View Full Version : Maine
- Peace Rally In Kennebunkport, Maine - Paul supporters should be there
- Maine paper: RP has courage, plan to turn country around
- First Presidential Straw Poll in Maine, September 28th
- Anita Andrews in Maine
- Information from 2004, please update
- 11-6 - local elections here in maine - ron paul tables set up!!!
- Join the Meetup Alliance
- Letter to the Editor - Maine Paper
- Attention RP supporters in Maine
- Maine Caucus Information - Please Read
- We need to win MAINE.
- Email This Link To Your Local Gop Chair
- No RP supporters AT EARLY VOTING -- This MUST CHANGE!!!
- Maine Party Change Deadline Today, (1/15)
- Make Sure you are Registered!
- Ron Paul coming to Maine?
- Michigan: Precinct Leaders for Ron Paul DOUBLE the Vote
- Winning Missouri
- Ron Paul office in Maine
- ***ATTENTION***Read This Now, We Know The Way To Win Super Tuesday!!!!
- Ron Paul opens office in Portland, Maine
- Dr. Paul's No Tax On Tips secret weapon: LETS USE IT!
- Ron Paul Maine Coordinator Speaks Out
- Operation Maine
- "Endorse your candidate on PolitickerME"
- Caucus Schedule
- How are we looking in Maine ?
- How the Maine caucuses work
- Independent voters could tip Maine caucus results
- Portland Republicans to caucus Feb. 2
- Get This Message Out To Your Meetup!!
- Voter registration question
- Paul headed to Maine Feb 1-3
- Paul to visit Maine Monday
- Maine Poll - Let's win Maine!
- Sunday Sermon: War of the Roses
- Ron Paul campaign "Most Active" in Maine
- Paul in Maine on Monday
- WMTW Story on RP in Maine
- Gambling911: Ron Paul Can Win Maine
- Who saw Ron Paul in Maine this today?
- Freeport - First in the State
- Hold Speech Contests to win (Jefferson County Strategy)
- 1st congressional district in Maine most powerful?
- Ron Paul hopeful about Maine
- Ron Paul Hoping For "Grand Showing" In Maine
- Post these everywhere/ Mass dissemination/ Restoring the balance
- Make your plummeting dollar more valuable
- Need to watch this asap
- ATTENTION: If your town does NOT have a caucus scheduled
- CALL4PAUL : Maine operation
- They're gathering forces
- Caucus dress attire
- Are you a candidate for delegate?
- how
- Report from Freeport Caucus
- So who is the one passing info out in Rockport?
- Dennistown Plt. Caucus Results?
- I noticed
- When exactly is the Maine caucus
- Good Luck
- Maine may be Ron Paul's best shot
- Deploy these while theres still time
- NEWS FLASH: Ron Paul May Win in Maine!
- I just got a call from Carol Paul
- Ron Paul has a shot at winning Maine caucuses
- Beware Empty Seats
- A messy eastern storm
- Join the pro-life/pro-family group
- Any update from Maine???
- What are people from Maine called?
- Maine is looking green for the Paul anniverary
- Watch out for a Hoax!
- Romney spammers target Augusta
- Never miss an opportunity...
- When do the Caucuses Close in Maine?
- When do we get the results?
- All of your Maine Questions answered in one thread
- Maine look at this Wow
- Voting today, really bad roads!
- Rough Start for Ron Paul in My Precinct
- Here come the results...
- Straw Poll = Meaningless
- Waldo County Caucus Results
- Maine Caucasus on Fox t.v.
- News from 3 minutes ago
- AP: Romney 1st, Paul 2nd @ 12:21pm EST
- York County
- Portland Maine meaningless straw poll results
- Politico link
- Maine Caucus Results
- Penobscot County results
- Interactive Maine results (Yahoo)
- Eliot, ME Caucus
- 12% Reporting: Romney 53%, Paul 21%, McCain 18%
- Local reporting from Maine on current results. 21% and trending up!
- *****time To Pray For Everything Good Left In This World*****
- The straw poll is NOT meaningless
- Ron Paul wins Aroostook county
- Hot Dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 41% Reporting, Romney 53%, McCain 22%, Paul 19%
- I just don't get something..
- How many delegates are available for R's in Maine
- Hey, at least we'll beat Novak's expectations
- Only 47% of precints reporting.
- Why Does RP do good in the States Mitt does?
- City of Portland FINALLY finished
- 57% reporting
- Thank you Ron Paul Republicans in Maine
- 64% Reporting
- Knox county results - from a local newspaper, broken down by town
- What are the large precicnts where McC got enough votes to pass Paul?
- Maine Cacuses are still on tomorrow right?
- PLS help me understand this
- politico popup map??
- Why so few votes?
- totals on cnn election center votes or delegates?
- Maine Caucus Results Here
- AP Article about Maine Sucks
- 68% in and only 900 votes?
- From what i can tell, mitt romney buys the voters
- How many campaign donors from Maine?
- What's the status? 68% reporting at 11pm
- Have the other caucuses been this late in reporting
- Message To The Republican Party
- So can I tell people we won Maine?
- Only 68% in because there are caucuses tomorrow
- Maine Still Voting On Sunday!!
- I am REALLY confused about Maine
- For Ron Paul supporters in Maine
- Prediction - the #s we observed at the caucuses will not match the official #s
- do Mainers have to show ID at the caucus?
