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  1. Tea Party and Myspace!
  2. The big 2-0 :O)
  3. Tea Party 07 4.38 by 4:38
  4. iPhone site for tracking Tea Party numbers!!!
  5. drinks tonight at faneuil hall?
  6. Money Bombs for Charity when Ron Paul is President?
  7. Should the email encourage more than $100?
  8. Where is the Real Time Money graph? The URL
  9. So What's Going To Happen @ $12mil
  10. Look At This Graph!!!
  11. UNREAL: Tea Party article has 4,000+ diggs in 7 1/2 hours!
  12. Tea Party festivity zone to be here - any issues?
  13. Something Inspirational to go with your TEA!!!!!!
  14. Are ya going?
  15. Rules to tonight's drinking game!
  16. Spread the Tea Party! Reach MILLIONS More Tonight!!!! README
  17. If all tonight's current guests register...
  18. Over 500 viewing the Grassroots forum already!
  19. OMG what if 12/15 is our "Groundhog Day?"
  20. Shutting down my site tonight
  21. 30,000 new Ron Paul blogs after you give
  22. I Am Ready To Hit It
  23. Save the Bandwidth!!!
  24. Almost $100,000!
  25. ****for The Love Of God - Wait Until 12:05 Am - Its Only 5 Minutes ****
  26. Tea Party Limerick Thread
  27. I hope we don't break the internet
  28. Thoughts on 12 mil Goal
  29. The US Official Time ... Just so you know :)
  30. Hey, who donated early?!
  31. Don't Forget to listen to the radio covering tonight's event!
  32. Tea Party Starts in Half an Hour!!!
  33. My favorite Tea Party Video
  34. dailypaul calling for $1 million in first hour
  35. Please use this thread to post your donation: Teaparty VS November 5th!!!
  36. its 12:01am NOT 12:00AM
  37. PledgeforPaul.com
  38. killing time while laughing at bush
  39. ~ PEOPLE in BOSTON ~
  40. Less than 15 minutes left
  41. Less than 10 minutes left
  42. Less than 10 minutes left
  43. The ball is about to drop.......
  44. Official DONATION THREAD. Your conf # and amount here!
  45. T Minus 10
  46. Who is the first person to donate for Tea Party
  47. 1222 On Board Right Now!
  48. 1220 members online
  49. Use http://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate to bypass home page and save bandwidth
  50. Unofficial Money Watch
  51. The Shot Herd Round The World
  52. Let's make Sean Hannity cry!
  53. accidently just maxxed out
  54. Let's Make A Million In 30 Minutes!!!!!
  55. $10,000,000 if at all possible
  56. Overture 12/16
  57. anyone streaming the NY tea "party"?
  58. !!!!!!bombs Away!!!!!!
  59. What time can we donate on the WEST COAST?
  60. It's time! Donate NOW!
  61. The Official Start Time Amount At Teaparty07.com Subscribers
  62. Campaign store purchase counts as Donation?
  63. Starting Amount: $11,551,156.57
  64. *** Boom ***
  65. And so it begins
  66. Starting Point $11,552,561.57
  67. Actual image of the Money Bomb (Funny!)
  68. ronpaulgraphs is down?
  69. Go Go
  70. $10,000/minute!!!!
  71. 40 k in three minutes...
  72. $11,000 per min
  73. Lay off Ronpaulgraphs.com
  74. Screenshot of the widget at 12:00 AM
  75. Got mine in at 12:01 am!!!
  76. 59K in the first 6 minutes!
  77. Sites that show live graphs
  78. Official I DONATED DEC 16TH thread
  79. Ron Paul Grassroots Central (622 Viewing), Currently Active: 1519
  80. $100,000+ in less than 10 minutes!
  81. WE did $100,000.00 in 10 minutes!!
  82. Hmm..... thunder right at midnight?
  83. $100,000 raised in 10 minutes
  84. OVER $100,000 in under 10 minutes
  85. 116K in the first 10 minutes!!
