View Full Version : Arizona
- Ron Paul Banner
- Ron Paul in Phoenix 6/16
- Ron Paul R3VOLUTION sign-making party 6/26
- Ron Paul Business Cards: Join The Ron Paul Revolution!
- So has this place died off?
- Information from 2004, please update
- would like to meet up with some locals
- Now we just need a venue...
- Cochise County?
- Arizona Republican Party Bylaws
- Deadline to change registration info
- Ron Paul will be in Las Vegas on Nov 19th
- Ron Paul Phoenix Meetup Group (Get involved!)
- Phoenix - March Across America Event - Saturday, November 17
- Delegate information for Arizona
- Northern Arizona Ron Paul groups
- Arizona Registration and Delegate Information!
- Deadline for becoming a PC
- Arizona Libertarian Party Declines Having Presidential Primary
- How Close to the Primaries?
- Join the Meetup Alliance
- Tucson Ron Paul March Saturday, December 29, 2007, 11:00 AM
- Cottonwood, Arizona needs a Meetup Group
- Arizona Take Action
- who was in that plane last night?
- Capture your vote!
- Wear RP shirts / display signs at PF Chang Rock and Roll Marathon - 1/13
- Early Ballots
- Urgent! Please make a few calls for Ron Paul!
- No RP supporters AT EARLY VOTING -- This MUST CHANGE!!!
- Pledge & spread the word!
- Have RP "Info Booth" at EVERY POLLING LOCATION!!!
- FREE Event-America: Freedom To Fascism and Town Hall meeting in Sedona
- ***ATTENTION***Read This Now, We Know The Way To Win Super Tuesday!!!!
- What is Arizona doing about Real ID?
- Who voted for Ron Paul??
- McCain, Clinton Way Ahead in Arizona
- Use This Tactic Against The Opposition
- Ron Paul Sign stolen
- Unofficial: New Money Bomb date...
- Arizona State University AZ GOP Primary, Paul at 3%
- Arizona Libertarian Party Hangs on to Ballot Status
- Arizona: Have You Heard of Call4Paul? Its VERY effective!
- Get This Message Out To Your Meetup!!
- McCain leading AZ
- AZ Greensheets Classifieds FREE..
- Get the Real Estate Industry behind Ron Paul -
- ***This Weeks Mission, Precinct Leader Bomb - Ron Asked It!***Check This Out Now!***
- Post these everywhere/ Mass dissemination/ Restoring the balance
- Need to watch this asap
- AZ needs some Ron Paul TV/radio ads
- ***Awesome Message From The Campaign, How to Win the Ground War**********************
- AZ polls
- Key toWinning big on Feb. 5, This was used to win in Loiusiana
- Arizona Libertarian On-Line Presidential Primary
- Dont Forget Ron paul flyers on parking lots at superbowl!!
- Ron Paul will not win if we don't get this done.
- The morning of the election! IMPORTANT!
- Post these political cartoons
- Hopefully the weather stays bad..
- Big sign on Baseline RD needs repair
- When do the polls open?
- Voted in Arizona
- Wife wasn't allowed to vote
- 4 of us voted in Prescott
- Ugh...
- They don't know they want him
- Gosh, I'm pissed off :(
- Blitz! The Domino Effect flyer
- Constitutionalist: Devvy Kidd NEEDS YOUR help!
- A new website for AZ people
- Freedom Campaign - Phoenix Valley, AZ
- Coconino County Convention - 4/12
- Ron Paul in Phoenix - Friday, May 9th!
- Wow thanks Republic
- Phoenix Valley Freedom Campaign Meetup
- 2008 AZ Ballot Measures
- Legislature votes to opt out of Real ID!
- District 5 Arizona State Senate
- Ed is on the loose!
- Any Ron Paul candidates in District 12 & Maricopa County (Litchfield Park)
- Chris for sheriff?
- wanna be in mensa?
- dust bowl special on history TV
- AZ LP candidates
- watch the votes tabulated live
- Ron Paul would Vote NO on Prop 102...
- yeah, THAT'S not biased ~roll eyes~
- END THE FED! Phoenix info
- In search of good nogg in AZ!! :)
- Bob Schulz in Phoenix this Friday!
- a service I can offer to Phoenix metro musicians
- Flag/Constitution In Every Classroom
- 3 Bills to call your reps on...
- Mayor Dave - running in Gilbert, AZ (4409 video)
- seeking a closer tea party
- END THE FED National Rally II in Phoenix THIS SATURDAY!
- Thanx, AZ LP!
- any AZ Accordion club members here?
- If you are a Phoenix business owner...
- Contact Jeff Flake RE: Cap & Trade!
