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  1. Ron Paul Banner
  2. Ron Paul in Phoenix 6/16
  3. Ron Paul R3VOLUTION sign-making party 6/26
  4. Ron Paul Business Cards: Join The Ron Paul Revolution!
  5. So has this place died off?
  6. Information from 2004, please update
  7. would like to meet up with some locals
  8. Now we just need a venue...
  9. Cochise County?
  10. Arizona Republican Party Bylaws
  11. Deadline to change registration info
  12. Ron Paul will be in Las Vegas on Nov 19th
  13. Ron Paul Phoenix Meetup Group (Get involved!)
  14. Phoenix - March Across America Event - Saturday, November 17
  15. Delegate information for Arizona
  16. Northern Arizona Ron Paul groups
  17. Arizona Registration and Delegate Information!
  18. Deadline for becoming a PC
  19. Arizona Libertarian Party Declines Having Presidential Primary
  20. How Close to the Primaries?
  21. Join the Meetup Alliance
  22. Tucson Ron Paul March Saturday, December 29, 2007, 11:00 AM
  23. Cottonwood, Arizona needs a Meetup Group
  24. Arizona Take Action
  25. who was in that plane last night?
  26. Capture your vote!
  27. Wear RP shirts / display signs at PF Chang Rock and Roll Marathon - 1/13
  28. Early Ballots
  29. Urgent! Please make a few calls for Ron Paul!
  30. No RP supporters AT EARLY VOTING -- This MUST CHANGE!!!
  31. Pledge & spread the word!
  32. Have RP "Info Booth" at EVERY POLLING LOCATION!!!
  33. FREE Event-America: Freedom To Fascism and Town Hall meeting in Sedona
  34. ***ATTENTION***Read This Now, We Know The Way To Win Super Tuesday!!!!
  35. What is Arizona doing about Real ID?
  36. Who voted for Ron Paul??
  37. McCain, Clinton Way Ahead in Arizona
  38. Use This Tactic Against The Opposition
  39. Ron Paul Sign stolen
  40. Unofficial: New Money Bomb date...
  41. Arizona State University AZ GOP Primary, Paul at 3%
  42. Arizona Libertarian Party Hangs on to Ballot Status
  43. Arizona: Have You Heard of Call4Paul? Its VERY effective!
  44. Get This Message Out To Your Meetup!!
  45. McCain leading AZ
  46. AZ Greensheets Classifieds FREE..
  47. Get the Real Estate Industry behind Ron Paul - www.RealEstateNewsletter2008.com
  48. ***This Weeks Mission, Precinct Leader Bomb - Ron Asked It!***Check This Out Now!***
  49. Post these everywhere/ Mass dissemination/ Restoring the balance
  50. Need to watch this asap
  51. AZ needs some Ron Paul TV/radio ads
  52. ***Awesome Message From The Campaign, How to Win the Ground War**********************
  53. AZ polls
  54. Key toWinning big on Feb. 5, This was used to win in Loiusiana
  55. Arizona Libertarian On-Line Presidential Primary
  56. Dont Forget Ron paul flyers on parking lots at superbowl!!
  57. Ron Paul will not win if we don't get this done.
  58. The morning of the election! IMPORTANT!
  59. Post these political cartoons
  60. Hopefully the weather stays bad..
  61. Big sign on Baseline RD needs repair
  62. When do the polls open?
  63. Voted in Arizona
  64. Wife wasn't allowed to vote
  65. 4 of us voted in Prescott
  66. Ugh...
  67. They don't know they want him
  68. Gosh, I'm pissed off :(
  69. Blitz! The Domino Effect flyer
  70. Constitutionalist: Devvy Kidd NEEDS YOUR help!
  71. A new website for AZ people
  72. Freedom Campaign - Phoenix Valley, AZ
  73. Coconino County Convention - 4/12
  74. Ron Paul in Phoenix - Friday, May 9th!
  75. Wow thanks Republic
  76. Phoenix Valley Freedom Campaign Meetup
  77. 2008 AZ Ballot Measures
  78. Legislature votes to opt out of Real ID!
  79. District 5 Arizona State Senate
  80. Ed is on the loose!
  81. Any Ron Paul candidates in District 12 & Maricopa County (Litchfield Park)
  82. Chris for sheriff?
  83. wanna be in mensa?
  84. dust bowl special on history TV
  85. AZ LP candidates
  86. watch the votes tabulated live
  87. Ron Paul would Vote NO on Prop 102...
  88. yeah, THAT'S not biased ~roll eyes~
  89. END THE FED! Phoenix info
  90. In search of good nogg in AZ!! :)
  91. Bob Schulz in Phoenix this Friday!
  92. a service I can offer to Phoenix metro musicians
  93. Flag/Constitution In Every Classroom
  94. 3 Bills to call your reps on...
  95. Mayor Dave - running in Gilbert, AZ (4409 video)
  96. seeking a closer tea party
  97. END THE FED National Rally II in Phoenix THIS SATURDAY!
  98. Thanx, AZ LP!
  99. any AZ Accordion club members here?