  86. can we get a huckabus vs paul money bomb graph
  87. What is the link straight to the widget?
  88. Bandwidth safe sites to monitor numbers, graphs ?
  89. Was going to wait... but anyone else want to try to hit the 12M mark?
  90. Predictions for when Donations break $12 Million?
  91. On track for $10+ MILLION today!
  92. Actual Starting Amount: $11,552,561.57
  93. Today will CHANGE THE WORLD - the Roar of the Lion is Heard
  94. There's a term for when a campaign is receiving $100,000 in 10 minutes
  95. What was the dollar amount at midnight
  96. $200,000 in 19 mins.
  97. Ron Paul VIDEOCHAT Instructions
  98. 200k = 20 min
  99. pledgeforpaul.com
  100. over $200,000 Raised in 20 min
  101. $100,000 in 10 minutes so that means maybe....
  102. Does anyone have a direct link to the widget?
  103. 200,000 in 20 minutes!!!
  104. $200K....in 20 minutes.
  105. Who is going to match or raise my $225?
  106. WE did $200,000.00 in 20 minutes!!
  107. Capped at $10,000 a minute?
  108. 23 minutes...
  109. $1 Million By 2 a.m.?
  110. Comparison to november 5
  111. Need to pick up pace for 300k in 30 min!
  112. Anyone get a screenshot of their name on the donation ticker???
  113. You guys, you BROKE the counter!
  114. OVER 220,000 donors at this rate!!!!!!!!
  115. ***post Your Teaparty Pictures Here!!!***
  116. How is our pace compared to the 5th?
  117. 10,000 per minute!!!
  118. "Amazing, Simply Amazing"
  119. Can Minors Donate ?
  120. 261K in the first 30 minutes
  121. Keep up the momentum to stun everyone tomorrow morning!
  122. at 12:30am we matched Nov 5 at 3:00am
  123. 261K in the first 30 minutes
  124. Gotta be awake at 6:30am!!!!
  125. DIGG - keep Tea Party on front page all day!
  126. WE did $300,000.00 in 38 minutes!!
  127. Nov 5 - Tea Party Comparison graphs!!!!
  128. Donate an extra $1 for me
  129. Congrats guys
  130. Tea Party at the OLFD field house in Rye, New Hampshire
  131. Compared to November 5th
  132. Lets BREW this thing!
  133. On track for 11.5 Million
  134. 12 minutes CENTRAL STANDARD TIME!
  135. 15 mins then comes Central Time!
  136. An hourly resurgence due to time zones?
  137. Actual Staring Amount v3.0
  138. For True Ron Paul Revolutionaries !
  139. 1751 members online!
  140. WE did $350,000.00 in 52 minutes!!
  141. Please donate NOW and not later in the day! We must build momentum!
  142. 88k to go for $12 million!
  143. Ron Paul graphs is down!
  144. DIGG the first 30 minutes!!!
  145. $416,667 per hour -- results in $10M for today
  146. Almost 12 Million !!
  147. I'm mellllltinggggg
  148. At 12:51 AM EST...
  149. One can't help but be excited about the tea party...
  150. $385,000 in the first hour
  151. $385,000 in the first hour
  152. $380K in first hour
  153. 380K in first hour
  154. Everyone should JUMP for joy @ $12 Mil!
  155. This is all the work of a few spammers!
  156. "Cached" graphs
  157. WE did $400,000.00 in 63 minutes!!
  158. www.paulcash.slact.net/ down
  159. 1st HR, up 250K more than Nov 5th
  160. WE did $400,000.00 in 63 minutes!!
  161. Nov 5 vs Dec 16
  162. Fast Live stream of donation data
  163. A fitting song for today
  164. New animation?
  165. DIGG: Paul Raises $380,000 in FIRST HOUR of the day!
  166. DIGG: Ron Paul raises $380,000 in FIRST HOUR of the day
  167. Um, Yeah, Um, were going to need
  168. 101 People in chat!
