View Full Version : Obamacare
Pages :
- Obama's new health care plan
- California to impliment 15 billion dollar universal healthcare plan
- Romney's Universal Healthcare in MA about to start penalizing...
- i didn't realize that "healthcare voters" were a SCIU scam
- Would Universal Healthcare make you leave the US?
- Feb Featured Discussion: Healthcare
- Democratic healthcare pipe dreams
- Help me with health care ideas PLEASE
- Questions about Ron Paul's healthcare plan
- Tom Daschle's plan for a Federal Reserve Board for Healthcare (Obama LOVES it)
- Why McCain has the best health-care plan
- What is wrong with how our healthcare works now?
- JBS: McCain Health Care Plan Would Include Federal Money
- Healthcare: "Rights versus Wishes" - Walter Williams
- I think Socialized healthcare will...
- Need help on universal healthcare
- Doctors Against Nanny-State Universal Healthcare
- Universal healthcare and the waistline police
- Covert Rationing Blog - Strategies For the Battle Over Universal Healthcare
- I hate to say it, but im hoping for free health care
- Hidden Health Care Bureaucracy in Stimulus Bill
- Rationed Health Care in Stimulus Bill
- Obama Stimulus/Health Plan will kill you/Fight it now.
- They Snuck Universal Health Care Legislation Into the Stimulus.
- Libertarians on health care for children?
- Baxter Healthcare admits flu vaccine contaminated with live bird flu virus.
- Health, I'm torn.
- Fast-Tracking of Socialized Healthcare
- Government-Run Health Care Commercial [Fact-Check]
- American Indian Universal Healthcare Is Killing People
- Ad for Obama's Healthcare Plan
- Kucinich slams Obama: Healthcare savings 'unconscionable rip-off'
- Canadians talk to Americans about health care
- Ron Paul: Fight Government Encroachment into Healthcare! 6/1/09
- "Single Payer Healthcare" I keep hearing this mentioned as a good solution?
- U.S. healthcare revamp to require medical coverage
- Article: Guess Who Paved the Road to Socialized Medicine
- Democrats want to tax your health care benefits
- Health care letter to the editor (critique?)
- National Healthcare Access Question
- Rep. Rangel: $600 BILLION of TAX INCREASES for Healthcare in Bill released today
- Ladies4Liberty discuss TARP, KBR, Chrysler, Healthcare
- Need some help in Digg thread RE: Universal healthcare
- What Battlestar Galactica Taught Me About Healthcare "Reform"
- Get Stossel In ABC's Healthcare "Debate"
- Healthcare Reform Details Emerge
- Why the Federal Government MUST step in and deal with healthcare.
- Coca Cola CEO supports universal healthcare, just not soft drink tax
- Moral Health Care vs. Universal Healthcare (Please Read)
- George Will Admits Public Option Healthcare will cut costs
- NY Times lies: 72% Support for Obama's Health Care Plan Stacked w/ Obama Supporters
- Obama Pushes Socialist Healthcare Plan on ABC
- NPR wants help identifying health reform lobbyist
- Obama’s Emerging Legacy: Wars, Bankers and For-Profit Healthcare
- Canadian health care
- Obama Medical Streamlining and the Microchip
- Walmart Endorses Obama Health Plan
- Crying Woman At Obama Healthcare Rally
- Dr. Mary Ruwart's Plan To Reduce Healthcare Costs 80% (Without spending $2Trillion)
- Yahoo! Finance: Senate bill fines people refusing health coverage
- Health care is a Right, how to handle these people?
- Health care from a liberty standpoint
- Government Coercion will fix health care...
- Congressmen Who Vote for Gov't-Run Health Care Agency Should Be 1st Customers
- Conservative Democrats break ranks on health care
- House Democrats Plan to Tax the Wealthy to Pay for Health Care Reform
- The Massachusetts health care mess.
- CBO Report on Health Care
- 56% think people should be locked in jail if they don't buy health insurance
- Washington Post setting up secret dinners with politicians, media, health care execs
- Republicans Published This Graphic of Democrat Run Health care
- Health care bill to hit millionaires with 5.4 pct surtax
- Democratic Healthcare visualized
- Obama's healthcare plan question?
- Schultz: Make Rich Guys Like Cheney Pay For Our Health Care
- Massachusetts Residents Sue State Over Universal Healthcare Costs
- The Ron Paul Interview: Health Care is Not a Right
- C4L: An Open Letter to Dennis Kucinich on Universal Healthcare
- Health Care - Bye bye private insurance
- Mises: Why ObamaCare Can't Work - the Calculation Argument
- Arguing with a democrat over universal health care
- 'Media Matters' Upset about healthcare flowchart, yet doesn't disprove its content
- The Cause of My Life: Inside the Fight for Universal Healthcare (Ted Kennedy)
- Schiff - Health Care Bill: Prescription for Disaster
- Governors Join Republicans in Concerns on Obamacare Health Bill
- Massachusetts Pushes Rationing to Control Universal Healthcare Costs
- NYT mag - Why health care must be rationed.