- Drudge: Mitt wins Maine
- Maine - a successful caucus
- We aren't doing well yet.
- How do we get official results?
- Our own Maine Results--as reported by RP supporters
- This irritated me about the Maine GOP
- Military Contractor
- Official Town By Town Results Here
- Mainer!
- All The Results?
- Does Romney Really Get ALL the Delegates???
- Maine People.....
- Any word on the 12 yesterday?
- We got the 100 votes to beat McCain?
- Contact the media and demand that they retract their stories!
- McCain and Romney running national ads today on CNN
- Its Monday and still 32% results missing (why?)
- 1.2 million people and we only get < 5000 to caucus?
- Remaining Caucuses
- Ron Paul beats McCain in Maine caucus
- 2 place
- Nice job in Maine
- CNN sucks...
- Up to 74.7% Reporting
- A Few Questions
- 2nd finish in Maine
- 2ND Place in Delegates? How do we know this?
- Who knows the Romney and McCain Delegate %?
- Why no update?
- AOL and others say Ron Paul came in 3rd. Articles say Romney, McCain, then Paul. WTF
- Message From Ken Lindell
- Continuing on to Augusta...
- Confused?
- Need help!
- Message for Anyone in the greater Portland Area...
- URGENT! Call To Arms in MAINE!
- State Convention
- State Convention Videos
- Augusta, Maine: Freedom Campaign Meetup Group
- National Popular Vote Plan Bill Has Maine Hearing
- Maine members
- Obamacare Nullification Act On The Table in Maine
- Feb. 16: Maine Campaign for Liberty Monthly Meeting (Portland)
- Maine's Stand For States' Rights
- Maine, Email Your State Reps! - Support LD58 - ObamaCare Nullification!
- Maine For Ron Paul 2012 on Facebook
- Maine Legislator Introduces Nullification Resolution
- Maine Bill Would Nullify Unconstitutional Intrastate Commerce Laws
- Maine House Passes Tenth Amendment Resolution
- Maine Intrastate Commerce Act Hearing Scheduled
- Caucus Process and How to Become a Delegate
- YAL's "Campaign Bootcamp" (10/01/2011)
- Post here if you want to speak on behalf of RP in Maine
- Mainers repeal voter registration changes
- Interactive map of Maine Ron Paul supporters and events
- Maine Lawmakers Who Voted YES on NDAA - Indefinite Military Detention
- Any Grassroots Offices in Maine?
- Are we going to get the 3,000 votes needed to win Maine?
- - lots of important info about the caucuses
- Upcoming Events in Maine!
- Ron Paul to be in Maine this weekend
- WHAT issues are Important to MAINE?
- Ron Paul in Maine official schedule of events
- Maine Campaign Office Needs Yard Signs and Buttons
- We can win Maine
- This is how we win at caucus in Maine.
- Attn: Maine RPF members, post your caucus experience here
- Caucus in Unity (right by Unity College) Sunday January 29
- Ron Paul Packs them in in Maine.
- Breaking: Ron Paul does very well at Unity (Maine) caucus according to Romney staffer
- Post Maine Caucus Results Here
- So what happens if he actually wins Maine?
- Millinocket Super Caucus: Sign Wave and Handout
- Write Maine's Governor Paul LePage! (Please)
- An Update From Maine
- February 3rd caucuses
- Maine Delegate Process Question
- February 5th Caucuses
- Bangor Maine / Penobscot Caucus update
- Night Caucuses in Maine.
- Maine Caucuses February 8th-11th
- Please get to the caucus early and pass these out (self print/copy for cheap! $10 total)
- Mainers!
- Can help w/ Maine if transportation provided.
- Maine Caucus Predictions and Results Page
- Maine Caucus Speech
- SCHEDULE: Ron Paul Campaigning in Maine Saturday
- Maine Accidentally Releases Feb Caucus Results Early?
- Early results in for the city of Lewiston caucus in Androscoggin county.
- Live Rerporting of Maine Caucuses
- Campaign Press Release: "Ron Paul victory in Maine!"
- The rich communities lost it for us here in Maine.
- A question about snow in Maine. (Especially Washington county.)
- Contact the Maine State Chairman to reverse his decision & help Ron Paul Win Maine!
- The Maine Republican Party seeks to avoid a publicity victory by Ron Paul
- February 18th, Washington County Caucus Rally in Maine! GOTV 500 Voters! Let's WIN!
- Need 2 people for 2 hours (or 1 for 4) from Maine.
- Vote Fraud in Maine's Released Results
- Why no county by county results for the Maine map during the caucus? (Google)
- Maine GOP Vote Skimming Evidence
- March 5: UN Agenda 21 / ICLEI and It's Impact on Maine - An Expose' - Belfast
- March 7: UN Agenda 21 / ICLEI and It's Impact on Maine - An Expose' - Bucksport
- March 9: UN Agenda 21 / ICLEI and It's Impact on Maine - An Expose' - Ellsworth
- Maine may get primaries
- Convention
- Maine Campaign Workshop May 19-20 from the Leadership Institute
- Liberty candidates/Ron Paul supporters for Maine office
- Quick question..
- ACTION NEEDED: Governor LePage's Special Session
- Androscoggin County GOP Passes Nullification Resolution
- Offical campaign needs to be told now "No Deals on Maine delegation!"
- Maine now leads the grassroots resistance
- Ron Paul candidate: Maine House District #74 TIM LAJOIE
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