View Full Version : Economy & Markets
- Who says you gotta have a central bank?
- Walter Williams on Inflation
- Fed Bankrupted to tune of 1,200 trillion++++
- An interesting story... The government does NOT think gold is money?
- A Question about the Gold Standard
- Wow, just watched "The Money Masters"
- Money as Debt.............
- Please support RPs House Bill 2755
- Poem about the Federal Reserve
- A Phone Call With The Federal Reserve
- Even Bankers don't understand the Federal Banking System
- real question about sound money
- Issue: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act
- The new money?
- Looking for youtube video on the FED
- What is the best investment with the economy and dollar collapsing?
- Dollar at 26 year low
- History Detectives - Continental Currency
- Money
- Really good page on the banking system
- Banks and the nature of Money
- The Liberty Dollar is a waste of money.
- Redeem lawful money
- Banking Cmte hearing monetary policy (likely Ron Paul questioning)
- Grandfather Economic Report
- Federal reserve
- Ron Paul news from banking hearing
- Banking hearing RIGHT NOW Wed, 18 Jul 10.30 am
- Proof RP is right about the fallen dollar!
- Money Masters Video - How reliable is it?
- VIDEO: Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud)
- House banking cmte hearing now
- Gold clause contracts
- Credit Cards and the Fed - It's worse than I ever knew
- Chinese Threaten "nuclear option" for Dollar
- If Not Gold, What Then--Part II: The Answer
- Chinese Officials Threaten Dollar-Crashing Sell-Off Of US Money
- Federal Reserve buys US Real Estate?
- The Housing Bubble and the Credit Crunch
- Goldless labor based money
- Inflation or Deflation?
- What to do with paper money
- Petition Against The Federal Reserve Bailout.
- Federal Reserve out of control?
- Opulence for the Federal Reserve
- Bernanke: The un-Greenspan
- Why can't the Fed just keep raising rates to get rid of inflation?
- The Federal Reserve
- competing currency
- Can someone give me the DEFINITIVE Fed Reserve video?
- Anyone know how the Fed is incorporated?
- Inflation calculator
- why abolish the federal reserve?
- Ron Paul,Godzilla.The Fed and gold
- The Federal Reserve System! (What average Americans think they know!)
- The dollar is tanking
- Modern day bank run... Think your money is safe..?
- Did anyone watch Alan Greenspan on 60 Minutes?
- Greenspan - Libertarian Republican
- Banking Crisis is NOW
- The Lies of Alan Greenspan
- Jon Stewart on the Fed, Alan Greenspan
- Gold hits highest level since 1980....
- Fears of dollar collapse as Saudis take fright
- Ron Paul grills Bernanke
- Alan Greenspan from Objectivist to Statist
- Ben Bernanke publicly admitted Fed caused Great Depression
- Canadian Dollar now worth about a Dollar.
- Ron Paul Addresses Banking Hearing on Moral Hazard
- Jon Stewart interviews Greenspan about purpose of the Fed
- Can someone provide some links to alternative inflation numbers?
- Alan Greenspan PWNED
- Inflation: What it does to your money
- US Dollar Crash
- Why do we have a FED? Alan Greenspan ATTEMPTS to explain.
- Canadian dollar now worth more than an American dollar!
- FEE classic: Central Banks, Gold, and the Decline of the Dollar
- Money as Debt .. Great Explanation
- The Dollar Won't Crash, We're all fine. Relax
- Good, short anti-federal reserve videos under 1hr?
- Why the US abandoned the gold standard
- Congress just solved the debt problem
- There is nothing wrong with the dollar...
- constitution amendment to limit inflation?
- Greenspan, Rubin Give History a Democratic Spin: Amity Shlaes
- Greenspan says ‘pending tsunami’ may hurt Fed
- "Greenspan: Euro could replace Dollar"
- There's No Inflation (If You Ignore Facts)
- Another $150 Bill for this War
- War Made Easy
- Heres a nice graph to show how the Federal Reserve is screwing us
- Countries without a central bank
- FED Repo 28 billion? Bernanke is nuts
- How does the inflation tax help the fed
- Qatar & Vietnam ditch the dollar
- Irwin Schiff on Federal Reserve
- War on terror fueling growth of Al Qaeda
- O'Really beats up Vincente Fox
- Gold Price Rises to 27-Year High
- Inflation and the Penny
- living in an imperial world
- Citizens For Financial Responsibility petition - Please help out !
- Greenspan on the Federal Reserve - Video
- Diddle My Biddle: Down With Central Banking!
- IMF says dollar is over-valued
- High oil prices propping up the dollar?
- Help with finding an Article/quote on Greenspan
- Want to understand the Fed?
- Buffett says US Dollar Not the Best to own right now.
- Dollar Hits New Low
- Dollar Drops to New Low Against the Euro
- FEE: How Gold Was Money--How Gold Could Be Money Again
- Today Show "U.S Dollar Dropped to historic lows"
- Helicopter Ben Bernanke just printed $41 Billion today
- GOLD NOW - It blew through $800
- Who owns the Federal Reserve?
- 7 Countries Considering Abandoning the US Dollar (and what it means)
- Are they forcing the decline of the Dollar to force the Amero upon us?
- The dollar’s slide: 1/3 down and falling faster
- FEE: Central Banks, Gold, and the Decline of the Dollar
- Gold standard talk
- Liberty & Power: Why War Protesters and Free Bankers/Gold Bugs Should Join Forces
- "
Bernanke Lifting Curtains at Fed" -- AP/Yahoo
- Why is the gold standard "goofy"?