- beware of this last minute ammendment to SB1320 :O
- Sen. Jon Kyl OPPOSES S.604- Bill to Audit the Fed
- seeking AZ secessionists
- Chris Simcox for U.S. Senate (Arizona, vs. John McCain)
- Oct 8, Exposing Terrorism: The Inside Story w/ JBS CEO Art Thompson (Phoenix)
- What are your favorite Phoenix,Az blogs, left or right?
- Peace events upcoming
- My email to John McCain & Jon Kyl about the Trey Grayson fundraiser
- DO NOT SUPPORT Jesse Kelly For Congress (Arizona's 8th Congressional District)
- Meet the arizona delegation to the continental congress 2009
- 2010 "Liberty" Candidates in Arizona
- looking for a local venue to play at
- wanted: news items on AZ governor
- happy rainy day! :)
- Shadegg retiring
- Don't Tax Our Food Referral (city of Phoenix, Arizona)
- Brian Miller For U.S. House Of Representatives: Arizona's 8th Congressional District
- Support a “Constitutional Sheriff” in Larimer County (Bruning for Sheriff)
- Chris Simcox drops out, endorses JD Hayworth
- May 18, 2010: Vote NO on the state sales tax increase
- Arizona Sovereignty Movement - Freedom to Breathe Act - SCR 1050
- Request a song that tells the government to stick it- on Arizona radio stations
- Who else is running?
- Malkin: Johnny-come-lately McCain: the sickly smell of desperation
- David Nolan running for US Senate in AZ
- Legality of video-taping cops
- Questions For Jeff Smith (Republican Candidate, Arizona's 6th Congressional District)
- June 22, Stealing the American Dream: How Illegal Immigration Affects You - Mesa
- Jeff Flake supports national ID
- November 2, 2010: Vote YES on Prop 302
- Thane Eichenauer - Libertarian candidate for Arizona state treasurer - campaign video
- Liberty candidate David Fitzgerald (LD6) loses by 36 votes
- Sept. 1 Candidates for Governor Debate
- Andrea Garcia for State Senate LD 18
- Sept 27: Shame on SEIU Protest - Phoenix, AZ -- Jan Brewer
- Oct 20: Thomas Woods to speak at Grand Canyon University. Phoenix, Arizona
- Ron Paul in Arizona this weekend! Don't miss out!
- ASU State Press covers Ron Paul's recent appearance at ASU
- Jan 29, Phoenix: NullifyNow! Nullification Tour
- Brian Miller elected Chairman of Pima County Republican Party
- Peace activist Kathy Kelly recently returned from Afghanistan to appear in Phoenix Sunday
- Nullifying Commerce Clause Abuse in Arizona
- Ron Paul in Phoenix + Straw Poll
- Arizona SB1178 Moves Forward: The Intrastate Commerce Act
- Arizona Defends State Commerce Against Feds
- Upcoming tea party event/straw poll this weekend
- AZ 'Fair' Tax Bill, HB2636 -- A Case Against It
- Tom Woods Coming To NAU (Flagstaff Arizona)
- Gov. Jan Brewer, heroine to conservatives across America for her immigration fascism...
- Foreclosuregate Banksta Shenanigans in the AZ Legislature
- AZ secessionists meetup group
- Was Palin's New Home Purchase Preceded By A "Robosigned" (And Fraudulent) Title Release?
- Would you vote for Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate?
- Ron Paul 2012 Grassroots Entry In The Flagstaff July 4th Parade
- Chandler, AZ Precinct Training Saturday, September 17th
- Scottsdale, AZ Precinct Training Saturday, September 17th
- LARGE Signs will be shipped to Phoenix
- 40 Arrested at Occupy Phoenix Event
- Can independents vote in the GOP primary?
- Become a Arizona Delegate for Ron Paul? (December 31st deadline)
- Peter Schiff to speak in Scottsdale
- Arizona Lawmakers Who Voted YES on NDAA - Indefinite Military Detention
- The primary is coming up very soon, AZ-ers!
- Ron Paul 2012 Store Now Has Spanish Speaking Slim Jims !!!
- RP gets no love from Trent Franks ....
- What's the best way to get in touch with other Paul supporters in the Phoenix valley?
- AZ Libertarian Republican Jesse Kelly Enters Race To Succeed Gabrielle Gifford's seat.
- say NO to SCR 1005!
- SB 1201, Any word on this?
- GOP Debate after Party: Mesa, AZ w/special guests
- Northern Arizona University (NAU) grassroots poll
- Voter Fraud in AZ?
- Gov. Brewer Signs Bill Banning Medical Marijuana from College Campuses in Arizona
- Calling all Arizona Ron Paul Republicans to attend your District Delegate Nominations!
