View Full Version : California
- Primary in California
- Important - California Voter Registration
- California Republican Party State Convention
- Welcome to the San Francisco Ron Paul bulletin board
- About the primaries, elections
- North Bay - Napa & Solano Counties
- Paint the Town Ron Meetups
- Ron Paul not on California ballot
- Contra Costa Ron Paul 2008 Meetup Group
- Urgent! Contact CA Sec. of State to add Ron Paul to the ballot...
- California is Winner Take All by District
- Information from 2004, please update
- Stanford vs Washington Support RP Event
- Ron Paul MySpace support
- Tom McClintock sells out
- Ron Paul will be in Las Vegas on Nov 19th
- California WINNER TAKE ALL or NOT?
- How can I verify my new registration
- December 16th: San Francisco Tea Party
- Basic information on becomming a delegate in California
- California Delegate Selection Process
- Berkeley Rally 11/30
- Should Californians help Nevada?
- San Francisco can donate copies
- Paul at 4%
- Deadline to register to vote in primaries
- Elias: Only Paul puts primary rules to good use
- A letter writing campaign?
- Los Angeles
- Join the Meetup Alliance
- Santa Monica Tea Party Lets Do it here on the Westside
- Registered Voter Lists
- Paul at 3%
- Alturas, California needs a Meetup Group
- Fort Bragg, California needs a Meetup Group
- Delegate count???
- Getting RP some support in washington
- The State voting machine issue that went to Sacramento
- Ron Paul Campaign Hires California State Coordinator
- How to vote in the primary once registered...
- California GOP Registration by Jan 21st!! (instructions)
- Michigan needs a little help. ASAP
- New California Registration Data
- Prolife? Help reach 20,000+ people on January 19th
- Prolife? Help reach 20,000+ people on January 19th
- I go to college in one county but am registered in another.
- California HQ added to the official website
- Looking for Sacramento/Chico area supporters.
- I'll be in Texas during the CA primary
- Las Vegas Paul-A-Palooza Concert, March and Canvass -- Jan. 12-13
- New list of Registered Republicans?
- 'Independents' Can Vote for Democrats but Not Republicans in California Primary
- Don't tax me bro
- Calofornia delegates??
- Californians voting NOW
- California Polls
- Radio Ad
- I registered Republican in Los Angeles County and got a Democratic ballot!
- Have CA voters gotten any of these mailers?
- How do I know if I registered correctly?
- Donations Requested: Ron Paul Ads in the East San Francisco Bay
- An Ron Paul supporters from the Imperial Valley?
- Newspaper ads from Meetup groups
- Looking for any Ron Paul supporters in Solano County, CA
- Whittier-No Signs, No Action
- (DOWNLOAD) My Canvassing DVD, make some and give them out!
- When's Ron comin to LA?
- - Let's get California covered!
- No RP supporters AT EARLY VOTING -- This MUST CHANGE!!!
- Iraq Vet letter for California canvassing
- Pledge & Spread the word!
- Does Hollywood Support Dr. Paul?
- Have RP "Info Booth" at EVERY POLLING LOCATION!!!
- SEND KFI AM 640 a nice E-mail
- Second East San Francisco Bay ad hits the presses!
- Reminder to Register Republican Before January 22nd
- Just Curious About What Happened to the Missing Memory Cards
- ***ATTENTION***Read This Now, We Know The Way To Win Super Tuesday!!!!
- $1378 pledged by noon Monday pacific will get this well received ad to 76,000 in CA
- Ron Paul sure to win California!
- Ron Paul to attend San Diego Event -
- Winning 27/53 districts in california - here's how
- My canvassing experience and advice going forward...
- Anyone happen to know distance limits at Calif. polling places for handing out RP inf
- Propositions for California
- SD County registrar of voters was swamped!
- EMC Republican California Primary
- Jan 30 Pres Debate at Reagan Library!
- Poll: McCain Is Tied with ‘Undecided’ for Lead in California GOP Primary
- SurveyUSA San Francisco Bay Area GOP Primary, Paul 6th at 7%
- Use This Tactic Against The Opposition
- Diebold dies in CA!!! Hope returns for Ron.
- 2008 California Republican Presidential Primary
- Christians for Ron Paul in L.A.
- Meetup Groups - Get Your Own Ron Paul Blimp!
- No Commercials For California?
- Please ask McClintock to endorse Dr. Paul
- Get This Message Out To Your Meetup!!
- California State Senator Tom McClintock leans to Ron Paul
- - email to all Realtors and Loan Agents!!!
- Medical Marijuana Supporters need to be contacted
- Lake Elsinore Rally Tomorrow
- California winner takes all ?
- Any housing available for out of state volunteers?
- Registration runaround in California
- Let's get to Local Papers in Cali!!!
- Paul's support doubles to 7%
- *If* we get the Real Estate Industry behind us we'll win
- ***This Weeks Mission, Precinct Leader Bomb - Ron Asked It!***Check This Out Now!***
- Post these everywhere/ Mass dissemination/ Restoring the balance
- Cross tab info
- Will I be able to vote?
- Need to watch this asap
- What do delegates do on the 5th?
- California newspaper ads
- Is is too late for me to help?
- Schwarzenegger Endorses McCain
- For those in the Irvine final push at UCI
- ***Awesome Message From The Campaign, How to Win the Ground War**********************
- CA polls
- Ron Paul Rally | San Diego Balboa Park | Feb 2nd
- california tv ads
- Change Polling Place?
- This is how We Win on Feb. 5th, It worked in Louisiana
- Any Long Beach, CA Precinct Leaders?
- Worried I may not get to vote...
