View Full Version : World News & Affairs
- Does anyone... support the war in Iraq at this point?
- Foreign policy missunderstandings
- Oil Has Nothing To Do with Iraq and They Attack Us because They Hate Us
- George Bush risking WW3 by Provoking Iran with "war games"
- Senate report: U.S. intel warned that Iran, al-Qaeda could gain with Iraq invasion
- Status of Iraq Authorization "Sunset-Clause" ???
- CIA Warned White House About Iraq
- Pre 9-11 relationship between Al Qaeda and Saddam?
- Video: What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't
- Should I be concerned? - the Iraq War
- Message From Iraqi Resistance
- Bush envisions U.S. presence in Iraq like S.Korea
- Ron's Foreign Policy on Al-qaeda Vindicated Again
- Wesley Clark Says Neocons Plan To Overthrow 7 countries in the next 5 years.
- "Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties Conference in VA"
- As the Arabs see the Jews
- Giuliani: "we Need To Train Us Military To Nation Build"
- Bush war advisor was skeptical on Iraq- L.General
- PNAC document: "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
- Truce Between U.S. Enemies in Iraq
- Excellent Video Interview w/author of Blowback
- The Council on Foreign Relations Controls the Media
- Lieberman: U.S. Should Weigh Iran Attack
- more empire building
- Bush neocons funding Al Qaeda?
- AIPAC, Neocons and the state of Israel.
- Radical Islam: Al-Qaeda, Iran, and the Cult Mentalty (or, what we're doing wrong)
- One More Reason to Stop the War-China
- Compassionate 13yr. Child Pleads to United Nations
- Thoughts on HUGE military bases and Embassy in Iraq
- No child left behind on the way to Iraq
- Preemptive Nuclear War vs. Christianity
- Key GOP senator says Iraq strategy not working
- GOP support for Iraq war slips
- Books on Israel?
- Republican support for Iraq war slips
- Riots over fuel in Iran
- Republicans realize withdrawel from Iraq may be key for winning in 2008
- Lew Rockwell on PBS talking about the Iraq war and economy. NOW with Moyers 3/7/2003
- A NEW HOLY WAR AGAINST EVIL? A Buddhist Response.
- OMG. Watch this clip on Halliburton. IRAQ FOR SALE.
- Reasons for 9/11
- Has America Lost? War Doctrines of Kutusov vs Clausewitz May Help Explain Iraq War
- Iraq was found to be liable for attacks on 9/11
- REPORT: Voters Believe Iraq Is Creating More Terrorists
- PROOF our foreign policy is a motivator for terrorism
- "L.A. Times' Finds Two More GOP Senators Breaking With Bush on War" --
- Answering 10 Questions about the War on Terror
- Al Qaeda in Iraq: Bush's Creation
- Have we become the United States of Israel?
- Which USA public officials are dual citizens with Israel?
- Ron Paul and Just War Theory
- Reservist fighting his fifth war call-up
- Al Qaeda Cell in the U.S. Or On Its Way, According to New Intel
- The global banking elite, and China
- Russia suspends arms control pact...
- A Debate over the Iraq War
- Why is Council on Foreign Relations so evil?
- US Soldier hires Hit Man to shoot him so he does not have to go back to Iraq
- 80% of Russians Approve of Putin
- Pace: US Weighs Larger 'Surge' in Iraq
- Iran Asks Japan to Pay Yen for Oil, Start Immediately
- A morally justifiable usurpation- North Korea.
- Bush EO: Blocking Property of .. Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq
- Some stuff from Iraq
- Hey I am new, and I bring news that could be the catalyst to war with Iran.
- Alan Keyes talks to Houston Ron Paul supporters about the Iraq war
- disagree with the Iraq war? say goodbye to your property
- OMFNGGOD! The best Iraq war lie video
- Michael Scheuer: CIA Bin Laden Chief: Next Attack ‘Bigger Than 9/11'
- The CFR's current issue of "Foreign Affairs Magazine
- Completely bizarre video (Christians United for Israel)
- Cost of the Iraq War
- Iraq captain says he fears for his life, calls for US to leave country
- Walter Williams doesn't support Ron Pauls' foreign policy
- " Obama might send troops into Pakistan" -- AP/
- Israel using women in tourism ads
- The Case for an America-First Foreign Policy
- Iraq rapidly collapsing
- Is the Whole Iraq Adventure a Beta Test for the US?
- Iran Enabling Sanctions Act 2007 - Ron Paul Speech Against to House
- Weapons Missing in Iraq
- China Threatens USD
- Army Running Over Dogs in Iraq?
