
  72. Today is the 6th Anniversary of the Patriot Act
  73. US citizens constantly Tazed, yet border patrol gets two years for pushing an illegal
  74. URGENT: HR 1955 Thought Crime Bill goes to senate!
  75. FEE: The Drug Wars Assault on Liberty
  76. Liberty & Power: Whatever Happened to Guy Fawkes Night?
  77. land ownership
  78. How is the PATRIOT ACT Unconstitutional?
  79. Does the 1st Amendment forbid the STATES from making laws against speech?
  80. Thought police... HR 1955
  81. 2008 Defense Authorization Bill authorizes use of US military for domestic purposes!
  82. There is absolutely nothing patriotic about the "Patriot Act"
  83. Promotion Of Liberty
  84. Neocon Attack on Ron Paul: Greasing the Skids for HR 1955?
  85. In event of emergency ... call out the military? | H.R. 1585
  86. Patriot Act and citizens???
  87. About the HR 1955 bill
  88. Hillary: Security trumps Human Rights
  89. Stop HR 1955 From Becoming Law
  90. FEE: Borders and Liberty
  91. CIA Torture Reenacment Video
  92. Maybe some big delay for RFID and Verichip?
  93. Liberty & Power: Hillary v. Paul on Medical Marijuana
  94. One Subject at a Time Act
  95. The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (H.R. 1955)
  96. Out of touch copyright laws
  97. Further Proof of the Loss of Civil Liberties
  98. Free America from the Neocons
  99. Police State. You Tube. Arrested For Reading The Constitution.
  100. Bill of Rights Poll
  101. Senate Could Soon Vote on "Thought Crimes" Act
  102. Homegrown terrorism act... uh oh.
  103. Alex Jones/Naomi Wolf/End of America mp3
  104. Firmen being trained to report discontent with the US government
  105. So does anyone here have any updates so far on the HR 1955 bill?
  106. A court rules for states' rights and pivate property rights
  107. Fourth Amendment Protection In Text Pager Messages
  108. Obama proposes forced national service
  109. Are YOU on the government watch list?
  110. I just called my local Rep about HR 1955, have you?
  111. is McCain intending a push for a draft?
