View Full Version : Letter Writing

  1. Iowa Write a Student Program Update
  2. Iowa Write a Student Program - Volunteer help needed
  3. Write a New Hampshiren?
  4. Update - Iowa Write a Student
  5. National Letter Writing Campaign - Iowa
  6. IOWA LETTER WRITING! We need your HELP!
  7. Iowa Letter Writing Dog Idea
  8. Write a letter - win a car
  9. My Letter To Iowa
  10. Iowa Write a Student Program Update
  11. South Carolina letter writing campaign
  12. Hm. Postage.
  13. My letter. Feedback please!
  14. Who are Independent Iowans?
  15. How I'm writing my letters
  16. Could Michigan be included in the letter writing campaign?
  17. What phone number should I include in my letter?
  18. Is cursive necessary?
  19. In need of NH addresses
  20. Can U Help us Help NH?
  21. Hand Written or Typed?
  22. Handwritten vs. Typed Compromise Suggestion
  23. Include Bumper Sticker
  24. No more forums for me till I finish my letters!
  25. Have you gotten feedback yet?
  26. my first post.
  27. Anyone want to donate stamps?
  28. Nonstandard envelope
  29. Feedback please---
  30. Need Addresses
  31. Oh the pain...
  32. Important Letter Writing News!
  33. Time Is Running Out !!! Letters To Iowa. Get Addresses Here.
  34. Help me buy stamps.
  35. Using social engineering in your letters.
  36. Indvidually written vs photocopied
  37. Would it be worth printing out a flier and sending it with the letter?
  38. A note on efficiency
  39. I have requested 10 names to write letters to on Sunday and am yet to receive anythin
  40. Psst, I have a secret . . .
  41. Individualized envelopes - idea for those with kids
  42. My updated Iowa letter -- please critique
  43. Great letter writing idea!
  44. Read Over My Letter, Please
  45. Iowa
  46. Woo hoo! 500k more addresses in Michigan!
  47. More States!!!
  48. Letter I'm going to send to my friends in Iowa
  49. Massive myspace messaging
  50. Reminder: Today is last day to send to Iowa
  51. Technique: Highlighting the Caucus/Primary date
  52. URGENT Need for Wyoming!!
  53. FLORIDA Now Available!
  54. Write to your local Newspaper - RESOURCE
  56. Wyoming precinct committee members
  57. Post your record
  58. Important Suggestions for Letter Writing
  59. Had 5 letters returned from IA since Saturday, UTF
  60. Los Angeles trying to mess with me
  61. It seems we're going to have to send signed photocopies to MI
  62. Are the meetup groups aware of MI, SC, and FL addresses?
  63. How many letters will you send to MI by Jan 7?
  64. Can folks help me email meetup group organizers?
  65. My letter - feedback needed
  66. 350 trifold flyers and so far 90 stamps...
  67. Would someone be willing to email this meetup group organizer asap?
  68. We have more addresses for South Carolina letter writing
  69. New York Super Voters!
  70. Need help with letters to MI!
  71. Canadian letter writing
  72. Letters for Ron Paul
  73. Any Other Super Tuesday States?
  74. Help me write a letter.
  75. Need a bit of advice on edits to my letter
  76. Letters to advertisers of the NYT and FoxNews
  77. Letters to celebrities/ rich people
  78. my email - Feedback please
  79. Let's write emails to the media every day
  80. Why has this crapped out so utterly?!
  81. mailed 200 letters in AZ today
  82. My First Political Speech. Audience stunned.
  83. Need Dr. Ron Paul / Obama Flyer
  84. Steal this letter, or point out why you wouldn't so others won't.
  85. Put the kids to work.
  86. Letter writing for post-Super Tuesday states?
  87. Can I post about email campaigns here?
  88. My desire for REAL change...
  89. My precinct letter