- Obamacare Imperils Caucasian Seniors
- Dr. Ron Paul: Healthcare Is Not A Right! (Henry Blodget)
- Republican National Committee Chair Calls Obama Plan Socialism
- 7/20/09 Ron Paul: Healthcare is a Good, Not a Right
- Inside the healthcare bill H.R. 3200
- Is There a Libertarian Health Care Plan on the Table in Congress?
- Inside the communist "health care" bill
- Obama's Deceptive Government Takeover of Healthcare
- Obamacare for Illegal Aliens
- Pro-Market solution to Health Care?
- GOP leadership: Healthcare plan "Too much, too fast, too soon."
- Dennis Kucinich and Healthcare
- libertarian to the bone...except with health care...
- SIX Things to Do in SIX days to Defeat ObamaCare
- Heres whats in that health bill...........
- Dodd Doesn't Know If ACORN Could Receive Money Earmarked in Health Care Bill
- Racial Preferences in the Democrats' Health Care Bill
- Obama's Opinion of American Health Care (Cartoon Version)
- H. R. 3200 text house bill for national healthcare.
- Olame's Health Care? He and Senate enrolling in it?
- What Obama Doesn't Know About Healthcare Can Hurt Us
- Perry raises possibility of state's rights showdown re: healthcare
- Flashback: Sarah Palin says bailout = tax cuts, jobs, trade, healthcare
- Illegal Immigrants will get the FREE healthcare w/o all the citizens.
- Obama finally speaks the truth about his health care plan
- Obama Just Lost Healtcare Reform. Thanks Officer Crowley
- How Would Universal Healthcare Affect Audiologists?
- Obama's Healthcare Reform Biased Against Seniors
- CNN Money: 5 freedoms you'd lose in health care reform
- Horrors in the Obama Healthcare bill - you gotta see this
- ACORN protected by Police...Cops remove people in disagreement of Obamacare..vid
- Dems alone can't deliver Obama health care win
- Conyers Sees No Point in Members Reading 1,000-Page Health Care Bill
- President Obama’s Longtime Physician Opposes White House Health Plan, Advocates...
- Debunking Canadian health care myths
- Socialized Healthcare vs. The Laws of Economics by Thomas J. DiLorenzo
- Dallas Tea Partiers Surprise Members at Health Care Rally
- Obama Aides propose tax on cosmetic procedures to help fund healthcare
- Congresswoman Bachman: Quotes Obama's Medical Advisors
- Obama - 14,000 ppl a day losing insurance...
- Rep. Kratovil (D) hung in effigy by Obama-care protester
- Obama’s Orwellian Healthcare Reform
- Health Rations and You
- House Democrats clinch healthcare deal
- Key GOP Senators Say Health Care Deal Out Of Reach Until After Recess
- Reject Health Care Cooperatives -- Trojan Horse for the Public Option
- Blue Dog Democrats Strike Deal on Health Care
- Health Care Reform: Why We Lose.
- Congresswoman Bachmann - No Health care for the disabled July 27, 2009
- Obamacare: Abortion Measure Passes, Then Fails, in House
- Obama's Doctor Pessimistic on Obama's Health Care Reform
- Obamacare Could Kill AARP
- Cash For Clunkers: The Canary in the Coal Mine For Government Socialist Health "Care"
- John Stossel Healthcare Segment TONIGHT 7/31/09
- Obamacare Out Of Committee : Here It Comes
- Obamacare
- House panel OKs sweeping health care bill
- The Myth of Free-Market Health Care in America
- Derivative Speculation has Bankrupted Private Health Care.
- Myth of 46 million uninsured
- Hurry up and die - you don't meet our social agenda!
- Obama et al Admit Health Care Is Trojan Horse
- Party Chairman Obama Promises to Destroy Private Insurance Industry (Video)
- Illegal Immigrants Account for $10.7 Billion of Nation’s Health Care Costs, Data Show
- *DIGG*Ron Paul: Healthcare Plan Based on Economic Fantasy 8/3/09
- Short Film DESTROYS argument for Single Payer (Communist) Health Care
- PROPAGANDA: White House Communications Director for Healthcare Takes on Drudge Report
- Obama Claims "Historic Step" on Health Reform
- Whitehouse wanting public informants?
- Town hall meetings as showdowns!
