View Full Version : New Jersey
- Ron Paul On NJ Ballot ????
- Do we need to circulate petitions to get Ron Paul on any of the primary ballots?
- Information from 2004, please update
- Local Libertarian Banned from Debate!
- Dr. Paul in NJ?
- New Jersey Delegate Information
- NJ Delegate conference call
- Christmas Demonstration?
- Join the Meetup Alliance
- We are on the New Jersey ballot.
- Paul holds at 2% in NJ
- NJ Voter Registration...NEED HELP!!!!
- Ron Paul signs on Route 287
- On the verge of quitting.... Someone Forward to the campaign.
- No Challenges Filed to any New Jersey Presidential Petition
- Mutual Aid To New Hampshire
- Can you walk on and register and vote on Primary day if you are un-registered?
- We need to do something big here in Jersey
- The Republican R[evol]ution in New Jersey
- Big SIgn Wave, this will be fun...
- Specsaregood Please Read
- Presidential Preference Convention, Middlesex Co.
- I hope your all taking notes....
- New Jersey Primary Info From The Star Ledger
- RON PAUL endorses MURRAY SABRIN, The Ron Paul Revolution Expands to New Jersey
- Ron Paul, Murray Sabrin and the Revolution in NJ
- Help please in NJ
- Wayne GOP Meeting Featuring Murray Sabrin Speaking for Ron Paul
- New Poll, Please Vote for Murray...
- SUV with Big 2x4 RP signs on front and back of car this morning
- No RP supporters AT EARLY VOTING -- This MUST CHANGE!!!
- Sayreville, NJ Canvassing
- Pledge & spread the word!
- Who isn't canvassing because their BROKE?
- Have RP "Info Booth" at EVERY POLLING LOCATION!!!
- Big Kickoff Party Saturday 1/19
- Murray Sabrin on Channel 4 at 7pm
- ***ATTENTION***Read This Now, We Know The Way To Win Super Tuesday!!!!
- Murray Sabrin to be on www.rprradio Monday
- Ron Paul signs at the Holland, Lincoln tunnels and GWB
- Overview of what I'm doing/suggestions
- New Brunswick
- If Guliani loses FL...
- Video of Ron Paul Endorsing Murray Sabrin
- Paul fifth, 7%
- Use This Tactic Against The Opposition
- Murray Sabrin Fundraiser, 31 by 31.
- 2008 New Jersey Republican Presidential Primary
- Special Announcement to all Meet-Ups in New Jersey
- An Idea about a youtube video or local TV spot
- Good Job!
- I need supplies for Bridgewater
- New Jersey: Have you heard of Call4Paul? Its VERY effecti
- Battle for Shrewsbury NJ ( 07702 )
- Get This Message Out To Your Meetup!!
- Anybody going to this event?
- Sabrin Campaign looking for volunteers
- Impressed by campaign in NJ
- How to become a delegate in NJ?
- ***This Weeks Mission, Precinct Leader Bomb - Ron Asked It!***Check This Out Now!***
- Post these everywhere/ Mass dissemination/ Restoring the balance
- happy snaphot
- Need to watch this asap
- ***Awesome Message From The Campaign, How to Win the Ground War**********************
- NJ to NYC Commuter Assault is on!
- NJ polls
- open house @ Murray Sabrin HQ Feb 5th
- Little Silver, NJ Battle Plan - Tonight (Thursday Jan 31)
- Thank You from the Sabrin Campaign.
- BCRO Presidential Forum and Straw Poll, Murray Sabrin speaking on half of Ron Paul
- This is how We Win on Feb. 5th, It worked in Louisiana
- Some Absentee Voters Will Get New Ballots
- NJ crosstabs, second place among 18-34 year olds at 19%
- This monday!
- Saw some RP supporters near Adelphia Restaurant
- WTH: New Jersey early voters allowed to revote?
- If you have problems with people taking your signs out try this!
- Ron Paul will not win if we don't get this done.
- New Jersey Early Voters May Retract Old Ballot, Vote Again
- Paul at 3%
- The morning of the election! IMPORTANT!
- Post these political cartoons
- Latest NJ polls
- Wearing My RP Revolution Tee to School Tomorrow
- Hi -- RP Supporter looking for polling place group in Monmouth/Middlesex County
- i voted for ron paul
- Ocean County?
- You CAN vote if you're an independant SPREAD THE WORD.
- Is NJ winner take all or are delegates distributed evenly?
- NJ results page?
- Why does NJ
- 12,000 vote for RP, 40% reporting in NJ
- Was giuliani on the ballot in New Jersey?
- Jersey Not Lost Yet - It's the Delegates!!!
- People voted on already-used ballots
- No New Tolls!!!!!
- Cheap Sources for Flyers/Banners/Magnets to Support & Ideas to promote Sabrin
- Ron Paul Truck?
