View Full Version : Advertising Projects
- Billboard sign update
- Idea for tv/radio commercial
- Nationwide newspaper campaign
- Make your own XM Radio Show for the Presidential Election '08 channel
- Pump up the volume! Greenville Radio Ads
- Huge Ron Paul Billboard in Kansas City
- Ron Paul Billboard in Kansas City
- PLEDGE DRIVE(?) Greenville Radio Spots
- Coordinating Radio Ads in Iowa (Mojo Content)
- Radio spots running up to noon Sat!
- Ante Up!!!!::::: Iowa Radio Spots!! Now !!
- Rolling billboard
- NEWSPAPER AD: 1/2 or full page -- Donate NOW
- RADIO ADS: ANTE UP NOW! - lets do this!
- Are their any Radio or Paper Ads in Iowa I can donate to?
- radio ad?
- Iowa Straw Radio Spot...A BIG congrats to Lord Xar
- The NewsPaper Ad
- Hello, I could be your next full page newspaper ad
- NEWSPAPER AD: last minute push: You in or out??
- **iowa Newspaper Ad - Donations Only Thread**
- I think we should run the full size ad in a national paper
- Grassroots Newspaper Ad Effort to Be Reported in Major News Outlets
- AMES NEWSPAPER AD: available soon. Refer to this post.
- Ames Newspaper Ad
- I have an assignment for everyone.. PLEASE READ.. free newspaper advertising
- What happened to the idea of placing ads during neocon radio shows?
- Need help with a Dr. Paul for President Billboard message!
- Full Page Ad In Newspaper
- Need last 20 Seconds of a RADIO AD::: Your input needed
- Newspaper ad fund
- Legal question regarding billboard advertising, need consult please.
- Radio ad
- Full Page Founding Fathers Ad In New Hampshire's Main Newspaper!
- a radio commercial I threw together with Audacity...
- Powerful Radio Commercial? Read and let me know.
- Radio/Newspaper ads
- Mosaic Ad as Insert in #1 Business Newspaper in WV -- Your Help Needed
- Grassroots Radio ads
- Radio ad
- Radio ad
- Kids LOVE Ron Paul. Great video. - University of Michigan
- Radio ad
- University of Michigan Airplane Banner Huge Success (Video inside)!
- 60,000 plus Newspaper Inserts almost ready to go in New Hampshire I NEED SOME HELP
- Ready to use radio commercials?
- $$$ Please Help Us Run Newspaper Insert In New Hampshire
- NASCAR Fly-over - $800 raised so far
- Founding Fathers Flyer Set For New Hampshire Newspaper!
- The Banner will be Flying again at the University of Michigan!
- Chicago Marathon Flyover: 1 Million Spectators
- New Hampshire's top newspaper, Union Leader, interviews Ron Paul
- Help Newspaper Ad for New Hampshire
- Urgent Urgent Urgent Need A Newspaper Ad Now
- Nov 17: Ohio State v. U. Michigan: BIGGEST college football game in country! Flyover?
- URGENT!!!! Chicago Marathon is on Sunday! We need to get enough money for a flyover!
- Chip-in for Mosaic Flyers in NW FL Newspaper
- Chip-in for Mosaic Flyers in NW FL Newspaper (pic)
- Newspaper Ad Running Tuesday in the Concord Monitor
- 67% there to full page ad in New Hampshires biggest newspaper!
- FUNDING NEEDED: Newspaper Ad to be Published Statewide in NH!!!
- Dallas Area Newspaper Ad Fund Started!
- FUNDING NEEDED: Newspaper Ad to be Published Statewide by 7:00am Monday!!!
- Billboard Ad in NH - contains all needed info
- NH Newspaper Ads
- N.H. Statewide Newspaper Ads for Ron Paul
- Newspaper Says Cynthia McKinney Will Seek Green Nomination After All
- ...And even MORE Ron Paul newspaper ads
- 1/4 Page Newspaper Ad for Next Sunday's Union-Leader
- Flyover Chipin :: OSU v Michigan game Nov 17
- Need newspaper ads
- It's all about name recognition + how to do radio ads)
- Vote in SC Newspaper Presidential Poll
- N.H. Newspaper Ads
- Google is GIVING AWAY Money for Radio Ads
- Help me write an ad in my newspaper
- FUNDING NEEDED: Sunday, October 21 Newspaper Ad in the Union-Leader, Page A-3
- OSU v Michigan Football Game Flyover -- Almost there!