- Thank you Diamond Bar, I feel like throwing up.
- Moving to El Segundo
- Ron Paul 10% in CA
- Ron Paul will not win if we don't get this done.
- New California Registration Data
- Romney now leading in Cali
- Can Everyone Just Stop Surfing The Net For A Day???
- CA Election Results Map and SoS link
- The morning of the election! IMPORTANT!
- CALL 4 PAUL needs Volunteers!!
- Post these political cartoons
- Email Rick Dees please
- How do I find my local polling place?
- Latest Cali polls
- Brother in San Fran reports call from Dr. Paul
- primary question
- I killed 3 signs today..
- Story on NPR about California and paper ballots
- What Do You Think? Parking Ron Mobile Near Polling Area?
- **Last minute update for Californians** [Mod: Info is unverified. Please use CAUTION]
- How are we with Deligates in Cali?
- Election 2008/Ron Paul Coverage in Bakersfield, CA
- CA Voter Sound off!
- Voter info thread has correct info
- URGENT. KNX Los Angeles radio is blanketing the airwaves with McCain's lies ! :(
- I'm voting for Ron Paul today.
- How did you vote on the California Propositions?
- Is this the best we can do? My vote better count!!!
- Post Your County's Primary Summary Page
- Important message from HQ
- California Love
- lmfao... wow
- anyone voting in Berkeley, CA???
- CA vote accountabliity NOT POSSIBLE.
- Lots of Absentee Republicans got NP ballots?
- 1% reporting in CA, Giuliani 9%
- We all better unite tonight as
- Anyone know how to access precinct data?
- This is just terrible.
- Exit Polls show Ignorance over War
- Good news in San Mateo?
- wtf is going on here?!
- Is Giuliani getting votes?
- What did Ron Paul do with the money we donated?
- Provisional ballots
- ** Report Ballot Box Receipts **
- My Precinct Results in So Cal
- California Results by Congressional District
- W T F ??? Giuliani?????????
- F U Schwarzenegger!!
- CA result Giuliani 4th Ron 5th
- So Cal Votes not counted
- Paper or Electronic: How you voted could
- Video proof of California Election fraud???
- California Primaries Rigged????
- Poll: Did You Vote Absentee?
- Major California voting shenanigans?
- Blitz! The Domino Effect flyer
- What happens to Romneys delegates?
- 94,000 "Decline-to-State" votes in Los Angeles County are being rejected.
- Does Romney leaving help us?
- Chip In for a Cali Recount?
- I think the tally's just changed.
- Anyone in the 11th Congressional District willing to run for Congress?
- 800 thousand votes not counted yet
- Orange County final results
- Few US House Candidates in California in 2008, Compared to 2006
- Youth Leadership School in LA
- Bill Johnson dubious past + RP's endorsement
- RP San Diego Book Signing
- California Statewide Election June - Who are you voting for?
- I am a candidate for State Assembly in 2010
- California Freedom Campaign Meetup
- Bakersfield, California - 93 interested in starting a Meetup Group
- American Independent Party disaffiliates with the CP
- Huge Campaign For Liberty Rally At Obama/McCain Debate
- Chuck Baldwin to speak in Garden Grove
- Referendum!!!!!!!!!!
- Greet Sarah Palin in Costa Mesa
- Chuck Baldwin not on my sample ballot
- The Props in Nov. How are you voting?
- Ron paul: Write-in candidate in california
- How are you voting? Props 1-6
- How are you voting? Props 7-12
- In California, how did you vote for President?
- Question for LA county voters?
- Election Results - California Secretary of State
- San Francisco End the Fed Rally (t-shirts)
- Fresno, Ca Ron Paul Supporters? Any In Here?
- Dirty CA dems attempt to fix economy
- A long-term solution to california's budget mess
- Contact Rep. John Campbell re: HR 1207
- June 24, John McManus speech: America's Economic Meltdown (Sacramento)
- What Ever Happened to AB 390
- June 25, John McManus speech: America's Economic Meltdown (Hollywood)
- July 4, Tea Party with G. Edward Griffin, Conejo Community Park, Thousand Oaks
- Contact Mary Bono Mack RE: Cap and Trade!
- Sacramento, California: JBS Freedom Campaign Meetup Group
- California Senate Race - Who will run against Carly Fiorina?!
- California events upcoming (some peace focused)
- Chelene Nightingale For Governor of CA News and Information Special Report
- Contact Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA) and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for support on HR 1207
- West Coast Movie Premiere of FOR LIBERTY in Newport Beach, CA
- a new Libertarian candidate enters California politics?
- Dale Ogden for CA Governor!
- [VIDEO] ~ CCPOA To Governor: Go Make 'Terminator 16'
- For those considering moving OUT of California
- California Campaign for Liberty; Freedom Conference in Los Angeles County
- Senator Feinstein Statement on Reconfirmation of Ben Bernanke
- Boxer Statement on the Nomination of Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
- List of CA 2010 Liberty candidates
- [VIDEO] Calif. National Guard General Sworn In
- LA Times - Chuck DeVore faces steep climb for California Senate seat
- California Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2010)
- Marriage Equality ~ Repeal of Proposition 8
- Don't bother voting for this guy. Probably work against him would be the way to go
- March 6th in Buena Park, C4L sign waving across from neo-con endorsement party
- I'm new to the Bay Area - how can I get involved?
- Los Angeles, CA 42nd Assembly District FREEDOM SLATE for GOP Central Committee
- Obamacare Nullification
- Rome wasn't built in a day...The Regulate, Control, and Tax Cannibus Act of 2010
- May 15th Super Walk and Rally for John Dennis!
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