- What are you guys waiting for!?! Murray Sabrin needs some support!
- Question on Sabrin and English as official language
- Murray Sabrin Yard Signs?
- Looking for RP Republicans in District 6
- How to become a delegate. DEADLINE: April 7th
- New Jersey Adds Conservative Party to Voter Registration Form
- How do we "take back the GOP" in New Jersey?
- The Guy I'm running for congress against in the June primary...
- June 3rd Primary
- New Jersey Freedom Campaign Meetup
- Toms River: John Birch Society To Host Presentation (Sept 8)
- We need to come together and get RP to Jersey!
- Hey NJ! Come meet Chuck Baldwin Sep 26
- Let's get something going.
- Marlton, New Jersey: Freedom Campaign Meetup Group
- Feb 26, Toms River Event: Dollars and Sense: Saving the Dollar, Jobs & Freedom
- Anyone know about Lonegan for Gov?
- May 19, John McManus speech: America's Economic Meltdown (Riverdale)
- May 20, John McManus speech: America's Economic Meltdown (Garwood)
- Foes see tarnish on Christie's sparkling image
- Attending NJ Tea Party?
- Steve Lonegan at Rutgers 4/15/09
- Dr. Jerome Corsi To Address Spring 2009 Constitution Party National Committee Meet
- N.J. Supreme Court considers limits on gun sales
- Liberty Ride - NJ - May 24th
- Ron Paul Officially Endorses Steve Lonegan for Governor!
- Steve Lonegan for Governor
- Massively low turnout
- June 25, James Perloff to Speak in New Jersey (Runnemede) - author: Shadows of Power
- Contact Leonard Lance, Frank LoBiondo & Chris Smith RE: Cap and Trade!
- Hiking in NJ state parks
- TOWN HALL Piscataway 8/24, Red Bank 8/25
- Oct 20, Exposing Terrorism: The Inside Story w/ JBS CEO Art Thompson (Riverdale)
- Crusher Machine
- NJ Liberty Movement - Google Calendar
- Lonegan Committee to defeat Question One
- How do I run for congress
- NJ Senate Bill limits gov-reform ballot questions to once every 10 years!
- Gov. Christie and War on Drugs and corrections department
- NJGOP Logo Design Contest
- Anybody got the dilio on Anna Little- District 6?
- New Jersey 2nd Congressional District Primary
- July 12, Cranford: Stealing the American Dream: How Illegal Immigration Affects You
- July 16 Medford, NJ John McManus: Stealing the American Dream: How Illegal Immigrati
- We Need To Bring Back The Ron Paul Spirit In South Jersey!
- Christie Invokes Article V to Bring the Legislature Back
- NJN News video exposing the DRPA.
- JBS President coming on NJ, NY, PA tour July 12-16, topic: illegal immigration
- NJ Radio: Ask the Governor (Chris Christie)
- How do you like New Jersey now?
- Oct 20, Riverdale: A Closer Look at ObamaCare - Dr. Mal Mauney Speech
- Support ballot question 1: It ain't what a lot of people think it is
- Jan 26: Exposing ObamaCare - DVD Presentation - Blackwood, New Jersey
- South Jersy Ron Paul Meetup Group Reformed
- June 4, Thomas E. Woods, Jr Coming to Whippany, New Jersey
- NJ Senator talks about Ron Paul
- May 17: Stopping The New World Order, Speaker: John F. McManus - Cranford, NJ
- May 20: Stopping The New World Order, Speaker: John F. McManus - Runnemede, NJ
- May 18: Stopping The New World Order, Speaker: John F. McManus - Riverdale, NJ
- C4L Booth ( Salem County ) June 18th
- May 5, Event: Choose Freedom, Stop ObamaCare | Manchester, New Jersey
- Rutgers University Libertarians
- Grand Opening of The NJ Ron Paul Liberty HQ
- Who is ready to get the NJ Ron Paul 2012 Campaign going?
- Join the "Ron Paul NJ Liberty HQ"
- Meetup in Mt Holly, NJ - Wed 7/27/2011
- New Jersey Pub Crawl to promote "No Taxes on Tips" Legislation
- NJLHQ: 3rd GOP Debate Watching Party
- Meetup: Cherry Hill, NJ - Wed 8/3/2011
- Ron Paul Day at the Camden Riversharks (8/21)
- August / September 2011 NJ Markets
- Ron Paul Day at the Camden River Sharks Baseball Game
- Ron Paul Sign Bomb 10-10-11 South Jersey...Atlantic Co. and info about other SJ Counties
- Union (and surrounding) County RON PAUL SIGN BOMB
- Young Americans for Liberty- New Jersey
- Sept 13: Anti-UN Agenda 21 Meeting in Manahawkin, New Jersey
- Sept 14: Anti-UN Agenda 21 Meeting in Somers Point, New Jersey
- Sept 15: Anti-UN Agenda 21 Meeting in Toms River, New Jersey
- Sept 16: Anti-UN Agenda 21 Meeting in Williamstown, New Jersey
- Earned media. Courtesy of Ron Paul NJ Liberty HQ.