- Help us fly a RON PAUL banner over HUGE Anti-War rally in Chicago on 10/27!
- New radio ad's terrible. Much better ideas herein.
- Ron Paul flying billboard - Ideas and opinions, please!
- Help design a newspaper ad! Suggestions needed!
- Radio Ad
- Does anyone have a link to a grassroots radio ad...?
- Thank you GrannyWarriors
- Only $100 more dollars for the OSU v Michigan game Flyover
- Emergency Alert System Ron Paul Radio Ad
- Radio People Critique Please
- Only $225 more needed for a full page newspaper ad! UCLA's Daily Bruin
- 30 Second Talk Radio Ads: $25-50
- How to buy radio advertising!
- newspaper ads
- [TARGETTED DONATION] High-traffic billboard in SC
- Any Iowans on the forum? Let's get some chip-ins going for NH styled newspaper ads!
- Awesome NH Billboard Idea!
- $40/day for digital billboards running 24hours/day newhere in the US
- Official Billboard Thread
- Why Billboards?
- Major Announcement For Billboards
- Opportunity to advertise in school newspaper? HELP
- Springfield MO needs $800 more by Tomorrow!
- Billboard in North West Florida in now up
- What's your billboard SAYING?
- Radio Ads for Ron Paul/Colorado ASAP
- Consider this Design
- Attract the Christian vote – stand outside a church on Sunday morning with a RP sign
- Get your videos and ads on Cable Access!!!
- flying banner
- Abandoned and Back!
- Ron Paul Yearbook Quote
- Hire A Copywriter. Now.
- Convert Airport Travellers This Thanksgiving
- Raise easy money for Ron Paul just by voting in online election!
- No Charge Professional Voice-Over For Your Ron Paul Productions
- Macy's Day Parade
- Graphics,Flash/HTML,Video Production? Join Ron Paul Meetup!
- primer on banner towing
- Parade floats
- I heard the XM radio commercial today
- Gas Prices; The ONE thing ALL Americans agree on!
- Gun magazine advertisement?
- Radio/TV/Youtue Ad Idea.... FAKE Negative Ad
- 1/4 page ad possibility
- Ron Paul Ad Contest (Win up to $2000)
- Idea for a new commercial (video)
- FL I-75 Billboard idea
- How about Christmas Ron Paul TV ads?
- Billboard Rates - Plenty of Info
- Cinema Advertising
- A blimp is a BAD IDEA - here is why
- Let's do Hunting & Firearm Magazine advertisements
- E-mail blast for Tea Party 07!
- Guerilla anti-marketing tactics
- Ron Paul Moving Message Display
- How about an advertisement in GQ magazine?
- Ron Paul Letter Bomb
- Conventional Advertising Cost Chart
- Magazines to advertise in
- Magazines to advertise in.
- Transit Ads
- Any Newspaper Ads Out There?
- I'm making RADIO ads for free
- Magazines
- legal issues and convential advertisement
- Local Magazines & Newspapers
- Gun Magazine Ad.. please donate!
- High Quality Ron Paul with Reagan photographs
- MUST READ-- an INFOMERCIAL is the best way to go.
- Calls 4 Paul Campaign
- 300 Billboards in 300 Cities
- A NEWSPAPER AD FOR EVERY TOWN. Blimp for 1 month is good - but after that, ADS!!!!
- Ad to run in SHOTGUN NEWS.. please donate!
- Superbowl ad
- Groundswell/Grassroots Material
- Simple cheap ad
- Original Commercials for RP
- New Hampshire Slogan
- Sky writing and airplane banners..
- "just come home" Ad
- surpassing Giuliani today! spread the word
- AdWords and web promotions
- Rudy thinks Freedom means Authority
- Help finding postcard picture files.