- Bush promises 'justice' if iran meddles in Iraq
- 80 US Congressmen take a free trip to Israel
- Washington Post: U.S. Financing Insurgency in Iraq
- Iraq vet confronts Mitt
- 1994: Cheney says Iraq would be "Quagmire"
- Drudge: US to designate Iran Revolutionary Guard as terrorists
- Tragedy in Iraq, 175 killed 200 wounded 8 captured
- U.S. Set to Declare Iran Guards Terrorists
- Iran War Coming?
- Guess what? The neocons have brought Russia and China back together.
- Attack on Iran could lead to war with Russia and China
- PFC Hayes IRAQ hottie army girl, Vote Ron Paul!
- Soldier talks about Iraq
- Iran and Kurds shelling
- "France shifts its stance on the conflict in Iraq" -- in International Herald Tribune
- Bush warns of new Vietnam in Iraq
- Fox News, watch their propaganda techniques against Iran and the parallels to Iraq!
- Fox News’ Drumbeat for War with Iran
- Fox Attacks : IRAN
- Article: "Giuliani Worse than Bush" On Foreign Policy
- Bush planned to go after Saddam days after his inaguration
- BUSH/CHENEY knew there was NO WMD, NO 911, NO AL QAEDA prior to the WAR.
- Iran is fully nuclear!
- US preparing for massive MILITARY STRIKE on IRAN ! WTF
- Step Closer Ton War With Iran?
- Iraq Propaganda Re-applied to Iran and Illegal workers in US government
- Our Troops Won the War in Iraq
- Our Troops Won the War in Iraq
- Hilary Tells Israeli Lobby She Would Attack Iran
- We Are Going To War With Iran
- Republicans Who Voted Against Iraq Resolution Tell Why
- Pentagon Has 3-Day Plan to Knock Out Iran's Military
- Private foreign policy: mercenaries and militias
- "We Are Going To Hit Iran. Bigtime"
- US to Hit Iran, Big Time?
- Hillary Clinton Threatens to Nuke Iran !!!
- Parallels Between FOX's selling of Iraq and Iran
- Bush: "We're kicking ass" in Iraq
- Absolute proof - hijacking of US foreign policy
- American Aid to 51st state (Israel) Increase...Again
- Does Ron Paul take Marching Orders from Al-Qaeda?
- Bush Can't End Korean War Yet
- "Petraeus: Iraq Buildup Falls Short" --
- Donald Trump making a lot of sense on Iraq...
- Another bin laden video tape is due to be out.
- Fred Thompson: Al Qaeda smoking ban pushed Iraqis to U.S.
- Clip - Glenn Beck/Heritage's Carafano on Iran
- Does Hillary want to go into Iran?
- Oh, oh, bad news for Iran...
- Article: U.S. Officials Begin Crafting Iran Bombing Plan
- Conservative Foreign Policy
- An Iraq Vet just put it best...
- Article: U.S. Preparing for Iran Military Strike
- Bush's Hope For Iraq Dead [Article + Youtube]
- The truth about Anbar province in Iraq: What General Patreaus did not tell you
- Greenspan admits Iraq was about oil
- McCain caught lying about Iraq report
- Blackwater to leave Iraq
- Brownback's "just war in Iraq" is equal to jihad.
- Iraq without Blackwater?
- Making money off the Iraq War.
- HBO - Alive Day Memories - Home From Iraq
- Giuliani says NATO should admit Israel, Japan
- Scheuer: Townsend Wrong – Osama Still a Threat
- Bombing Iran
- Iran President, ground zero?
- Michael Scheuer Newsmax article
- Michael Scheuer on Bill Maher tonight
- Nuclear strike on Iran Is Imminent
- Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS
- Iraq is NOT Vietnam!
- Iran here we come!! Take cover!
- Dilbert's assessment of Iran
- Podhoretz secretly urged Bush to bomb Iran
- Iraq War Pushes Independents Away From Republicans
- The Future of Iran
- Lieberman trying to drum up war with Iran on Kudlow
- The Other Side of Iran
- Pentagon ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran
- Al Qaeda 'infiltrates' US Intelligence, AG Nominee Helped Cover UP
- Neo-Con update: Podhoretz secretly urged Bush to bomb Iran
- Hidden Clause in Amendment would authorize war against Iran
- Lieberman's Bomb Iran Bill
- Warming America up for war in Iran
- Generals opposing Iraq war break with military tradition
- Hillary votes for supporting an attack against Iran, Obama doesn't bother showing up!