- Sign Meetup Tomorrow 9/8/2011 at 7 PM
- Value Voters Summit and Straw Poll (10/8/11)
- GOP Debate Viewing Party at the NJ Ron Paul Liberty HQ
- Ron Paul is coming to Trenton, NJ, Sept 26 for an Endorsement!
- Anyone in Jersey want free Ron Paul 2012 signs??
- Transportation to the V.V.S. on 10/8
- Values Voters Strawpoll - Bus transportation from Southern and Central NJ being organized!
- Oct 11 - Exposing the SPLC: A Danger to American Liberties - Cranford, New Jersey
- Oct 12 - Exposing the SPLC: A Danger to American Liberties - Williamstown, New Jersey
- Oct 13 - Exposing the SPLC: A Danger to American Liberties - Riverdale, New Jersey
- Middlesex County NJ Sign Bomb!!!!!
- Available for use - Ron Paul Revolution Stencil and other banner making materials
- Anyone get video or photo of billboard heading into the Lincoln Tunnel? BlackTHISout!
- South Jerseyans: Watch 'Lou Dobbs Tonight' on 10/19
- South/Central NJ Realtor for Liberty (Donating Proceeds)
- Petition to get Ron Paul at Hofstra University (NY)
- Ron Paul Food Drive: Collecting Donations (Central NJ)
- Saw first RP sign on rt 78 W, Around Exit 40
- Anyone get a super brochure yet?
- $7 million Big Brother fence along Garden State Parkway puzzle motorists
- helping PA Ron Paul delegates
- Early Voting in NJ
- New Jersey last state for primary-If candidate has needed delegates why vote?
- New Jersey Voter Info (Mods Please Sticky in the NJ subforum)
- Burlington/Camden County Ron Paul Meetup - Monday, 2/13/2012 @ 6:30pm
- NJ Residents - Registered Republican - WE NEED YOU!
- New Email from NJ GOP -- Delegates vs. Honorary Delegate?
- Choose Freedom, Stop Agenda 21: Victory in Ocean County, New Jersey
- New Jersey Republican State Committee Delegate Selection Procedures
- Help Stop Agenda 21 Moorestown
- People from Congressional District 10! Important
- Independance Hall Ron Paul 2012
- Sign Bomb and Sign Waving Day!
- Anyone need my help?
- New Jersey - Don't Forget County Committee Voting
- I'm on the ballot!
- The Senate Nominee
- Trenton Area Activist Training Saturday, June 23rd
- Highstown, NJ Activist Training Saturday, June 23rd
- NJ: Contact your assemblyman to support the craft beer bill: A-1277
- Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) to host town halls July 17th and 21th
- I'm attending a tea party event in southern NJ on Aug. 7th
- Students For Liberty Conference NYC
- Rowan University Liberty club
- John Stossel at Hofstra University
- Students For Liberty Conference Philly on 11/10/12
- East Coast Bitcoin Summit - Philadelphia 12/15/12
- February 8th - New Jersey Pro 2nd Amendment Rally - State Capital
- Menendez Sex Scandal: Email NJ Editors !!!
- Leonard Lance (NJ-7) Town Hall in Phillipsburg 2/19
- Liberty Candidates Needed in NJ!
- Agenda 21: How Will it Affect You? - North Brunswick, NJ - April 18, 2013
- The United Nations: Why It's Time to Get Us Out - Runnemede, NJ - April 24, 2013
- The United Nations: Why It's Time to Get Us Out - Riverdale, NJ - April 25, 2013
- The United Nations: Why It's Time to Get Us Out - East Brunswick, NJ - April 29, 2013
- (CODE RED ALERT) 4/30/13 Senate Hearing On Anti-Gun Bills
- Open mike reveals N.J. senators’ contempt for gun owners, confiscation goal
- May 28: Money and the Federal Reserve Movie Viewing - Manchester, New Jersey
- NJLP Open Government Project -- REPORT SUSPICIOUS police/govt behavior
- Dr. Alieta Eck (NJ) for US Senate
- Lonegan wins primary, Dr Eck to join campaign as Health-care Advisor
- Looking to meet up with other folks in the area
- Sept. 26: Who's Controlling American Policy? Meeting - Runnemede, NJ
- Vote Lonegan
- New Jersey - Minimum Wage Increase on November 5 Ballot
- Has anybody ever demanded a jury trial to fight a traffic ticket?
- Feb. 11 - Article V Convention Forum - Pro vs. Con - Whippany, New Jersey
- Brian Goldberg for US Senate
- 1st Amendment TV - NEW New Jersey Conservative Program
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