- FEE: Banking Without Regulation
- FEE: Toward Free Banking
- 47 BILLION more into the banking system
- The Federal Reserve Scheme
- Sound Money... and the US Constitution
- OPEC interested in replacement for dollar
- Iran: the American dollar is worthless
- Anyone know why the gold price is falling?
- Dollar no longer welcome at Taj Mahal
- Five states passed resolutions to abolish the Federal Reserve
- Do you think Ben Bernanke will ever stop printing money like Paul Volcker did?
- Federal Reserve stuff on TV
- What is the best usable Competing Curency?
- FOMC minutes
- Freddie Mac stock price indicates serious trouble...
- Liberty Dollar vs US Treasury Gold Dollar
- US Dollar breaks down below 75 on Dollar index
- FEE: Taking Money Back: Part I
- FEE: How Much Money?
- Hazlitt on gold
- Federal Reserve youtube video
- Is the gold standard being used anywhere in the world?
- Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct
- Stop Calling Government Money Fake
- "The Wizards of Money"
- Problem: Fiat Money vs. Fractional Reserve Banking
- Running Total of Fed Reserve Billions Pumped into the economy?
- F. Tupper Saussy's Miracle on Main Street
- the feds
- Question about Federal Reserve
- Fed Info
- No Shortage of Gold
- A possible major flaw with the gold standard?
- Facing up to the falling dollar
- The Fed is at it again.... more inflation coming.
- Concerned about the strenght of the dollar? READ THIS
- Ron Bernanke in Charlotte, NC Nov 29th
- Another Fed Rate Cut?!
- Please explain how printing money benifits rich
- Will Scapegoated Brokers Finally Target the Fed?
- USFED Behind the Curve by Jim Wille (Hat Trick Letter)
- Article by Richard Rahn of the Institute for Global Economic Growth
- Should Americans Worry That Foreigners Hold Lots of Dollar Assets?
- Ron Paul on the Evil Fed, the IRS, and Saving the Buck
- ***Ron Paul Videos on Monetary Policy***
- Liberty & Power: A Follow Up on the Left and Central Banking
- FEE: Old Banking Myths
- Kroszner: Innovation, Information, and Regulation in Financial Markets
- RP on wealth transfer
- The Precedent for the Ron Paul Dollar
- Has Anyone Seen the Movie Maxed Out
- Elizabeth Warren on the upcoming collapse of the middle class
- The Fiat Money System
- Ron Paul on the economy
- Johnny Cash sings for Ron Paul...
- jon_perez explain yourself
- An attempt at a solution
- U.S. Debt
- Help,respond to this writer and his comments
- Confiscation of Gold - written into the Patriot Act
- THE HISTORY OF BANKING - excellent read!
- Downsize DC: Ron Paul's "Honest Money Act"
- Didn't the Gold Bullion Act of 1985 bring back the "Legal Tender" gold coins?
- The Failing Economy: The Second Stage of Divine Judgment
- Moral Question
- The Truth About The Economy: Total Collapse
- Gold & Central Bank Shift
- Controlling Interests in Fed??
- Financial Crises Book
- Good read
- Iran drops the dollar. Who's next?
- Needed: Simplistic video detailing monetary fraud
- Confused! Arguments on both sides...
- Metal based currency
- Our dollar going down
- Great read, the true facts - pass along
- National Debt
- Iran rejects the dollar - so it begins.
- The Downfall of the Almighty Dollar
- Why is the dollar crisis not a major issue?
- FEE: Why Not Monetary Freedom?
- Fed just cut rates a 1/4 point..
- RP on reckless FED - higher prices
- Ron Paul's comments on Interest Rate Cut
- Robert Mundell on David Letterman
- WSJ: Greenspan: The Roots of the Mortgage Crisis
- Fed Teams With Central Banks on Credit
- Why doesn't Ron bring up an audit of Fort Knox?
- The TFA - Term Auction Facility
- Liberty & Power: The Helicopters Start to Drop Money
- Don’t Bet Against the Dollar
- Can someone please explain this to me?
- Dr. Paul right again. Wholesale prices up 3.2% in November
- Futures and Inflation
- FED say`s "inflation is only .04%" Can you believe this BS!
- See that Circle? The one to the left? And the big one behind? Yeah.
- Getting $50 "legal tender" gold coins from a bank?
- FEE: Inflation in One Page
- National Treasure (warning depressing)
- Dark Moment for Liberty Dollar
- I got an A+ in Econ 103
- Federal Reserve
- Is The Price of Gold Manipulated or Not?
- Monetary Inflation Addiction
- Amazing Ron Paul Christmas video
- Gold, Prosperity, and Ron Paul
- Senate votes 93-1 to make housing crash worse
- The Money Masters documentary (1996)
- "inflation - a subjective ideological concept"... Classical vs Keynesian definitions
- Gold standard = no investment?
- Fed Blames Private Sector for Bust
- Sobering piece in today's Washington Post re. international central banks
- GATA demands to see the Gold
- What will gold do today????
- The U.S. needs more socialism.
- Double-Digit Price Inflation Returns! (Fed/Bernanke Hyperinflation)
- “A dollar really means nothing. It’s scary.”
- FEE: A Market Choice of Money
- NYT: Fed Shrugged as Subprime Crisis Spread
- CSM: A myth about consumer spending
- Eminent domain abuse in Paul's district
- WP: Two Options to Fight Off Inflation
- WP: What Bankers Fear
- FEE: The Greenspan Fed in Perspective
- $45 trillion gap seen in US benefits - NEWSWEEK 12/17
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