  112. Super highway network in Texas then the Whole of North America? NAFTA
  113. Sweden makes moves to scrap conscription
  114. Robert Taft's 1946 speech against the draft
  115. Where will the line be drawn?
  116. Where is the thread that lists the civil Liberties we're losing?
  117. FEE: The Drug Wars Assault on Liberty
  118. FEE: Wartime Executive Power: Are Warrantless Wiretaps Legal?
  119. Chicken Ban in Chicago!
  120. Obama Supports Home Grown Terrorism Bill!
  121. Firefighters as spies truly over the top
  122. Call Your Senators Today!!!
  123. patriot act question
  124. huckabee on civil liberties
  125. Tea Party = Terror
  126. quotes of the Dem proponents of slavery
  127. Legalizing all drugs thread pt 2 : Through the eyes and life of ONE DRUG WAR POW!
  128. Homeschool Mom Threatend with Jail For Homeschooling
  129. why the military commissions act is a national security problem
  130. Our rights are gone...
  131. LONG, DETAILED, SUPERB: Police State America
  132. Fascism in America Education Thread
  133. City Arrests Music Teacher for Lawn Grass Being Too High
  134. Martial Law Groundwork?
  135. UPDATE - Music Teacher Arrested For Lawn Grass
  136. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
  137. Couple forced to take in criminal lodger after he tells court their house is HIS home
  138. Big Brother U.S. Government Subpoenaed Amazon.com
  139. H.r.-1955
  140. You guys have to read this energy bill that just became law
  141. Do you support referendums on smoking bans?
  142. TAKE ACTION against "The Thought Crimes Bill"
  143. Patriot Arrested
  144. FBI aims for world's largest biometrics database
  145. The Federal Government’s Assault on Internet Freedom
  146. Homeschooling support for candidates
  147. Five myths about torture and interrogation
  148. When they take the Internet away from us
  149. Bush Seeks restore battered US Image
  150. NH: Jailed in Defense of the Constitution (Protesting the IRS)
  151. Are we really losing our freedoms? Evidence? Proof?
  152. Spychips - Interview with the author
  153. No American Has Died from "Homegrown Terrorism" since 9/11
  154. Please Pledge No To NationalID
  155. Nml
  156. NH: Jailed in Defense of the Constitution
  157. Usa Today Question On Bearing Arms
  158. Guantanamo: As Above, So Below
  159. Ultimate Reality Ahead for Us: This will motivate you to vote for Ron Paul
  160. Bush's Executive Orders As our illustrious Dictator
  161. Judge Napolitano on Patriot Act
  162. Chips in You DL??
  163. Feds out of control, save us Ron Paul!
  164. Iowa GOP to Fox - Open Debate to all
  165. More Dead 'Cos of Ohio
  166. California Laws that went into effect Jan 1
  167. Interestin document for civil libertarians: Individual Declaration of Rights
  168. How to Fight a Neo Con
  169. great weapon for info war
  170. "Thinking For Yourself Is Now A Crime" - Paul Craig Roberts
  171. Lawyer who beat IRS sues Agents
  172. Florida, Federally Indicted
  173. Huckabee says government should limit our income
  174. Man arrested for publishing photos of war dead
  175. Disney World takes your FINGERPRINT!!!
  176. cell phone tracking
  177. Scariest Story of the Year...so far
  178. California Government Regulatory Agency wants control over your thermostat
  179. If you feel like digging something...thanks! -> Manifest Destiny <-
  180. Rights are "Only in the Movies"
  181. DHS to treat farmers like terrorist wannabes
  182. Civil Liberties...and how to lose them in one easy step
  183. Abolishing Affirmative Action
  184. This is a ploy to get support for REAL ID
  185. You Tube censorship
  186. Real ID mandated for 2017 by Homeland Security
  187. Real ID???
  188. Real Id Unconstitutional
  189. VICTORY FED ON EXTENZE - New Security Rules for DL's
  190. H.r.393
  191. DIEBOLD To Change Its Name
  192. Any with me on this?
  193. I'm sure glad I won't have to participate in the Real ID Act
  194. How many people will get a Real ID?
  195. Real ID? So what are we supposed to do about our chipped passports?
  196. More Bodies for War - DRAFT
  197. draft re-instatement bill started
  198. Uk To Chip Prisoners,take Organs Without Permission
  199. Letter to Governor re: REAL ID
  200. HR 1955 & Ron Paul supporters as promoting an extremist belief system
  201. Prisoners to get RFID implanted chips
  202. 2008 presidential charade promises deepening of government criminality and expansion
  203. ‘Don’t Tase me, bro’ student breaks silence
  204. EViL ChERtoFf SPiNs rEaL iD, RON PAUL sEtS iT StRaiGHt
  205. Who and which states are pro-REAL ID?
  206. U.S. Supreme Court - Citizens May Not Petition Their Gov.
  207. UK Prisoners to be Given Chip Implants
  208. America's Police State
  209. So called "Free Speech Zones."
  210. US Gov't must be able to read everything on Internet
  211. ABC News segment on Real ID
  212. Huckabee = Big Brother
  213. The Declaration of Independence
  214. Poker game draws SWAT team, 13 yo confiscated by state
  215. Liberty and Privacy: Connections
  216. The Census: Inquiring Minds Want to Know a Lot
  217. The Danger of National Identification
  218. ID Plan Is Broadly Criticized
  219. "Prince of Pot" charged by the US DEA
  220. Mandatory Military Service? Draft?
  221. Repeal the REAL ID Act
  222. What rights or liberties have we lost since 9-11?
  223. DHS computer turns school teacher into fugitive
  224. Curious about your opinions on repealing the 14th amendment
  225. The Investigator is at your service
  226. Real ID to purchase pharmaceuticals?
  227. Lawmaker wants to ban truck testicles!!!
  228. Pro-Choice Supporters?
  229. DHS and the Voter Identification Problem
  230. Simple Boycott for REAL ID
  231. ALERT!! Govt Drafting Plans for Internet Surveillance!!
  232. Achtung Catholics!
  233. Raondom people pulled of street for jury duty
  234. MSNBC on the inevitability of REAL ID
  235. Warning To Americans
  236. One step closer to regulating the internet
  237. H.R. 1955 a letter from my Congresman
  238. Smoking Ban : A Libertarian Nightmare?
  239. The cost of supporting Ron Paul
  240. I have an idea
  241. People plucked off streets, picked for emergency jury duty
  242. Real I.D. Is delayed! YAY!
  243. BTR airport bans holding RP signx
  244. pathetic
  245. What can we do about the ID act?
  246. which dem do you believe supports civil liberties?
  247. US Space Command monitoring networks
  248. Remeber as you're being handcuffed, databases are never wrong
  249. This Is What Happens When You Ask Questions In Nj
  250. Chris Dodd on Telecom Immunity