- SILENCE IN SYRIA, PANIC IN IRAN - Israel's air attack on Syria
- Lieberman's Bomb Iran Bill Passes
- Let the Israelis take care of Iran
- China Passes Law to Regulate Reincarnation
- Conspiracies Book Is Top-Seller In China / Anti-Fed!
- New video to show people who think we should still be in Iraq
- Jewish community in Iran slams US protest against Ahmadinejad's visit
- Iran Declares CIA "Terror Organization"
- O’ Jerusalem [Movie about the Creation of Israel]
- US trains Gulf air forces for war with Iran
- Question: Congress approving Iraq War?
- Big Fred: Iraq had WMDs before U.S. invaded
- War Tax Bill to Pay for Iraq
- Texas Oilman Admits Iraq Oil-For-Food Bribes
- National Guard in Iraq
- FEE: The Failures and Fallacies of Foreign Aid
- Ann Coulter: Giuliani crazy enough to nuke Iran.
- North and South Korea: Maybe Ron Paul is right.
- Iran sanction Bill - Ron Paul Dominates!
- Bush: US will 'defend its ally Israel'
- Liberty & Power blog: Archbishop Attacks Neocons Over Threat to Bomb Iran
- The Iraq War Not for Oil?
- Would an attack on Iran by Bush help or hurt Dr. Paul?
- America and Venezuela: Constitutional Worlds Apart
- Book: Katie Couric felt pressured by NBC to support the Iraq War
- So what happens when the US attacks Iran?
- Rudy: "USA and Israel are bound by blood."
- Curious - Which canidates (dem/repub) are still looking to end the Iraq war?
- Forget about Iran, what about China
- Video: Republican John Duncan Backs Ron Paul on Iraq War
- NeoCon Debate Point #3 : Iran is the Next Nazi Germany
- This Is Why Vladimir Putin Gets Bad Press
- NH: The Iraq war: An assessment, five years on
- Bob Barr on warmongering on Iran
- Hillary voted for war with Iran
- Fox News tipped off Al-Qaeda to spy network | surveillance operation now worthless
- How to solve root Terrorism?
- A little visual perspective on the 87 billion being spent on Iraq.
- Ex-Iraq commander Sanchez calls war 'nightmare with no end in sight'
- General Sanchez calls Iraq a nightmare, eviscerates administration
- Does General Sanchez former commander of Iraq agree with Ron Paul?
- "Turkish tanks ready to roll into Iraq in hunt for rebel hideouts"
- More soldiers comments on the Iraq war
- Public Remains In The Dark About Iraq War (and Iran is coming soon to theaters near u
- Namibia deports two Americans for recruiting for Iraq
- Are these clowns running for president of USA or of Israel?
- Ron Paul stings Hillary On Iraq War-STRONG ARTICLE!
- Charlie Wilson's War (When We Supported Afgan/Pakistan)
- China to free their controls
- Buried 60 mins interview | Iraq war was planned from day one
- NYT: Israel Struck Syrian Nuclear Project, Analysts Say
- Hillery voted for an amendment that could be used as support for attacking Iran
- Police state news
- Ron Paul and His Crazy 88s Say: No More Money for Iraq
- Russia to United States: "Don't mess with Iran"
- Putin allying with Ahmadinejad?
- Washington Post - The Real Iraq We Knew
- How AIPAC works and operates to "prevent" those not aligned with Israel access
- Foreign policy stories today.
- Putin calls on U.S. to set pullout date in Iraq
- They are ready to bomb Iran...
- Top Tier GOP Hopefuls On Standing With Israel
- MSNBC, Counterterrorism chief support RP assertion that Iraq is creating terrorists
- Iran to fire '11,000 rockets in minute' if attacked
- Question about blowback
- Mark Day on bombing Iran
- U.S. Troops against the Iraq war
- They Want War With Iran No Matter What
- A Turkish invasion of Iraq could unify the country?
- If we go to war w/ Russia...
- Ecuador wants military base in Miami
- Mitt Romney Misspeaks, Confuses Barack Obama with Usama bin Laden
- Good Frontline episode on Iran airing right now
- Rudy's top foreign policy advisor attacked by patriots
- Iraq for sale
- "I will follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell and I will shoot him..."
- Did anyone catch Frontline on Iran last night
- Neo Con admits Iraq War was for Imperialism
- Is Iran "perhaps single greatest" security risk to US
- Turkish planes bombing Iraq NOW
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