  169. RP2008 is not loading!
  170. Behold!! $12,000,000.00 !!!!!!!!!!!
  171. so close...
  172. 2,000 left til 12 million!!!!
  173. 11.995!!!!!!!!!
  174. Happy $12 Million Everyone. We DID IT!!!
  175. $12 Million!!!!!!!
  176. 12 Million!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  177. 4th Quarter Goal Reached!
  178. Wooo Hooo $12 Milllion
  179. $12,000,000 Done!
  180. $12 Million dollars here it is
  181. By the time I finish typing this, we will have hit $12 million
  182. Ron Paul reached 12,000,000 at 1:12 am on December 16
  183. 12,003,413.07 as of 1:12 am est.
  184. Unbelieving Father
  185. Let's beat Kerry's record
  186. RP2008 Counter didnt move to 13Million?
  187. Next goal: the first million!
  188. back up to 10k per min rate
  189. Let it be said that on 1:12am EST on December 16...
  190. Anyone else notice the military donating ;)
  191. Trend analysts, what do you think we're gonna pull for the day?
  192. By enormous luck I just donated!
  193. web site problems = go here
  194. They need a new graph soon
  195. November 5 vs. December 16 Early Comparison Graphs
  196. 3rd best day
  197. When you're donating, think about this kind of crap (see bottom)
  198. WE did $500,000.00 in 80 minutes!!
  199. $500,000!
  200. Only took 71 minutes to pass 12 million dollar goal
  201. WE did $500,000.00 in 80 minutes!!
  202. UPDATE: Link For Webcast At Fanueil Hall
  203. DIGG - Ron Paul is a $12 million man
  204. This has got to scare Hilliary Clinton
  205. It's Over 9000!!!!!!
  206. The average donation so far is $123
  207. stay off ron paul web site !!
  208. Sailed through 12 mil, now +80k over
  209. We are beating NOV5th by 4x!
  210. Best Tea for The Tea PARTY is in this YouTube Video!!! Mesmerizing!
  211. Need motivation or inspiration to donate?
  212. It took us until 7 AM on Nov. 5th to Hit 500K
  213. Omg!!! This Is Amazing!!!!!!
  214. A Very Poignant Night...
  215. Another way to advertise to lots of people fast about the Tea Party
  216. Email your friends
  217. Anyone want to set a time to donate a second time tomorrow?
  218. Donation rate 5th vs 16th
  219. Official Tea Party donation RATE thread
  220. Yeah!!!!!!
  221. Graphs--Realtime--Alternet site
  222. Can we party?
  223. Craigslist
  224. Best Tea for The Tea PARTY is in this YouTube Video!!! Mesmerizing!
  225. Listen to Ron Paul Radio!! Continuous Donation Coverage!
  226. This is NOT a money bomb anymore....
  227. Bomb The Messageboards Now!!!!
  228. Who Else Hasn't Donated, Yet?
  229. Damn! I missed my name on the screen!
  230. WE did $600,000.00 in 105 minutes!!
  231. WE did $600,000.00 in 105 minutes!!
  232. I love you guys! I'm so proud of this movement!
  233. WE did $600,000.00 in the first 105 minutes!!
  234. I love all of you
  235. Search Engine Bomb
  236. From the establishment's perspective:
  237. Teaparty07.com NEEDS an update
  238. Mountain Time Zone - Acquire Targets
  239. TeaParty in the news? Links wanted!
  240. Graph comparing the 5th to tonight!
  241. Ron Paul has Raised Over $12 Million in the 4th Quarter
  242. Tea Party '07 Prediction
  243. whoa, projection is $19.41
  244. The Promotion Is Not Over Yet!!!
  245. What major news story will the Old Media create to avoid talking about the Tea Party?
  246. Hillary Clinton just donated!!!
  247. The Thermometer is gonna pop!
  248. Hillary donated!
  249. What was the exact amount at 12:00am ET?
  250. For those who are going to donate more than once today...