  100. If you are a Phoenix business owner...
  101. Contact Jeff Flake RE: Cap & Trade!
  102. beware of this last minute ammendment to SB1320 :O
  103. Sen. Jon Kyl OPPOSES S.604- Bill to Audit the Fed
  104. seeking AZ secessionists
  105. Chris Simcox for U.S. Senate (Arizona, vs. John McCain)
  106. Oct 8, Exposing Terrorism: The Inside Story w/ JBS CEO Art Thompson (Phoenix)
  107. What are your favorite Phoenix,Az blogs, left or right?
  108. Peace events upcoming
  109. My email to John McCain & Jon Kyl about the Trey Grayson fundraiser
  110. DO NOT SUPPORT Jesse Kelly For Congress (Arizona's 8th Congressional District)
  111. Meet the arizona delegation to the continental congress 2009
  112. 2010 "Liberty" Candidates in Arizona
  113. looking for a local venue to play at
  114. wanted: news items on AZ governor
  115. happy rainy day! :)
  116. Shadegg retiring
  117. Don't Tax Our Food Referral (city of Phoenix, Arizona)
  118. Brian Miller For U.S. House Of Representatives: Arizona's 8th Congressional District
  119. Support a “Constitutional Sheriff” in Larimer County (Bruning for Sheriff)
  120. Chris Simcox drops out, endorses JD Hayworth
  121. May 18, 2010: Vote NO on the state sales tax increase
  122. Arizona Sovereignty Movement - Freedom to Breathe Act - SCR 1050
  123. Request a song that tells the government to stick it- on Arizona radio stations
  124. Who else is running?
  125. Malkin: Johnny-come-lately McCain: the sickly smell of desperation
  126. David Nolan running for US Senate in AZ
  127. Legality of video-taping cops
  128. Questions For Jeff Smith (Republican Candidate, Arizona's 6th Congressional District)
  129. June 22, Stealing the American Dream: How Illegal Immigration Affects You - Mesa
  130. Jeff Flake supports national ID
  131. November 2, 2010: Vote YES on Prop 302
  132. Thane Eichenauer - Libertarian candidate for Arizona state treasurer - campaign video
  133. Liberty candidate David Fitzgerald (LD6) loses by 36 votes
  134. Sept. 1 Candidates for Governor Debate
  135. Andrea Garcia for State Senate LD 18
  136. Sept 27: Shame on SEIU Protest - Phoenix, AZ -- Jan Brewer
  137. Oct 20: Thomas Woods to speak at Grand Canyon University. Phoenix, Arizona
  138. Ron Paul in Arizona this weekend! Don't miss out!
  139. ASU State Press covers Ron Paul's recent appearance at ASU
  140. Jan 29, Phoenix: NullifyNow! Nullification Tour
  141. Brian Miller elected Chairman of Pima County Republican Party
  142. Peace activist Kathy Kelly recently returned from Afghanistan to appear in Phoenix Sunday
  143. Nullifying Commerce Clause Abuse in Arizona
  144. Ron Paul in Phoenix + Straw Poll
  145. Arizona SB1178 Moves Forward: The Intrastate Commerce Act
  146. Arizona Defends State Commerce Against Feds
  147. Upcoming tea party event/straw poll this weekend
  148. AZ 'Fair' Tax Bill, HB2636 -- A Case Against It
  149. Tom Woods Coming To NAU (Flagstaff Arizona)
  150. Gov. Jan Brewer, heroine to conservatives across America for her immigration fascism...
  151. Foreclosuregate Banksta Shenanigans in the AZ Legislature
  152. AZ secessionists meetup group
  153. Was Palin's New Home Purchase Preceded By A "Robosigned" (And Fraudulent) Title Release?
  154. Would you vote for Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate?
  155. Ron Paul 2012 Grassroots Entry In The Flagstaff July 4th Parade
  156. Chandler, AZ Precinct Training Saturday, September 17th
  157. Scottsdale, AZ Precinct Training Saturday, September 17th
  158. LARGE Signs will be shipped to Phoenix
  159. 40 Arrested at Occupy Phoenix Event
  160. Can independents vote in the GOP primary?
  162. Become a Arizona Delegate for Ron Paul? (December 31st deadline)
  163. Peter Schiff to speak in Scottsdale
  164. Arizona Lawmakers Who Voted YES on NDAA - Indefinite Military Detention
  165. The primary is coming up very soon, AZ-ers!
  166. Ron Paul 2012 Store Now Has Spanish Speaking Slim Jims !!!
  167. RP gets no love from Trent Franks ....
  168. What's the best way to get in touch with other Paul supporters in the Phoenix valley?
  169. AZ Libertarian Republican Jesse Kelly Enters Race To Succeed Gabrielle Gifford's seat.
  170. say NO to SCR 1005!