- State Convention THIS SATURDAY (May 12)! And become a PC!
- Rains a-rollin through teh Valley
- Hitler is informed about the Arizona Ron Paul delegate conspiracy
- Ed Vallejo AZ Convention Report
- Brewer vetoed the anti-NDAA bill (and more)
- Arizona Caucus?
- Top-two primary backers don't qualify for ballot
- Glendale CC Young Americans for Liberty possibly forming
- David Schweikert is on our side, we need to keep him in office.
- Ron Paul has endorsed David Schweikert for US Congress (R-AZ 6th)
- Strong Support for "Open" Primary in Arizona [Prop 121-Top Two]
- Flake's new anti-Carmona ad - brutal
- There they go again. Medical MJ is back in court.
- Campaign for Liberty Survey Program - Flake
- Campaign for Liberty Survey Program - Paton (CD1)
- Is Jeff Flake Too Principled on Earmarks to Win a Senate Seat?
- First Official Young Americans for Liberty @ Glendale Community College meeting
- Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Not a Fan of the Electoral College
- Prediction: Jan is going to cave on Barry's medical ins. exchange
- Come see Barry Goldwater, Jr. @ Glendale Community College
- Good News from AZ [Brewer, Med MJ]
- Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ 1) Statement in Opposition to NDAA 2013!
- Hoping for repeal, state legislator wants to put med mj back on the ballot in 2014
- Join the Phoenix Rebel Crew and Help End the Fed
- Prosecutor asks Supreme Court to mull pot law
- Matt Salmon (AZ-5) District Office Open House in Gilbert 2/9
- Rep. David Schweikert to speak at Glendale Community College Young Americans for Liberty
- HB2574: Citizens Protection From Unwarranted Surveillance Act
- HB2573: Prohibited governmental compliance; 2012 NDAA
- Please pray for me and mine, I drive highway 89
- Nearly 100 students come to see Rep. David Schweikert at GCC Young Americans for Liberty
- Brewer wouldn't rule out tax increases as part of...solution to avoid the sequester.
- Gov. Jan Brewer 'appalled' after illegal immigrants released
- Occupy Desert Ridge
- Arizona is sovereign land, House tells US and UN
- Fight It! - Common Core Heading to Arizona
- E-Qual Allows Arizonans To Sign Nominating Petitions Online
- Brewer threatens to veto every bill unless legislature passes Brewercare
- Any Phoenix/Gilbert/Mesa area meetups?
- Sedona city council regularly extorts money from developers for zoning changes
- Does your campus have a Young Americans for Liberty chapter? (Arizona)
- Rep. Paul Gosar to speak at Glendale Community College Young Americans for Liberty
- Owners of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Arizona Wary of Legalization Campaign
- Arizona Republicans Now Seek Warrantless Searches of Abortion Clinics
- AZ Republicans help save Common Core
- Celebrate Constitution Week with Glendale Community College Young Americans for Liberty!
- Congressman Matt Salmon to speak at Glendale Community College YAL
- Announcing: YAL Arizona State Convention
- GOP Lawmaker In Arizona Wants To Nullify Federal Gun Laws
- Gold and Silver Legal Tender Bill Passes Arizona State Senate Committee, 4-2
- Arizona House just passed bill to scrap Common Core
- Gov. Doug Ducey vetoes bill making gold legal tender
- Libertarian Lawyer Clint Bolick Appointed to Arizona Supreme Court
- Ducey floats prison reform discussion
- Arizona Bill to Ban Filming of Police Anywhere
- Bill targets local governments that violate state law
- Arizona has a ban on potlucks.
- Kelli Ward running against John McCain
- Arizona House Passes Bill to Take on any New Federal Gun Control
- Arizona bill would kill licensing requirements for a host of professionals, from yoga instruct
- Julie Borowski is coming to Arizona on April 28th!
- @AZ voter types-YES on 205 plz
- Muh Flag! AZ Lawmaker wants to make stealing a flag a Felony
- AZ Bill to Force Passengers to Carry ID or Become Criminals
- Arizona House Committee Passes Bill To Support Sound Money
- Tucson cosmetology student under investigation for giving free haircuts
- Arizona Wants to be Able to Seize the Assets of Protesters
- Arizona Law Prohibits Warrantless Stingray Spying
- Rally with Rand and Ward
- Maybe this is too soon to moneybomb in a BIGLY way...
- Officials in Arizona Want to Declare Porn a "Public Health Crisis"
- TomWoods interviews Best Sheriff Evaaar!
- Action: Help Nullify Unconstitutional Wars with Arizona Bill HB 2320
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