View Full Version : Walk4Freedom

  1. Ron Paul Will Lead Freedom Walk '08: Green Bay to Minneapolis-St. Paul
  2. Freedom Walk: Green Bay to Minneapolis/St. Paul to Convention?
  3. Freedom Walk Teleconference tonight
  4. Ron Paul Will Lead Freedom Walk '08: Green Bay to Minneapolis-St. Paul
  5. Great American Walk for Freedom Conference Call: Monday night
  6. TONIGHT: Great American Walk for Freedom Teleconference
  7. Walk for Freedom update
  8. Great American Walk for Freedom teleconference
  9. We’ve Talked the Talk….Now, Let’s Walk the Walk
  10. Hand-outs for our walk
  11. Walk for Freedom Social Networks
  12. Getting Attacked Already
  13. Coming in late into the discussion
  14. Green Bay Schedule and more...
  15. Draft "TownHall" presentation
  16. 7/27 update
  17. 81 year old WWII/Korea Vet to do Outreach to VFW and American Legion
  18. Traditional Fundraising (offer value1)
  19. Already made the radio
  20. r3VOLution funding group - walk4freedom patriots list
  21. 8/9/08 Update
  22. Fundraising incentives
  23. Road Vids
  24. Green Bay Press Gazette Article
  25. Walk for Freedom - MN Schedule
  26. Connecticut is the best state ever!
  27. Wausau Daily Herald article
  28. Mon. Aug. 18th Update
  29. Some "raw" Walk for Freedom Videos from August 31st
  30. Mahalo Nui Loa...
  31. Bill of Rights Research Sign up
  32. Rt 1 - Eastern Seaboard Research Sign-Up