- Iowa Write a Student Program Update
- Iowa Write a Student Program - Volunteer help needed
- Write a New Hampshiren?
- Update - Iowa Write a Student
- National Letter Writing Campaign - Iowa
- Iowa Letter Writing Dog Idea
- Write a letter - win a car
- My Letter To Iowa
- Iowa Write a Student Program Update
- South Carolina letter writing campaign
- Hm. Postage.
- My letter. Feedback please!
- Who are Independent Iowans?
- How I'm writing my letters
- Could Michigan be included in the letter writing campaign?
- What phone number should I include in my letter?
- Is cursive necessary?
- In need of NH addresses
- Can U Help us Help NH?
- Hand Written or Typed?
- Handwritten vs. Typed Compromise Suggestion
- Include Bumper Sticker
- No more forums for me till I finish my letters!
- Have you gotten feedback yet?
- my first post.
- Anyone want to donate stamps?
- Nonstandard envelope
- Feedback please---
- Need Addresses
- Oh the pain...
- Important Letter Writing News!
- Time Is Running Out !!! Letters To Iowa. Get Addresses Here.
- Help me buy stamps.
- Using social engineering in your letters.
- Indvidually written vs photocopied
- Would it be worth printing out a flier and sending it with the letter?
- A note on efficiency
- I have requested 10 names to write letters to on Sunday and am yet to receive anythin
- Psst, I have a secret . . .
- Individualized envelopes - idea for those with kids
- My updated Iowa letter -- please critique
- Great letter writing idea!
- Read Over My Letter, Please
- Iowa
- Woo hoo! 500k more addresses in Michigan!
- More States!!!
- Letter I'm going to send to my friends in Iowa
- Massive myspace messaging
- Reminder: Today is last day to send to Iowa
- Technique: Highlighting the Caucus/Primary date
- URGENT Need for Wyoming!!
- FLORIDA Now Available!
- Write to your local Newspaper - RESOURCE
- Wyoming precinct committee members
- Post your record
- Important Suggestions for Letter Writing
- Had 5 letters returned from IA since Saturday, UTF
- Los Angeles trying to mess with me
- It seems we're going to have to send signed photocopies to MI
- Are the meetup groups aware of MI, SC, and FL addresses?
- How many letters will you send to MI by Jan 7?
- Can folks help me email meetup group organizers?
- My letter - feedback needed
- 350 trifold flyers and so far 90 stamps...
- Would someone be willing to email this meetup group organizer asap?
- We have more addresses for South Carolina letter writing
- New York Super Voters!
- Need help with letters to MI!
- Canadian letter writing
- Letters for Ron Paul
- Any Other Super Tuesday States?
- Help me write a letter.
- Need a bit of advice on edits to my letter
- Letters to advertisers of the NYT and FoxNews
- Letters to celebrities/ rich people
- my email - Feedback please
- Let's write emails to the media every day
- Why has this crapped out so utterly?!
- mailed 200 letters in AZ today
- My First Political Speech. Audience stunned.
- Need Dr. Ron Paul / Obama Flyer
- Steal this letter, or point out why you wouldn't so others won't.
- Put the kids to work.
- Letter writing for post-Super Tuesday states?
- Can I post about email campaigns here?
- My desire for REAL change...
- My precinct letter