View Full Version : Tea Party
- Tea Party and Myspace!
- The big 2-0 :O)
- Tea Party 07 4.38 by 4:38
- iPhone site for tracking Tea Party numbers!!!
- drinks tonight at faneuil hall?
- Money Bombs for Charity when Ron Paul is President?
- Should the email encourage more than $100?
- Where is the Real Time Money graph? The URL
- So What's Going To Happen @ $12mil
- Look At This Graph!!!
- UNREAL: Tea Party article has 4,000+ diggs in 7 1/2 hours!
- Tea Party festivity zone to be here - any issues?
- Something Inspirational to go with your TEA!!!!!!
- Are ya going?
- Rules to tonight's drinking game!
- Spread the Tea Party! Reach MILLIONS More Tonight!!!! README
- If all tonight's current guests register...
- Over 500 viewing the Grassroots forum already!
- OMG what if 12/15 is our "Groundhog Day?"
- Shutting down my site tonight
- 30,000 new Ron Paul blogs after you give
- I Am Ready To Hit It
- Save the Bandwidth!!!
- Almost $100,000!
- ****for The Love Of God - Wait Until 12:05 Am - Its Only 5 Minutes ****
- Tea Party Limerick Thread
- I hope we don't break the internet
- Thoughts on 12 mil Goal
- The US Official Time ... Just so you know :)
- Hey, who donated early?!
- Don't Forget to listen to the radio covering tonight's event!
- Tea Party Starts in Half an Hour!!!
- My favorite Tea Party Video
- dailypaul calling for $1 million in first hour
- Please use this thread to post your donation: Teaparty VS November 5th!!!
- its 12:01am NOT 12:00AM
- killing time while laughing at bush
- Less than 15 minutes left
- Less than 10 minutes left
- Less than 10 minutes left
- The ball is about to drop.......
- Official DONATION THREAD. Your conf # and amount here!
- T Minus 10
- Who is the first person to donate for Tea Party
- 1222 On Board Right Now!
- 1220 members online
- Use to bypass home page and save bandwidth
- Unofficial Money Watch
- The Shot Herd Round The World
- Let's make Sean Hannity cry!
- accidently just maxxed out
- Let's Make A Million In 30 Minutes!!!!!
- $10,000,000 if at all possible
- Overture 12/16
- anyone streaming the NY tea "party"?
- !!!!!!bombs Away!!!!!!
- What time can we donate on the WEST COAST?
- It's time! Donate NOW!
- The Official Start Time Amount At Subscribers
- Campaign store purchase counts as Donation?
- Starting Amount: $11,551,156.57
- *** Boom ***
- And so it begins
- Starting Point $11,552,561.57
- Actual image of the Money Bomb (Funny!)
- ronpaulgraphs is down?
- Go Go
- $10,000/minute!!!!
- 40 k in three minutes...
- $11,000 per min
- Lay off
- Screenshot of the widget at 12:00 AM
- Got mine in at 12:01 am!!!
- 59K in the first 6 minutes!
- Sites that show live graphs
- Official I DONATED DEC 16TH thread
- Ron Paul Grassroots Central (622 Viewing), Currently Active: 1519
- $100,000+ in less than 10 minutes!
- WE did $100,000.00 in 10 minutes!!
- Hmm..... thunder right at midnight?
- $100,000 raised in 10 minutes
- OVER $100,000 in under 10 minutes
- 116K in the first 10 minutes!!
- can we get a huckabus vs paul money bomb graph
- What is the link straight to the widget?
- Bandwidth safe sites to monitor numbers, graphs ?
- Was going to wait... but anyone else want to try to hit the 12M mark?
- Predictions for when Donations break $12 Million?
- On track for $10+ MILLION today!
- Actual Starting Amount: $11,552,561.57
- Today will CHANGE THE WORLD - the Roar of the Lion is Heard
- There's a term for when a campaign is receiving $100,000 in 10 minutes
- What was the dollar amount at midnight
- $200,000 in 19 mins.
- Ron Paul VIDEOCHAT Instructions
- 200k = 20 min
- over $200,000 Raised in 20 min
- $100,000 in 10 minutes so that means maybe....
- Does anyone have a direct link to the widget?
- 200,000 in 20 minutes!!!
- $ 20 minutes.
- Who is going to match or raise my $225?
- WE did $200,000.00 in 20 minutes!!
- Capped at $10,000 a minute?
- 23 minutes...
- $1 Million By 2 a.m.?
- Comparison to november 5
- Need to pick up pace for 300k in 30 min!
- Anyone get a screenshot of their name on the donation ticker???
- You guys, you BROKE the counter!
- OVER 220,000 donors at this rate!!!!!!!!
- ***post Your Teaparty Pictures Here!!!***
- How is our pace compared to the 5th?
- 10,000 per minute!!!
- "Amazing, Simply Amazing"
- Can Minors Donate ?
- 261K in the first 30 minutes
- Keep up the momentum to stun everyone tomorrow morning!
- at 12:30am we matched Nov 5 at 3:00am
- 261K in the first 30 minutes
- Gotta be awake at 6:30am!!!!
- DIGG - keep Tea Party on front page all day!