- State Mandates for Health Insurance: I'm Paying For WHAT?!
- Health Insurance Lobby Speaks Out
- Dems targeting GOP critters on healthcare
- Obama states: "The stars are aligned..." to pass healthcare plan
- Healthcare Scheme Question
- Should Gov healthcare fund abortions?
- Abortion and Public Health Insurance
- Obama’s Healthcare Prescription
- Ark. crowd mocks lawmakers over Obama health plan
- Why is it a problem for opposition to Obamacare to organize?
- AARP Town Hall Meeting on Health Care
- Beck: Rationed health care? Obama health advisers say 'yes' (youtube)
- Pelosi: Protests Won't Derail Health Care Overhaul
- Violence at Tampa Health care Townhall!
- Healthcare Protest Arrests In St Louis
- Ron Paul’s Straight Talk on Health Reform
- Glenn is talking about the beating at the town hall
- Obama Appoints Top Donor To Key Health Post
- Socialized Medicine - Americans are at a fork in the road
- European Parliament Member Daniel Hannan speaks on England's social healthcare (Beck)
- Concerning Health Care Bill
- Cornyn: Public anger on healthcare a good opportunity for GOP
- Obamas "Health Care" logo looks a lot like the Nazi logo
- Town hall meetings / health care on C-SPAN now
- Amazing media coverage
- Charlotte Iserbyt on Healthcare Plan (good read!)
- Healthcare Freedom Act
- Health care reform investigation (2 Videos)
- Drug Companies Spending $150 million in Support of ObamaCare
- Obama health care plan will cover illegal immigrants
- Big Pharma Spending Millions To Push Obamacare
- Video: Congressman Kevin Brady Explains the Obama Health Care Bill-digg
- Healthcare Debate Turmoil
- USA Today Poll
- Pharma to run ads favoring ObamaCare
- Rasmussen: On Health Care, 51% Fear Government More Than Insurance Companies
- Pelosi Calls Health Care Critics "UnAmerican"
- The bill [h.r. 3200]
- You don't know jack about health care!
- Protests Continue at Town Meetings Devoted to Healthcare
- Obama health plans revive tea parties
- Huckabee blames Democratic allies for town hall tensions
- Medicare/Medicaid and Obamacare
- ObamaCare Shocker: Send in the Social Workers
- Glenn Beck radio covering TH from outside
- Obama Healthcare "Town Hall" a Sham
- Obama's Healthcare "Snitch Line"
- Ron Paul on National Health Care
- Ron Paul on Larry King 8/18 - healthcare
- Obama lied again in his TH meeting today
- So... What's the solution to the insane prices of private health care?
- Sen. Specter Shouted Down Over Health Care
- Obamacare: Similar to the USPS?
- The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare
- Health reform vid
- White House crackdown on dissent means honeymoon is over
- 64% of Facebook users oppose Obama's health care plan
- My impressions of Obamacare
- Some details you should know about the healthcare plan
- AARP Corrects Obama: It Has Not Endorsed Health Care Reform Package
- RNC Handout on Healthcare (what are your thoughts?)
- So what is Republican party's problem with Obama's massive healthcare program?
- Obamacare supporter admittedly doesn't care about the Constitution
- Are you outside of the US? Do you like your National Health Care?
- Ron Paul on CNN 8/11/09 on Healthcare - "Cut spending and bring the troops home"
- Have Obamacare supports thought about this?
- New jersey - frank pallone town hall august 25
- ObamaCare Shocker: They Really Do Want to Croak Granny
- Obamacare Sets Up a Health Dictatorship
- Your thoughts on this health care article?
- Lists of Health Care Regulations
- How Long Would You Wait For Free Health Care?
- Health Care: Democracy is the PROBLEM!
- Reagan predicted Obamacare....
- A Four-Step Healthcare Solution
- Doctors Ron Paul & Rand Paul On Health Care Reform
- My Letter Opposing Obamacare I Sent to my Rep and Senators...
- Another free market view
- Obama Loves Big Pharma
- Politicians dismiss health dissidents at their peril
- Pelosi praised the 'disruptors' back in '06
- Conrad Says He'll Vote Against Public Option
- Support Whole Foods and Free Speech
- Obama: 'I'd rather have universal healthcare than a 2nd term'
- My video of the Raleigh NC Kay Hagan ObamaCare Tea Party
- Obama's case for Healthcare
- The one health care article that covers everything
- Dick Armey (Freedomworks) Quits Lobbying Job Over Obamacare
- AEI dude talks about health reform, mentions federal regulation on insurance
- creepy talking about healthcare Obama Joker poster
- Gallop poll - anti-health care side gaining steam
- Churches being used as propaganda devices for Obamacare
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