- For Grassroots Organizations and Community Members - National Radio Project!!!
- 8' x 4' Sign Campaign
- Attack Huck?
- My pre-emptive Super Ad Idea
- How much would a Super Bowl ad cost?!
- Mobile Ron Paul Truck Billboard in New Hampshire
- Looking for feedback on a Ron Paul ad going into the NH Union leader.
- PLAN B: Banner Planes!
- Raise the Gadsden flag for Ron Paul Campaign
- Organize "Millionaires For Ron Paul"
- Freedom Walk 2008
- Put Ron Paul on your classmates page
- Yard Signs from Texas
- Radio time I-95 corridor Jacksonville-Savannah
- FREE CHRISTMAS KIT - Get Friends & Family to Donate
- need team to help get adds into iowa
- Still need about $1000 for the FULL PAGE ad in SHOTGUN NEWS
- Simple, FREE ways to support the cause you can do NOW
- St. Louis Putting Up 3-4 Billboards
- What to do about the Des Moine Register
- Iowa and NH 6x4 newspaper ads
- Ron Paul Billboards NH Mobile Truck Brigade!
- A thought about potential media buys in SC
- Ron Paul Search Engine
- Ron Paul DVD Bomb
- Idea - Ron Purple
- Local Advertising...
- Advertising
- The ultimate Flyer w/ Tear away tabs
- NH Ad's look awesome
- Just for laughs.
- Emergency: We need someone to design our high times ad!
- Viral Videos
- Alternate Ron Paul Logo
- spot runner ads?
- Louisiana Digital Displays
- Help get the Shotgun News ad in FUR, FISH, & GAME
- Discussion for 30 Minute Infomercial
- An Idea with the liberty cards...
- Historic Flags (handheld) for Donators & REVOLUTIONARY FLAGS!
- Response From John Mayers Publicist
- Alert: Hightimes ad at almost 50% ($1800) funding, deadline Friday!
- Nashville, TN Ron Paul billboard fund drive ending - Wanna help?
- Seattle Weekly Ad - design help
- New newspaper ad featuring Blimp! FEEDBACK WANTED
- Florida Television Channel 24/7 Vids
- airplane
- Ron Paul Infomercial - Crazy, but read...
- Advertising Idea
- Catholic Archdiocese Newspapers Advertising
- doing Radio Shows - a countrywide Ron Paul hour?
- Adbomb
- PACs -- Who needs 'em?
- How Much Better We'd Be Doing If Polls Were Honest & How to Negate Them NOW!
- Ron Paul TV Ads! - Too "Mushy"? Too "Careful"?
- World Magazine Full Page Ad?
- Ron Paul Authorized 'Just War' Ad
- AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) magazine ad idea.
- ***Need Volunteers*** Allow your car to be turned into a Ron Paul Billboard
- Bringing the Ron Paul Revolution to Mainstream Media
- Ron Paul billboard for Nashville - only $370 more needed now !
- What a Trillion Dollars Looks Like Ad
- A New Hope > Youtube
- Advertising focused on Super Tuesday States
- The God who didn't exist advertisment
- matrix mosaic tv ad
- Let's train our dogs to bark: "WRRon Paul"
- Long Haul Trucker Advertisements
- announces South Carolina billboard campaign!
- Ron Paul Vehicle Blitz Promotion
- Jefferson County IA - Small Paper Ads
- Running An Ad In Local Newspaper -- It's Legal, Right?
- New Sign/Slogan - A sure thing!
- Willy Nelson on the abuses of the IRS
- Question- I own a small direct mail company..
- 50 State Chipin for local Newspaper Ads
- Running Tv ads in Georgia
- Local Newspaper Ads in Tulsa area
- REQUEST: Pre-made Radio spots needed for NW Florida talk radio
- Google Ad Words
- MLK Freedom Day & RP Free at Last Money Bomb Day
- We won one county in Iowa - here's how to win all in your state!
- Billboards in GA
- Are we missing a huge point K.I.S.S
- Ron Paul Zines
- Bleed for Liberty
- Could this be made into TV ad
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