- WE did $300,000.00 in 38 minutes!!
- Nov 5 - Tea Party Comparison graphs!!!!
- Donate an extra $1 for me
- Congrats guys
- Tea Party at the OLFD field house in Rye, New Hampshire
- Compared to November 5th
- Lets BREW this thing!
- On track for 11.5 Million
- 15 mins then comes Central Time!
- An hourly resurgence due to time zones?
- Actual Staring Amount v3.0
- For True Ron Paul Revolutionaries !
- 1751 members online!
- WE did $350,000.00 in 52 minutes!!
- Please donate NOW and not later in the day! We must build momentum!
- 88k to go for $12 million!
- Ron Paul graphs is down!
- DIGG the first 30 minutes!!!
- $416,667 per hour -- results in $10M for today
- Almost 12 Million !!
- I'm mellllltinggggg
- At 12:51 AM EST...
- One can't help but be excited about the tea party...
- $385,000 in the first hour
- $385,000 in the first hour
- $380K in first hour
- 380K in first hour
- Everyone should JUMP for joy @ $12 Mil!
- This is all the work of a few spammers!
- "Cached" graphs
- WE did $400,000.00 in 63 minutes!!
- down
- 1st HR, up 250K more than Nov 5th
- WE did $400,000.00 in 63 minutes!!
- Nov 5 vs Dec 16
- Fast Live stream of donation data
- A fitting song for today
- New animation?
- DIGG: Paul Raises $380,000 in FIRST HOUR of the day!
- DIGG: Ron Paul raises $380,000 in FIRST HOUR of the day
- Um, Yeah, Um, were going to need
- 101 People in chat!
- RP2008 is not loading!
- Behold!! $12,000,000.00 !!!!!!!!!!!
- so close...
- 2,000 left til 12 million!!!!
- 11.995!!!!!!!!!
- Happy $12 Million Everyone. We DID IT!!!
- $12 Million!!!!!!!
- 12 Million!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- 4th Quarter Goal Reached!
- Wooo Hooo $12 Milllion
- $12,000,000 Done!
- $12 Million dollars here it is
- By the time I finish typing this, we will have hit $12 million
- Ron Paul reached 12,000,000 at 1:12 am on December 16
- 12,003,413.07 as of 1:12 am est.
- Unbelieving Father
- Let's beat Kerry's record
- RP2008 Counter didnt move to 13Million?
- Next goal: the first million!
- back up to 10k per min rate
- Let it be said that on 1:12am EST on December 16...
- Anyone else notice the military donating ;)
- Trend analysts, what do you think we're gonna pull for the day?
- By enormous luck I just donated!
- web site problems = go here
- They need a new graph soon
- November 5 vs. December 16 Early Comparison Graphs
- 3rd best day
- When you're donating, think about this kind of crap (see bottom)
- WE did $500,000.00 in 80 minutes!!
- $500,000!
- Only took 71 minutes to pass 12 million dollar goal
- WE did $500,000.00 in 80 minutes!!
- UPDATE: Link For Webcast At Fanueil Hall
- DIGG - Ron Paul is a $12 million man
- This has got to scare Hilliary Clinton
- It's Over 9000!!!!!!
- The average donation so far is $123
- stay off ron paul web site !!
- Sailed through 12 mil, now +80k over
- We are beating NOV5th by 4x!
- Best Tea for The Tea PARTY is in this YouTube Video!!! Mesmerizing!
- Need motivation or inspiration to donate?
- It took us until 7 AM on Nov. 5th to Hit 500K
- Omg!!! This Is Amazing!!!!!!
- A Very Poignant Night...
- Another way to advertise to lots of people fast about the Tea Party
- Email your friends
- Anyone want to set a time to donate a second time tomorrow?
- Donation rate 5th vs 16th
- Official Tea Party donation RATE thread
- Yeah!!!!!!
- Graphs--Realtime--Alternet site
- Can we party?
- Craigslist
- Best Tea for The Tea PARTY is in this YouTube Video!!! Mesmerizing!
- Listen to Ron Paul Radio!! Continuous Donation Coverage!
- This is NOT a money bomb anymore....
- Bomb The Messageboards Now!!!!
- Who Else Hasn't Donated, Yet?
- Damn! I missed my name on the screen!
- WE did $600,000.00 in 105 minutes!!
- WE did $600,000.00 in 105 minutes!!
- I love you guys! I'm so proud of this movement!
- WE did $600,000.00 in the first 105 minutes!!
- I love all of you
- Search Engine Bomb
- From the establishment's perspective:
- NEEDS an update
- Mountain Time Zone - Acquire Targets
- TeaParty in the news? Links wanted!
- Graph comparing the 5th to tonight!
- Ron Paul has Raised Over $12 Million in the 4th Quarter
- Tea Party '07 Prediction
- whoa, projection is $19.41
- The Promotion Is Not Over Yet!!!
- What major news story will the Old Media create to avoid talking about the Tea Party?
- Hillary Clinton just donated!!!
- The Thermometer is gonna pop!
- Hillary donated!
- What was the exact amount at 12:00am ET?
- For those who are going to donate more than once today...
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