  171. SB 1201, Any word on this?
  172. GOP Debate after Party: Mesa, AZ w/special guests
  173. Northern Arizona University (NAU) grassroots poll
  174. Voter Fraud in AZ?
  175. Gov. Brewer Signs Bill Banning Medical Marijuana from College Campuses in Arizona
  176. Calling all Arizona Ron Paul Republicans to attend your District Delegate Nominations!
  177. State Convention THIS SATURDAY (May 12)! And become a PC!
  178. Rains a-rollin through teh Valley
  179. Hitler is informed about the Arizona Ron Paul delegate conspiracy
  180. Ed Vallejo AZ Convention Report
  181. Brewer vetoed the anti-NDAA bill (and more)
  182. Arizona Caucus?
  183. Top-two primary backers don't qualify for ballot
  184. Glendale CC Young Americans for Liberty possibly forming
  185. David Schweikert is on our side, we need to keep him in office.
  186. Ron Paul has endorsed David Schweikert for US Congress (R-AZ 6th)
  187. Strong Support for "Open" Primary in Arizona [Prop 121-Top Two]
  188. Flake's new anti-Carmona ad - brutal
  189. There they go again. Medical MJ is back in court.
  190. Campaign for Liberty Survey Program - Flake
  191. Campaign for Liberty Survey Program - Paton (CD1)
  192. Is Jeff Flake Too Principled on Earmarks to Win a Senate Seat?
  193. First Official Young Americans for Liberty @ Glendale Community College meeting
  194. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Not a Fan of the Electoral College
  195. Prediction: Jan is going to cave on Barry's medical ins. exchange
  196. Come see Barry Goldwater, Jr. @ Glendale Community College
  197. Good News from AZ [Brewer, Med MJ]
  198. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ 1) Statement in Opposition to NDAA 2013!
  199. Hoping for repeal, state legislator wants to put med mj back on the ballot in 2014
  200. Join the Phoenix Rebel Crew and Help End the Fed
  201. Prosecutor asks Supreme Court to mull pot law
  202. Matt Salmon (AZ-5) District Office Open House in Gilbert 2/9
  203. Rep. David Schweikert to speak at Glendale Community College Young Americans for Liberty
  204. HB2574: Citizens Protection From Unwarranted Surveillance Act
  205. HB2573: Prohibited governmental compliance; 2012 NDAA
  206. Please pray for me and mine, I drive highway 89
  207. Nearly 100 students come to see Rep. David Schweikert at GCC Young Americans for Liberty
  208. Brewer wouldn't rule out tax increases as part of...solution to avoid the sequester.
  209. Gov. Jan Brewer 'appalled' after illegal immigrants released
  210. Occupy Desert Ridge
  211. Arizona is sovereign land, House tells US and UN
  212. Fight It! - Common Core Heading to Arizona
  213. E-Qual Allows Arizonans To Sign Nominating Petitions Online
  214. Brewer threatens to veto every bill unless legislature passes Brewercare
  215. Any Phoenix/Gilbert/Mesa area meetups?
  216. Sedona city council regularly extorts money from developers for zoning changes
  217. Does your campus have a Young Americans for Liberty chapter? (Arizona)
  218. Rep. Paul Gosar to speak at Glendale Community College Young Americans for Liberty
  219. Owners of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Arizona Wary of Legalization Campaign
  220. Arizona Republicans Now Seek Warrantless Searches of Abortion Clinics
  221. AZ Republicans help save Common Core
  222. Celebrate Constitution Week with Glendale Community College Young Americans for Liberty!
  223. Congressman Matt Salmon to speak at Glendale Community College YAL
  224. Announcing: YAL Arizona State Convention
  225. GOP Lawmaker In Arizona Wants To Nullify Federal Gun Laws
  226. Gold and Silver Legal Tender Bill Passes Arizona State Senate Committee, 4-2
  227. Arizona House just passed bill to scrap Common Core
  228. Gov. Doug Ducey vetoes bill making gold legal tender
  229. Libertarian Lawyer Clint Bolick Appointed to Arizona Supreme Court
  230. Ducey floats prison reform discussion
  231. Arizona Bill to Ban Filming of Police Anywhere
  232. Bill targets local governments that violate state law
  233. Arizona has a ban on potlucks.
  234. Kelli Ward running against John McCain
  235. Arizona House Passes Bill to Take on any New Federal Gun Control
  236. Arizona bill would kill licensing requirements for a host of professionals, from yoga instruct
  237. Julie Borowski is coming to Arizona on April 28th!
  238. @AZ voter types-YES on 205 plz
  239. Muh Flag! AZ Lawmaker wants to make stealing a flag a Felony
  240. AZ Bill to Force Passengers to Carry ID or Become Criminals
  241. Arizona House Committee Passes Bill To Support Sound Money
  242. Tucson cosmetology student under investigation for giving free haircuts
  243. Arizona Wants to be Able to Seize the Assets of Protesters
  244. Arizona Law Prohibits Warrantless Stingray Spying
  245. Rally with Rand and Ward
  246. Maybe this is too soon to moneybomb in a BIGLY way...
  248. Officials in Arizona Want to Declare Porn a "Public Health Crisis"
  249. TomWoods interviews Best Sheriff Evaaar!
  250. Action: Help Nullify Unconstitutional Wars with Arizona Bill HB 2320